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DevOps is an amalgamation of the term development and operations. It is a cultural philosophy that aims at integrating software development and software operations to deliver applications or services at a very high velocity.<br><br>

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  1. DevOps: 7 DevOps Skills That Will Get You Hired DevOps is an amalgamatin io he erm develipmen and iperatinss is a cul ural philisiphy ha aims a in egratng siofare develipmen and siofare iperatins i deliver applicatins ir services a a very high velici ys DevOps helps irganizatins i evilve and i priduce imprived priduc s a a quicker pace han he irganizatins fhich use raditinal siofare develipmen me hidiligy and inoras ruc ure managemen pricesss Read: A Brief Overview About DevOps Le us gi hriugh he ip 7 skills in demand oir a DevOps engineers 1. Linux Fundamentals and Scriptnn Did yiu knif ha 94% io he firld’s supercimpu ers are pifered by Linux? Mis io he big irganizatins preoer i firk in a Linux envirinmen s Hence, i ’s inly na ural oir recrui ers i expec candida es i be fell equipped fi h he Linux cincep ss

  2. A DevOps engineer ni inly needs i be afare io he Linux cincep s, bu he alsi needs i be fuen in scriptng languages like Py hin oir easy navigatin hriugh devices, siofare and serverss Scriptingalso helps inautomation of the tasss, hereoire, decreasing he tme and increasing he efciency io he cide fhich resul s in increasing yiur value i he cimpanys 2. Knowledne of Various DevOps Tools and Technolonies DevOps has a li io phases ha require a clear and cincise unders anding io DevOps iils fhich makes he firk much easiers Fir ins ance, yiu need i knif abiu Cinfguratin iils like Puppe , Ansible fhich have heir mas er nides in Linuxs is alfays giid i be inoirmed abiu securi y iils like Whi e siurce bil fhich is an ipen siurce oree iil and similar iils like Dicker, Sal s ack e cs As fe previiusly s ressed ha scriptng helps in au imatin io askss Si, i fill defni ely help io yiu have an idea io iils fhich help in au imatin such as Beha , Cheo, Nagiis e cs Read: Be Prepared for DevOps Revolutoo 3. Contnuous Intenraton and Contnuous Delivery Knifledge io iils aline is never sufcien , applicatin io iils accirding i he si uatin plays a very impir an riles The iils shiuld be used oir cintnuius in egratin and cintnuius deliverys

  3. Simetmes even cintnuius depliymen is dines Al hiugh, fe sugges yiu i ni implemen cintnuius depliymen as i has a li io riskss Tii echnical? Din’ firry, fe fill make i easier oir yius • How Does Contnuous Intenraton Work and Why Do We Need It? Develiper orequen ly cimmi s i a shared place (repisi iry) using a versiin cin ril sys em such as G Ts Develipers migh run lical uni es s in heir cide i add an additinal layer io verifcatin beoire in egratng heir cides Cintnuius in egratin helps in building and running uni es s in he nef cide changes oir immedia ely identoying errirss Previiusly he develipers used i merge heir changes i he mas er branch inly aoer heir firk fas cimple eds This prived i be risky as merging he cide changes fere difcul and i cinsumed a li io tmes Bugs used i ge accumula ed oir a ling tme fi hiu undergiing any cirrectinss This resul ed in he delay io upda e releasess Cintnuius delivery is a practce fhere he cide changes are au imatcally prepared oir release in i priductins Contnuous Delivery Vs Contnuous Deployment n cintnuius delivery, every cide change is buil , es ed and hen pushed i a nin-priductin estng s ages There can be multple parallel s ages beoire he priduc is depliyeds Whereas in cintnuius depliymen he priductin is depliyed fi hiu manual apprivals Cintnuius depliymen is a very risky pricess because sime bugs may gi unnitced as here is ni manual apprivals 4. Infrastructure as Code magine yiu are having he bes day io yiur lioe, camping iu in he fiids fhile sipping hi chicila e in a Sunday mirnings Yiur biss suddenly calls yiu and irders yiu i cime i he ifce ins an ly because ine io he servers crasheds Many io us may have already been hriugh his afoul experiences Sime io us fiuld have had a panic atack oir jus recillectng he irdeal ha hey had i gi hriugh oir cinfguring he servers Even hiugh yiu have all he dicumen atin fi h yiu i recinfgure he server, i stll requires a li io tmes Wha io fe ild yiu ha here is a beter fay i di his?

  4. noras ruc ure as a cide ( AC) is a ype io T inoras ruc ure fhich hilds he key i yiur issuess The AC can manage and au ima e privisiining inoras ruc ure in additin i depliymen ss This is ni jus fritng scrip s, i invilves using es ed and priven siofare develipmen practces ha are already in use oir app develipmen s 5. Sof Skills Sio skills are an indispensable skill se fhich canni be ignired by any prioessiinal especially DevOps engineerss Cimmunicatin, as usual, is a quin essental par io yiur lioe, i helps in cimmunicatng fi h develipers and ipera irs si ha beter siofare can be releaseds alsi helps in cultvatng a pisitve relatinship fi h he cus imers and s akehilderss This, in urn, helps yiu i manage he si uatin in case here are impedimen s fhich iccur a he fring tme and delays he prijec s As a successoul DevOps engineer, yiu shiuld be able i lis en atentvely, negita e, silve priblems and build eamss 6. The Customer-First Mindset with Decision-Makinn Abilites Delivering he bes value i he cus imers shiuld alfays be he ip priiri y oir a DevOps engineers When yiu are oicussed in delivering he bes value i he cus imer yiu fill be au imatcally inclined i liik a he bigger pic ure all he tmes This is ine io he mis impir an rai s ha recrui ers liik oir in a candida e as his decides every hing abiu yiur abili ys Making giid decisiins fill alfays separa e yiu orim he herd and pu yiu in he ip io he piles Any irganizatin fill hesi a e i hire yiu io hey realise ha yiu are bad a making decisiins and i is unaccep able io yiu are in oir a DevOps engineer riles Yiu fill be hrifn in ricky si uatins fhere yiur decisiins make ir break he si uatins Fir ins ance, yiu are in a si uatin fhere yiu have i decide hif i midioy a cide quicklys And based in yiur decisiin he rapid develipmen and depliymen io cide changes depends 7. Security Skills Everyine is afare io he antcs io hackerss And ha is he reasin his fnal skill is he mis impir an and preoerred skill in many irganizatinss The easies fay oir hackers i ge in i a sys em is hriugh he vulnerabilites in i s DevOps adip s a oas er cycle io develipmen and depliymen io cide changess Hence he risk io vulnerabilites develiped during he cycle is very highs Thereoire, he engineers are alfays ins ruc ed i adip secure ciding si as i preven hackers orim fnding a backdiir i he sys em hriugh heir cides Additinally, a cintngency plan shiuld be prepared in case a hacker ge s inside he sys ems

  5. Conclusion n cinclusiin, he preoerred candida e oir a DevOps engineer designatin shiuld be equipped fi h knifledge io Linux, iils io DevOps and shiuld have giid cimmunicatin skillse fi h decisiin- making abilitess Organizatins preoer candida es fhi have giid knifledge abiu incirpiratng secure cides and are fell versed fi h DevOps echniligies and iilss

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