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Syllabus Based on NCERT

CHEM 241 Organic Chemistry I I FOR CHEMISTRY’ STUDENTS, COLLEGE OF SCIENCE PRE-REQUISITES COURSE; CHEM 240 CREDIT HOURS; 2 (2+0). Prof. Mohamed El-Newehy Chemistry Department, College of Science, King Saud University http://fac.ksu.edu.sa/melnewehy/home. Syllabus Based on NCERT.

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Syllabus Based on NCERT

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  1. CHEM 241Organic Chemistry IIFOR CHEMISTRY’ STUDENTS, COLLEGE OF SCIENCEPRE-REQUISITES COURSE; CHEM 240CREDIT HOURS; 2 (2+0) Prof. Mohamed El-NewehyChemistry Department, College of Science, King Saud Universityhttp://fac.ksu.edu.sa/melnewehy/home • Syllabus Based on NCERT

  2. Topics to be Covered Organic halides Types – Physical properties - Preparation and reactions (nucleophilic substitution reactions SN1 and SN2 -elimination reactions E1and E2). Lectures (3) Quiz 1 (4thweek) Alcohols & Phenols Nomenclature IUPAC – properties - synthesis and reactions of alcohols and phenols, their applications. Lectures (3) 1st Midterm Exam (7th week) Ethers and Epoxides Nomenclature, properties, synthesis and Reactions. Lectures (1)

  3. Topics to be Covered Aldehydes and Ketones Nomenclature, properties, synthesis and Reactions, nucleophilic addition reaction and their reactivity's and applications. Lectures (3) Quiz 2 (12th week) Carboxylic acids and their derivatives Nomenclature, properties and acidities, synthesis and reactions and their applications. Lectures (2) 2nd Midterm Exam (13th week) Amino compounds Nomenclature, properties-basicity, synthesis and Reactions and applications in organic synthesis via diazonioum salts derivatives. Lectures (1) Final Exam

  4. References • Organic Chemistry, Francis A. Carey, 6th ed., McGraw-Hill Company 2007. • Fundamental of Organic Chemistry, T. W. Graham Solomons and Craig Fryhle, 7th ed. John Wiley&Son, New York (latest). • Fundamental of Organic Chemistry, Pro. Hassan Al-Hazimi and Mohamed Al-Hassan , Dar Alkharigy 4th 1421H (Arabic Edition)

  5. ضوابط الاختبار البديل

  6. Schedule of Assessment Tasks During the Semester آخر موعد للاعتذار عن مقرر 1441/03/24 هـ الموافق 2019/11/21 م (نهاية الأسبوع الثاني عشر)

  7. COURSE OBJECTIVES • Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to: • Recognizethe bases of the nomenclature, preparation and chemical behavior of the related functional groups: organic halides, alcohols, phenols, ethers, epoxides, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids and their derivatives in addition to amines. • Describethe mechanisms of reactions, in particular nucleophilic, electrophilic substitution, elimination reaction and nucleophilic addition. • Outlinethe Scheme of the reaction including multi step reactions • Estimatethe reactivity of organic compounds towards electrophilic, nucleophilic substitutions and addition reactions.

  8. Course Learning Outcomes

  9. Course Learning Outcomes

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