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adul·ter·ate verb to corrupt, make worse by the addition of something of lesser value

adul·ter·ate verb to corrupt, make worse by the addition of something of lesser value. Hospitals take strict precautions to assure that nothing adulterates the blood supply. am·bi·dex·trous adjective able to use both hands equally well .

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adul·ter·ate verb to corrupt, make worse by the addition of something of lesser value

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  1. adul·ter·ateverb to corrupt, make worse by the addition of something of lesser value Hospitals take strict precautions to assure that nothing adulterates the blood supply.

  2. am·bi·dex·trousadjective able to use both hands equally well Occasionally a teacher will come across a student who displays ambidextrous abilities when taught to write.

  3. aug·mentverbto make larger, increase 1aug·ment Use a magnifying glass to augment the tiny words.

  4. be·reftadjectivedeprived of, made unhappy through a loss 1aug·ment The bereft family mourned the loss of their loved one.

  5. de·ployverbto position or arrange, to utilize, to form up 1aug·ment A bugle call is a signal used to deploy troops for inspection, parade, or battle.

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