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SP324. Quantum Mechanics I with Advanced Laboratory I. QM Courses. SP327 Modern Physics Special Relativity old quantum theory QM overview SP324 Applications of Quantum Mechanics with Advanced Lab I QM Reminder QM Applications survey Hydrogen atom multielectron atoms molecules

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SP324 Quantum Mechanics I with Advanced Laboratory I

  2. QM Courses • SP327 Modern Physics • Special Relativity • old quantum theory • QM overview • SP324 Applications of Quantum Mechanics with Advanced Lab I • QM Reminder • QM Applications survey • Hydrogen atom • multielectron atoms • molecules • nuclear • solid state • nuclear • elementary particles • quantum statistics • SP425 Aadvanced Quantum Theory with Advanced Lab II • QM Formalism • Advanced Techniques for solving the Schro Eqn • What do you do if ... ? (aka perturbation theory) • Relativistic Quantum Mechanics • The Real Hydrogen Atom • The Mathematics of Quantum Mechanical Angular Momentum

  3. Michelson Interferometry Speed of Ether Sodium Doublet Splitting White Light Fringes Franck-Hertz Measurement Photoelectric Effect 1 PhotoDiodes & h Ocean Optics Spectrometer Electron Diff & de Broglie Speed of EM Waves in Coax Microwave Optics & Crystal Structure Millikan Oil Drop Temperature of the Sun Cavendish Expt SP324 Lab Opportunities Advanced Photodiode Behavior Telatomic Electron Spin Resonance

  4. FIND AVAILABLE DOCUMENTATION sheets & manuals, Melissinos suggestion sheets SP324 FIND PARTS FIGURE OUT WHAT TO DO SP425 ASSEMBLE TAKE PRELIM DATA and do quick analysis to verify correct assembly & parts working YOU FOUND IT, YOU FIX IT* Good to Go ? TAKE GOOD DATA and analyze MAKE ADJUSTMENTS How can results be improved? FINAL ANALYSIS WRITE REPORT *If it’s broken, inform JeffV

  5. Michelson Interferometer • Determine wavelength of HeNe laser • Measure Na yellow doublet separation • Repeat Michelson & Morley experiment • Determine index of refraction of gasses

  6. Franck-Hertz • Observe that energy loss of electrons moving through a vapor is quantized

  7. Photoelectric Effect • Use the different wavelengths that a mercury lamp emits to determine Planck’ constant h.

  8. Millikan Oil Drop (x4) • repeat the classic experiment to determine the charge on an electron

  9. Photodiodes & h • Determine h after measuring the characteristic IV curves for the diodes.

  10. Electron Diffraction • Measure crystal spacing in graphite using diffraction of electrons

  11. Microwave Crystal Structure • Bragg diffraction • Learn to measure crystal spacing

  12. Ocean Optics Spectrometers ~ 2 nm Typical line spectrum Absorption of solar radiation

  13. Telatomic ESR & PSR • Measure electron gs • Measure proton gs

  14. High-Temp Superconductivity Study the superconducting transition and compare yittrium & bismuth compounds. Measure superconducting currents & B-fields

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