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A Regional Information System for Improving Fisheries Governance and assessment . Structure and contents

A Regional Information System for Improving Fisheries Governance and assessment . Structure and contents. Guitton Jérôme. Hamady Diop, PhD Research and Information System Department (SRFC). Seven Member States Coastal length : 3.700 km EEZ : 1.500.000 km² (continental area = 12 % )

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A Regional Information System for Improving Fisheries Governance and assessment . Structure and contents

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  1. A Regional Information System for Improving Fisheries Governance and assessment. Structure and contents Guitton Jérôme. Hamady Diop, PhD Research and Information System Department (SRFC)

  2. Seven Member States • Coastal length : 3.700 km • EEZ: 1.500.000 km² (continental area = 12 % ) • Estimated Annual Production: 1.500.000 mt, of which 700.000 are for the small scale fisheries • Small Scale Fisheries Fleet: 30.000 dugout boats of which 50% are motorised • Industriels Fisheries Fleet:700 (both foreign and national fleet included)

  3. SCS: FAO-CSRP convention signing Research Fisheries Management Policies Information Systems Institutional and Legal Aspects

  4. Regional network of information systems discussed at 2006 workshop and conclusions were • Link research, administration and professional organizations, • Web design and maintenance • Link with Fishbase, Horizon (IRD), FAO, ISTAM … • Equipements and training • It has been recommended that the Regional Information should look like as follow

  5. Inventory of available data from projects and Tools; • ISTAM • SIAP • WARFP • Shark’s data observatory

  6. The ISTAM project concerns the coordination of scientific activitiesensuring the methodological reinforcement of information systems and more generally of monitoring and assessment instruments namely: •         The improvment of the quality and of the quantity of data used as the basis for stock assessments. •         The use of the most suitable and best controlled assessment methods •         The improvment of the availability of validated and referenced datasets •         Dialogue for the identification of future research needs for improving the information that supports fisheries management

  7. The work package 1 (WP1) studies fishing monitoring systems. The Work package 3 (WP3) deals with the assessment methods and their dissemination. The Work package 2 (WP2) deals withthe information involved in the fisheries or stock assessment and with the dissemination to the stakeholders.

  8. More than a guideline, a prototype. • 1- Produce a prototype of sub regional fisheries information system that will improve the scientific advice : • Let the data be accessible for fisheries stock assessment • Disseminate assessment and diagnosis • 2- Develop skills in the sub region to manage this information system.

  9. More than a guidelines, a prototype. Data Inventory of monitoring systems Skills. Assessment models and advice Fishing regulation measures

  10. Information are accessible directly in each part of the website of the prototype. But Geonetwork contains also meta data on time series, scientific surveys, photos, available geographic layers and can allow to get all the data through the geonetwork search engine.

  11. Data, input of models for assessment On line atlas for cruise André Nizery of october 1985 Localization of stations Localization of stations + sum of catches Localization of stations + sum of numbers

  12. Data, input of models for assessment Predefined query:

  13. Data, input of models for assessment Expert query simplified level:

  14. Data, input of models for assessment Expert query, SQL level :

  15. Description of the assessment : from input to advice through models Input, models, state of the stock or fishery, advice : We want to store the assessment process from the description of the data and models used to the advice provided by the analysis of the results for several reasons : Knowledge management : to be partially or completely re-used. Better local dissemination Better global dissemination via FAO partnership.

  16. Fisheries regulation measures Management of the fisheries is now often based on the definition of various marine areas where the fishing activity is restricted : The management should take into account measure that are already in place. The regulation should change the comprehension of the data issue from regulated zone. The next assessment should take into account this new parameter.

  17. Thanks … http://www.projet-istam.org

  18. Data, input of models for assessment Scientific surveys : The accessibility of the data is made through 4 web interfaces : -Méta data included in Geonetwork - One on line atlas where we can have a synthesis of each cruise in several indicators (graphs and maps) - A predefined query access in which we have defined the query to create the indicators of the eur-ocean working group. - An expert access where we can put SQL sentence or where we have access to a minimal HMI interface (Access-like)

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