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Explore the significant role of the Roman Catholic Church in providing unification and stability during the Middle Ages in Europe. Discover how Christianity succeeded in Rome, the influence of the Edict of Milan, and the impact of the Hellenistic empire. Learn about other key historical events, such as the establishment of democracy in Greece, the Golden Age of Muslim culture, the Moors in Spain, Justinian's connection between church and state, and the Crusades.

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  1. JEOPARDY! Click Once to Begin AP Test Review 1 World History

  2. JEOPARDY! Prehistory and Religion Greece and Rome Empires Middle Ages Renaissance, Reform, and Trade Misc 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500

  3. What institution in Europe during the Middle Ages provided unification and stability?

  4. Roman Catholic Church

  5. Why was Christianity able to succeed in Rome?

  6. It taught Jesus was a real man, taught equality and mercy for the downtrodden of Rome, and it offered relevance and hope for life after death even to the lowest

  7. How did the Edict of Milan influence and affect the Roman Empire?

  8. Established Rome as the official center of the Christian church

  9. Both Egyptians and Sumerians had

  10. A written language

  11. Hammurabi’s Code and Qin dynasty legalism both promoted

  12. Harsh punishments for crimes that would lead to a more orderly society

  13. Why is the establishment of a Hellenistic empire by Alexander the Great considered a great achievement?

  14. It spread Greek knowledge and classical influences across 3 continents

  15. •Begun during the Roman Empire•Spread through the Roman Empire•Became the most powerful influence in EuropeWhat is a title for this list?

  16. Origins, ideas, and spread of Christianity

  17. Which classical civilization is considered the birthplace of democracy?

  18. Greece

  19. All citizens in Athens had the power to meet and discuss and cast votes. This is an example of what?

  20. Direct Democracy

  21. Republican Rome was an oligarchy. Power rested with -

  22. A small group of citizens

  23. •Developed a tribute system•Reestablished trade along the Silk Road•Created an empire from Eastern Europe to the Pacific Coast of AsiaWhich group was responsible for these actions?

  24. Mongols

  25. What was a major feature of the Golden Age of Muslim culture?

  26. Development of the foundations of modern science and mathematics

  27. What was NOT an impact of the Moors in Spain on European culture?

  28. Complete conversion to Islam

  29. How did Justinian show a close connection between church and state in the Byzantine Empire?

  30. He built large churches such as the Hagia Sophia

  31. In what ways did Greece influence Rome?

  32. Language, philosophy, and art/architecture

  33. Under the manorial system, nobles are required to provide serfs what?

  34. Protection

  35. Where were the Crusades?

  36. Series of battles in the Holy Land between Muslims and Christians?

  37. What are ways the Crusades helped end the medieval period in Europe?

  38. Brought the decline of papal prestige, decreased the power of nobles, and increased trade with foreign lands

  39. What is one economic change caused by the plague outbreak?

  40. The serf population was so depleted that manorialism didn’t work

  41. •Decentralized govt•Based on loyalty and service•Based on chivalryWhich political system does this describe?

  42. Feudalism

  43. What was the major political effect on Europe of the Reformation?

  44. Authority was transferred from the church to the state

  45. Which historical era was based on Martin Luther and his teachings?

  46. Reformation

  47. “People should study worldly subjects as well as sacred matters”What group during the Renaissance would hold this idea?

  48. Humanists

  49. The revival of Greek and Roman culture, economic growth of Italian city-states, and development of humanists were aspects of the-

  50. European Renaissance

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