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A Guide for Station Personnel

Communicating With Your Community. Firefighters Saving Lives Through Educational Opportunities. A Guide for Station Personnel. Emergency Procedures. 2. Class Rules. Remember that the use of cell phones or beepers is disruptive to everyone in the training session.

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A Guide for Station Personnel

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  1. Communicating With Your Community Firefighters Saving Lives Through Educational Opportunities A Guide for Station Personnel

  2. Emergency Procedures 2

  3. Class Rules Remember that the use of cell phones or beepers is disruptive to everyone in the training session. Put cell phones and pagers on vibrate or silence them. Please have people call or page you only in an emergency! Ample breaks will be provided to return phone calls. Virginia Fire Marshal Academy CWYC 2011 3

  4. Housekeeping Items Restrooms Breaks Temperature Visibility Seating Sound Lighting Virginia Fire Marshal Academy CWYC 2011 4

  5. Mission Statement • To establish a uniformed set of learning objectives and guidelines, for delivery of fire and life safety education and injury prevention information throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia by station personnel. • To educate, protect and save the lives and property of people in Virginia through fire and life safety education. Virginia Fire Marshal Academy CWYC 2011

  6. To provide the highest quality and comprehensive training available to fire and emergency services, both public and private, while following state and national standards and guidelines. To enhance all avenues of fire and life safety training, research, education development, and delivery to improve life safety and reduce injuries and deaths. Mission Statement Virginia Fire Marshal Academy CWYC 2011

  7. Life Safety Education Risk Injury Prevention CERT – Community Emergency Response Team Code Enforcement First Responder programs Looking to the Future Programs rapidly becoming major functions of fire departments across Virginia and the U.S. “Survivability of the fire service is no longer dependent on fire suppression.” Virginia Fire Marshal Academy CWYC 2011

  8. Impact of Fire Education Fire deaths in the U.S. have dropped 12,000 fire deaths a year in the 70’s Current average of 3,400 or less This reduction is due to Fire and Life Safety Education Fire Prevention Fire and Building Code Enforcement Better trained and equipped firefighters E911 Virginia Fire Marshal Academy CWYC 2011

  9. “In most cases, life safety is too critical to rely on response time” What We Have Learned Conditions are Critical Prior to Arrival of Fire Department Little or no opportunity to perform effective life saving rescue Fire suppression personnel at a higher risk of injury and/or death Virginia Fire Marshal Academy CWYC 2011

  10. Educating Today's Citizens • In a uniformed and consistent manner • Establish age appropriate objectives • Apply proper presentation skills • Communicate objectives effectively. Virginia Fire Marshal Academy CWYC 2011

  11. Burn – prevention and treatment Cooking safety Stop-Drop-Roll Heating safety Electrical safety Chemistry of fire Topics Choosing the number of topics and the depth of each subject is the key to presenting an effective education program • Smoke/CO alarms • Matches and lighters • 911 • Home escape plan (map) • Stay Low and Go • Firefighters • Arson Virginia Fire Marshal Academy CWYC 2011

  12. Teaching aids can enhance your program but are not vital to conveying the message, after all, a firefighter and/or educator can be an awesome resource if used properly. Teaching Aids Virginia Fire Marshal Academy CWYC 2011

  13. Presenting Programs Select Topics to Deliver • Requesting group may have specific topics to cover • Age of audience Establish Objectives • How in depth should you be for that group • What do you want them to learn Review Materials • Gather props • Displaying apparatus • Know the topic and related information Virginia Fire Marshal Academy CWYC 2011

  14. Prepare Your Audience Introduce Yourself and Station Personnel Gain Their Attention • Why your program is important to them • What they will receive Safety Brief for the Group • Where they can go • What they can touch • What do you want them to do if there is an alarm Virginia Fire Marshal Academy CWYC 2011

  15. Transfer your Knowledge ”Knowledge is a process of piling up facts; wisdom lies in their simplification.”~ Martin H. Fischer KISS ~ Keep It Super Simple • Teach TO your audience • Avoid technical jargon Information Application • Have students demonstrate what was taught • Reinforce the message Virginia Fire Marshal Academy CWYC 2011

  16. Pre-K “Fire truck” not Apparatus • Basic information for equipment • Supervise closely Turnout Gear • Let them touch (clean) gear • Describe what each piece does • Put gear on slowly Virginia Fire Marshal Academy CWYC 2011

  17. Pre-K • Firefighters are Helpers • There to help - not friends (A friend is someone you know) • Go to the firefighter (don’t hide is a negative statement) • Firefighters gear • Different uniforms • Put on gear slowly while discussing each piece • Reinforce that it is the same firefighter Virginia Fire Marshal Academy CWYC 2011

  18. Pre-K Smoke Alarm What it is What it looks like What does it do What does it sound like What should you do when it makes that sound Virginia Fire Marshal Academy CWYC 2011

  19. When you Hear the Alarm Get low – under the smoke Go - Go – Go Go outside as fast as you can to your meeting place Pre-K Virginia Fire Marshal Academy CWYC 2011 19

  20. Pre-K • Matches and Lighters are tools for adults • Tools for grown-ups • Only adults should touch them • Tell a grown-up if you find them • Demonstrate tools and toys kit Virginia Fire Marshal Academy CWYC 2011 20

  21. Kindergarten– 1st grade • Fire Truck not Apparatus • Basic information for equipment • Allow children to sit in seats • Watch children around truck and traffic • Turnout Gear • Let them touch (clean) gear • Describe what each piece does • Put gear on slowly (showing each piece) • Reinforce they are the same firefighter Virginia Fire Marshal Academy CWYC 2011

  22. Home Escape (Plan/Map) Make an Escape Map with your family Crawl low under smoke Never hide – Go outside – Stay outside Meeting Place Kindergarten – 1st grade Virginia Fire Marshal Academy CWYC 2011

  23. Kindergarten – 1st grade Home Escape (Plan/Map) • If you can’t go outside - go to a window • Turn on light • Wave your hands and yell for help • Stay at window Virginia Fire Marshal Academy CWYC 2011

  24. Kindergarten – 1st grade Smoke Alarms What it is What it looks like What does it do What does it sound like What you should do when it makes that sound When do we test them Virginia Fire Marshal Academy CWYC 2011 24

  25. Kindergarten – 1st grade • 911 • Number for emergencies • When to call 911 • Example of emergency • Name, address, and telephone number Virginia Fire Marshal Academy CWYC 2011

  26. Kindergarten – 1st grade Matches and lighters • Tools for grown-ups • If you find them – tell a grown-up • Never touch them • Demonstrate tools and toys Candles • Never touch them • Tool not toy Virginia Fire Marshal Academy CWYC 2011

  27. Kindergarten – 1st grade Firefighters are Helpers • There to help - not friends • Never hide Firefighters wear special clothing • Different uniforms • Put on gear slowly while discussing each piece • Same firefighter in gear • Talk and breath with gear on Virginia Fire Marshal Academy CWYC 2011

  28. Kindergarten – 1st grade Burns • Cool a burn with cool water • Tell a grown-up Virginia Fire Marshal Academy CWYC 2011

  29. 2nd and 3rd Grades Smoke Alarms • What it is • What it looks like • What does it do • What it sounds like • What to do when it makes that sound • Test the alarm • Change batteries • Take care of them Virginia Fire Marshal Academy CWYC 2011

  30. 2nd and 3rd Grades Home Escape (plan/map) • 2 ways out • Meeting place • Never hide – go outside - stay outside • Crawl low under smoke • Call 911 • Practice Virginia Fire Marshal Academy CWYC 2011

  31. 2nd and 3rd Grades • Exiting – Door • Roll out of bed • Crawl low • Feel door for heat • Check for smoke • Close door • Get out • Meeting place • 911 Virginia Fire Marshal Academy CWYC 2011

  32. 2nd and 3rd Grades • Window • Keep door closed • Something under door • Go to window • Wave/yell for help • Stay at window • Don’t hide 32 Virginia Fire Marshal Academy CWYC 2011

  33. 2nd and 3rd Grades 911 Number for emergencies When to call 911 What is an emergency – ask for examples Information for operator (name, address, phone #, emergency) Stay on the phone with the dispatcher Virginia Fire Marshal Academy CWYC 2011

  34. 2nd and 3rd Grades • Burn Prevention • Stop, drop and roll (when clothes you are wearing have fire on them) • Cool a burn with cool water • Tell a grown - up Virginia Fire Marshal Academy CWYC 2011 34

  35. 2nd and 3rd grades Cooking Safety • Kitchen safety tips • Microwave safety Virginia Fire Marshal Academy CWYC 2011

  36. 4th and 5th grades Home Escape Plan • Draw an escape plan with your family • 2 ways out • Don’t hide – Get Outside -Stay outside • Crawl low under smoke • Close door • Home escape ladders • Meeting place • Call 911 Virginia Fire Marshal Academy CWYC 2011 36

  37. 4th and 5th grade Exiting – Door • Crawl low • Feel door for heat • Check for smoke • Close door • Get out • Home escape ladders • Meeting place • 911 Virginia Fire Marshal Academy CWYC 2011

  38. 4th and 5th grade • Exiting – Window • Open window • Stay at window • Call 911 • Wave/yell for help • Escape ladder • Hang and drop 38 Virginia Fire Marshal Academy CWYC 2011

  39. 4th and 5th grade Smoke Alarms • What it is • What it does • What it sounds like • What to do • Testing and care • Replace after 10 years Virginia Fire Marshal Academy CWYC 2011

  40. 4th and 5th grade • 911 • Why do we use 911 • What is an emergency- ask for examples • Information needed • Consequences of false calls Virginia Fire Marshal Academy CWYC 2011

  41. 4th and 5th grade • Cooking Safety • Kitchen safety • Microwave safety • Grill • Heating Safety • Space heaters • Fire places • Campfires Virginia Fire Marshal Academy CWYC 2011

  42. 4th and 5th grade Burns • Treating a burn • Degrees of burns • Ways to be burned • Heat Sources • Water • Chemicals • Lightning Virginia Fire Marshal Academy CWYC 2011

  43. 4th and 5th grade • Child Set Fires • Peer pressure • Experimenting • Boredom • Anger • Vandalism • Fireworks Arson • What it is • Consequences Virginia Fire Marshal Academy CWYC 2011

  44. 6th – 8th Grade Smoke Alarms Home Escape Plan Burns Fire Triangle / Tetrahedron Cooking Safety Heating Safety Electrical Safety Arson Chemical Chain Reaction Virginia Fire Marshal Academy CWYC 2011

  45. High School and College Candles Cooking Safety Heating and Electrical Safety Smoking Safety Drugs and Alcohol Impairment Arson • Fire Extinguishers • Smoke Alarms • Maintenance • Take every alarm seriously • Never disable a smoke alarm or fire alarm system Virginia Fire Marshal Academy CWYC 2011

  46. Adult Learners Task-centered when solving problems Influenced by experience Demand and deserve respect Methods to use when working with adults • Provide feedback • Relate to audience need • Educator must draw out experiences of the audience. Adults are not always willing to talk about their experiences Virginia Fire Marshal Academy CWYC 2011

  47. Adults/Senior Adults Home Escape Plan (Map) • Two ways out • Meeting place • Call 911 • Provisions for disability, small children, elderly • In a high-rise building, use stairs not elevators • Once out – Stay out Virginia Fire Marshal Academy CWYC 2011

  48. Adults/Senior Adults If not able to exit • If there is a telephone in the room, call for help and state your location. • Turn on light to show room is occupied. • Wait at the window and signal for help Virginia Fire Marshal Academy CWYC 2011

  49. Senior Adults Challenges • Reduced physical abilities • Mobility • Reduced income • Diminishing health Virginia Fire Marshal Academy CWYC 2011

  50. Senior Adults Teaching Methods • Be patient • Be animated • Be friendly • Be respectful • Add humor • Compensate for reduced physical ability • Q & A Virginia Fire Marshal Academy CWYC 2011

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