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Express Stamps Application Project ESAP

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Express Stamps Application Project ESAP

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    1. Express Stamps Application Project (ESAP) As of this morning, the Illinois Food Stamp Outreach and Enrollment Demonstration. Affectionately known as the Express Stamps Application Project (ESAP), officially gets under way at local food pantries in four Illinois counties.As of this morning, the Illinois Food Stamp Outreach and Enrollment Demonstration. Affectionately known as the Express Stamps Application Project (ESAP), officially gets under way at local food pantries in four Illinois counties.

    2. ESAP ESAP is an innovative public–private partnership between the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS), the Northern Illinois Food Bank (NIFB), and America’s Second Harvest (A2H). The 2-year project will test the feasibility of providing Food Stamp Program (FSP) access to eligible low–income households not currently enrolled in the program when they seek emergency food assistance at participating food pantries. FNS supports this unique partnership and looks forward to working with IDHS, NIFB, and A2H in reaching out to Illinois families in need of nutritional assistance. ESAP is an innovative public–private partnership between the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS), the Northern Illinois Food Bank (NIFB), and America’s Second Harvest (A2H). The 2-year project will test the feasibility of providing Food Stamp Program (FSP) access to eligible low–income households not currently enrolled in the program when they seek emergency food assistance at participating food pantries. FNS supports this unique partnership and looks forward to working with IDHS, NIFB, and A2H in reaching out to Illinois families in need of nutritional assistance.

    3. THE ESAP PROCESS TARGET GROUPS Working poor Elderly Legal immigrants Trained volunteers will be placed at the food pantries to encourage individuals and families in three target groups—working poor, elderly, and legal immigrants—to apply for food stamps. They will screen prospective participants, assist them in completing a special, abbreviated food stamp application, verify identity only, and feed the information to IDHS computers, which will make immediate eligibility determinations without further verification of information provided by applicants. Successful households will leave the pantries with emergency food to meet their immediate needs and an Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) card. IDHS will enroll the households in its case system; deposit the correct amount of benefits into an EBT account; and mail a Personal Identification Number (PIN) to the recipients, along with notification that their benefits are available. Trained volunteers will be placed at the food pantries to encourage individuals and families in three target groups—working poor, elderly, and legal immigrants—to apply for food stamps. They will screen prospective participants, assist them in completing a special, abbreviated food stamp application, verify identity only, and feed the information to IDHS computers, which will make immediate eligibility determinations without further verification of information provided by applicants. Successful households will leave the pantries with emergency food to meet their immediate needs and an Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) card. IDHS will enroll the households in its case system; deposit the correct amount of benefits into an EBT account; and mail a Personal Identification Number (PIN) to the recipients, along with notification that their benefits are available.

    4. ELIGIBLE HOUSEHOLDS 1 OR 2 MONTH CERTIFICATION Eligible households that apply on or before the 15th of the month will be assigned a 1–month certification. Households that apply after the 15th of the month will be assigned a 2–month certification.Eligible households that apply on or before the 15th of the month will be assigned a 1–month certification. Households that apply after the 15th of the month will be assigned a 2–month certification.

    5. RECERTIFICATION Project households that want to reapply for food stamps must visit their local food stamp offices for recertification, at which time eligibility will be determined using normal processes. The households will be informed of the date by which they must reapply Project households that want to reapply for food stamps must visit their local food stamp offices for recertification, at which time eligibility will be determined using normal processes. The households will be informed of the date by which they must reapply

    6. WAIVERS ? 4 PROVISIONS OF THE FOOD STAMP ACT WAIVED ? 3 PROVISIONS OF FSP REGULATIONS WAIVED The Food Stamp Act authorizes the Secretary of Agriculture to waive its provisions to conduct projects to test changes that might increase the efficiency of the FSP or expand its availability to eligible households. To ensure successful operation of ESAP, FNS approved waivers of four provisions of the Act, along with three waivers of FSP Regulations.The Food Stamp Act authorizes the Secretary of Agriculture to waive its provisions to conduct projects to test changes that might increase the efficiency of the FSP or expand its availability to eligible households. To ensure successful operation of ESAP, FNS approved waivers of four provisions of the Act, along with three waivers of FSP Regulations.

    7. WAIVER 1 FOOD STAMP ACT-SECTION 3(i)(3) SEPARATE HOUSEHOLD STATUS FOR THE ELDERLY Section 3(i)(3) of the Food Stamp Act requires that an individual 60 or older who lives with others and who is unable to purchase and prepare meals because of disability must be considered, together with his or her spouse, a separate household if the income of the other household members, including the spouse, does not exceed the poverty line by more than 65 percent. We are allowing the State agency to grant separate household status to these individuals without determining if the income of other household members exceeds 65 percent of the poverty line. Section 3(i)(3) of the Food Stamp Act requires that an individual 60 or older who lives with others and who is unable to purchase and prepare meals because of disability must be considered, together with his or her spouse, a separate household if the income of the other household members, including the spouse, does not exceed the poverty line by more than 65 percent. We are allowing the State agency to grant separate household status to these individuals without determining if the income of other household members exceeds 65 percent of the poverty line.

    8. WAIVER 2 FOOD STAMP ACT-SECTION 6(d)(1) WORK REGISTRATION REQUIREMENT As a condition of eligibility, each non–exempt household member must comply with six specific Food Stamp Program work requirements. For purposes of the demonstration project, we are waiving the requirement that each physically and mentally fit individual over 15 and less than 60 register for work or be registered by the State agency. The State agency will inquire if anyone in the household has recently quit a job, reduced his or her work hours, or gone on strike. If the answer is “yes,” or “don’t know,” for any household member, the household will be excluded from the demonstration. As a condition of eligibility, each non–exempt household member must comply with six specific Food Stamp Program work requirements. For purposes of the demonstration project, we are waiving the requirement that each physically and mentally fit individual over 15 and less than 60 register for work or be registered by the State agency. The State agency will inquire if anyone in the household has recently quit a job, reduced his or her work hours, or gone on strike. If the answer is “yes,” or “don’t know,” for any household member, the household will be excluded from the demonstration.

    9. WAIVERS 3 & 4 FOOD STAMP ACT SECTION 11(e)(3) FSP REGULATIONS AT 7 CFR 273.2(f)(1) VERIFY IDENTITY ONLY Section 11(e)(3) of the Food Stamp Act requires the State agency to promptly determine the eligibility of each applicant household by way of verification of non–excluded income, household size (if questionable) and such other eligibility factors as the Secretary determines to be necessary. Food stamp regulations at 7 CFR 273.2(f)(1) require verification of 13 specific factors of eligibility. Verification is defined as the use of documentation or a contact with a third party to confirm the accuracy of statements or information. During the project, the State agency will verify identity of demonstration households only.Section 11(e)(3) of the Food Stamp Act requires the State agency to promptly determine the eligibility of each applicant household by way of verification of non–excluded income, household size (if questionable) and such other eligibility factors as the Secretary determines to be necessary. Food stamp regulations at 7 CFR 273.2(f)(1) require verification of 13 specific factors of eligibility. Verification is defined as the use of documentation or a contact with a third party to confirm the accuracy of statements or information. During the project, the State agency will verify identity of demonstration households only.

    10. WAIVER 5 FOOD STAMP ACT-SECTION 11(e)(6)(B) FOOD PANTRY VOLUNTEERS The Act requires that State agency personnel undertaking the certification process must meet merit personnel standards. Under this waiver, food pantry volunteer staff may help applicants to complete the application. The Act requires that State agency personnel undertaking the certification process must meet merit personnel standards. Under this waiver, food pantry volunteer staff may help applicants to complete the application.

    11. WAIVER 6 FSP REGULATIONS AT 7 CFR 273.1(b)(3)(ii) BOARDERS Regulations require that Individuals or groups of individuals paying a reasonable amount for meals must be considered boarders and are not eligible to participate in the FSP, unless they are included as members of the households providing the board, and only if the households request their inclusion. Individuals paying less than a reasonable amount for board must be considered a member of the household providing the board. For this project, the State agency will not determine if a reasonable amount of rent is being paid. Boarders will participate as members of the household.Regulations require that Individuals or groups of individuals paying a reasonable amount for meals must be considered boarders and are not eligible to participate in the FSP, unless they are included as members of the households providing the board, and only if the households request their inclusion. Individuals paying less than a reasonable amount for board must be considered a member of the household providing the board. For this project, the State agency will not determine if a reasonable amount of rent is being paid. Boarders will participate as members of the household.

    12. WAIVER 7 FSP REGULATIONS AT 7 CFR 273.2(e) NO FACE-TO-FACE INTERVIEW Regulations at 7 CFR 273.2(e) require that applicant households must have a face–to–face interview with an eligibility worker. The ESAP applicant will be assisted by a volunteer. No face–to–face interview will be conducted. Regulations at 7 CFR 273.2(e) require that applicant households must have a face–to–face interview with an eligibility worker. The ESAP applicant will be assisted by a volunteer. No face–to–face interview will be conducted.

    13. EVALUATION The Food Stamp Act requires that each demonstration project include an evaluation of its effect. The Illinois State agency will evaluate ESAP to determine the impact of taking food stamp applications at local food pantries and making immediate eligibility determinations without verification of information provided by applicants. The Food Stamp Act requires that each demonstration project include an evaluation of its effect. The Illinois State agency will evaluate ESAP to determine the impact of taking food stamp applications at local food pantries and making immediate eligibility determinations without verification of information provided by applicants.The Food Stamp Act requires that each demonstration project include an evaluation of its effect. The Illinois State agency will evaluate ESAP to determine the impact of taking food stamp applications at local food pantries and making immediate eligibility determinations without verification of information provided by applicants.

    14. EVALUATION RANDOM SAMPLE OF 200 ESAP CASES OVER THE 2–YEAR SPAN OF THE PROJECT To establish ESAP’s effect on participation, costs incurred on ESAP issuances, and the number of households that actually use ESAP benefits, the State Agency will conduct a random sample of 200 ESAP cases over the 2–year span of the project and provide FNS with detailed reports of its findings. To establish ESAP’s effect on participation, costs incurred on ESAP issuances, and the number of households that actually use ESAP benefits, the State Agency will conduct a random sample of 200 ESAP cases over the 2–year span of the project and provide FNS with detailed reports of its findings.

    15. EVALUATION Beginning in month 7 of the project, and continuing each subsequent 6 months, the State agency will provide FNS an ESAP report that provides the following information for each ESAP case processed at the participating food banks for each of the preceding 6 months: ? Case name and number ? Denial date and reason for denial ? Approval date and reason for approval ? Effective month ? 1st month’s benefit amount ? 2nd month’s benefit amount Beginning in month 7 of the project, and continuing each subsequent 6 months, the State agency will provide FNS an ESAP report that provides the following information for each ESAP case processed at the participating food banks for each of the preceding 6 months: ? Case name and number ? Denial date and reason for denial ? Approval date and reason for approval ? Effective month ? 1st month’s benefit amount ? 2nd month’s benefit amount Beginning in month 7 of the project, and continuing each subsequent 6 months, the State agency will provide FNS an ESAP report that provides the following information for each ESAP case processed at the participating food banks for each of the preceding 6 months: ? Case name and number ? Denial date and reason for denial ? Approval date and reason for approval ? Effective month ? 1st month’s benefit amount ? 2nd month’s benefit amount

    16. EVALUATION DATA CROSS MATCHES The State Agency will conduct data cross matches to determine the number of approved ESAP cases that subsequently apply for recertification. Beginning in month 2 of the project, the State agency will produce a monthly electronic report based on a search for pending/active cases with food stamps in its client data base. It will conduct a search of name, social security number, birth date, and recipient identification number of all individuals included in ESAP cases. The report generated from this cross match will show a list by pantry and local office that includes: ? The number of ESAP households that subsequently applied for recertification at the local State agency office and were approved for on-going benefits ? The number of ESAP households that applied, and were denied. ? The reason the case was approved/denied. ? The benefit amount after approval. ? The number of individuals included in the household. ? Another data cross match will track the number of cases approved for Express Stamps against the number that actually accessed those benefits through our system ? Beginning in month 7 and continuing for the duration of the project, the State agency will provide FNS with reports of its cross matches for the preceding 6 months The State Agency will conduct data cross matches to determine the number of approved ESAP cases that subsequently apply for recertification. Beginning in month 2 of the project, the State agency will produce a monthly electronic report based on a search for pending/active cases with food stamps in its client data base. It will conduct a search of name, social security number, birth date, and recipient identification number of all individuals included in ESAP cases. The report generated from this cross match will show a list by pantry and local office that includes: ? The number of ESAP households that subsequently applied for recertification at the local State agency office and were approved for on-going benefits ? The number of ESAP households that applied, and were denied. ? The reason the case was approved/denied. ? The benefit amount after approval. ? The number of individuals included in the household. ? Another data cross match will track the number of cases approved for Express Stamps against the number that actually accessed those benefits through our system ? Beginning in month 7 and continuing for the duration of the project, the State agency will provide FNS with reports of its cross matches for the preceding 6 months

    17. Sign-In

    18. Pantry Location

    19. English/Spanish

    20. Select Application

    21. Welcome

    22. Qualifying For Express Stamps

    23. Do Not Qualify Message – Will Be Customized with the Reason You Don't Qualify for Express Stamps Even though you are ineligible for the project, if you would like to apply for Food Stamps, your Food Pantry volunteer can give you an application and tell you where to apply. Thank you for participating in the Express Stamps Application Demonstration Project. Although you did not qualify for Express Stamps, we strongly encourage you to fax, mail or send this application to your local Illinois Department of Human Services office.

    24. The Applicant and Number of People in Household

    25. People to Include on Application

    26. Add Household Member

    27. Summary of Household Members

    28. Attendants and Foster Children

    29. People Not Applying

    30. Questions on People Not Applying

    31. The Express Stamps Household

    32. Social Security Numbers

    33. Do Not Qualify Message – Will Be Customized with the Reason You Don't Qualify for Express Stamps Even though you are ineligible for the project, if you would like to apply for Food Stamps, your Food Pantry volunteer can give you an application and tell you where to apply. Thank you for participating in the Express Stamps Application Demonstration Project. Although you did not qualify for Express Stamps, we strongly encourage you to fax, mail or send this application to your local Illinois Department of Human Services office.

    34. Address Information

    35. Address Confirmation

    36. Earned Income for Month 1*

    37. Earned Income for Month 2

    38. Unearned Income – Step 1 (Month 1)

    39. Unearned Income – Step 2 (Month 1)

    40. Unearned Income – Step 1 (Month 2)

    41. Unearned Income - Step 2 (Month 2)

    42. Child Support – Step 1

    43. Child Support – Step 2 (if applicable)

    44. Dependent Care – Step 1

    45. Dependent Care – Step 2 (if applicable)

    46. Medical Expenses – Step 1

    47. Medical Expenses – Step 2 (if applicable)

    48. Housing Costs

    49. Utility Expenses – Step 1

    50. Utility Expenses – Step 2

    51. Utility Expenses – Step 3

    52. Ethnicity, Race and Language

    53. Rights and Responsibilities and Electronic Signature

    54. Application Processing Page

    55. Decision, Ineligible

    56. Decision, Eligible

    57. Link Card PAN Number

    58. Success, Finished!

    59. Thank you

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