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Introducing the Open Discovery Initiative

Introducing the Open Discovery Initiative. NISO Update Session: What the Future Entails for Library Systems. Marshall Breeding http://www.librarytechnology.org/ http://twitter.com/mbreeding. Sunday, June 24, 2012. Library search and discovery. Background and issues.

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Introducing the Open Discovery Initiative

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  1. Introducing theOpen Discovery Initiative

    NISO Update Session: What the Future Entails for Library Systems Marshall Breeding http://www.librarytechnology.org/ http://twitter.com/mbreeding Sunday, June 24, 2012
  2. Library search and discovery Background and issues
  3. Evolution of library search Card Catalogs Online Catalogs Federated search tools Next-generation library catalogs Index-based discovery services
  4. ILS Data Online Catalog Search: Books, Journals, and Media at the Title Level Not in scope: Articles Book Chapters Digital objects Scope of Search Search Results
  5. Discovery Interfaces ILS Data Digital Collections Search: Local Index ProQuest Search Results EBSCOhost Federated Search Engine … MLA Bibliography ABC-CLIO Real-time query and responses
  6. Index-based Discovery ILS Data Digital Collections Search: ProQuest EBSCOhost Search Results Consolidated Index … MLA Bibliography ABC-CLIO Harvesting and indexing performed in advance
  7. Citations > Full Text Citations or structured metadata provide key data to power search & retrieval and faceted navigation Indexing full-text of content amplifies access Important to understand depth indexing Currency, dates covered, full-text or citation Many other factors
  8. Need to bring Order to Chaos Important space for libraries and publishers Discovery brings value to library collections Discovery brings uncertainty to publishers Uneven participation diminishes impact Ecosystem dominated by private agreements Complexity and uncertainty poses barriers for participation
  9. Library Perspective Strategic investments in subscriptions Strategic investments in Discovery Solutions to provide access to their collections, including access to electronic resources Expect comprehensive representation of resources in discovery indexes Problem with access to resources not represented in index Encourage all publishers to participate and to lower thresholds of technical involvement and clarify the business rules associated with involvement Need to be able to evaluate the depth and quality of these index-based discovery products Facilitate a healthy ecosystem among publishers, discovery service providers, and libraries
  10. Collection Coverage? To work effectively, discovery services need to cover comprehensively the body of content represented in library collections Why do some publishers not participate? Is content indexed at the citation or full-text level? What are the restrictions for non-authenticated users? How can libraries understand the differences in coverage among competing services?
  11. Evaluating the Coverage of Index-based Discovery Services Intense competition: how well the index covers the body of scholarly content stands as a key differentiator Difficult to evaluate based on numbers of items indexed alone. Important to ascertain how your library’s content packages are represented by the discovery service. Important to know what items are indexed by citation and which are full text
  12. Some Key Areas for Publishers Expose content widely Trust “Fair” Linking Usage reporting
  13. Need healthy ecosystem among discovery service providers, libraries and content providers
  14. Open Discovery Initiative
  15. ODI Pre-History June 26, 2011: Exploratory meeting @ ALA Annual July 2011: NISO expresses interest Aug 7, 2011: Proposal drafted by participants submitted to NISO Aug 2011: Proposal accepted by D2D Vote of approval by NISO membership Oct 2011: ODI launched Feb 2012: ODI Workgroup Formed
  16. Organization Reports in NISO through Document to Delivery topic committee (D2D) Staff support from NISO through Nettie Lagace Co-Chairs Jenny Walker (Ex Libris) Marshall Breeding (Library Consultant) D2D Observers: Jeff Penka (OCLC) Lucy Harrison (CCLA)
  17. Balance of Constituents Marshall Breeding, Vanderbilt UniversityJamene Brooks-Kieffer, Kansas State University Laura Morse, Harvard University Ken Varnum, University of Michigan Anya Arnold, Orbis Cascade AllianceSara Brownmiller, University of Oregon Lucy Harrison, College Center for Library Automation (D2D liaison/observer) Lettie Conrad, SAGE PublicationsBeth LaPensee, ITHAKA/JSTOR/PorticoJeff Lang, Thomson Reuters Linda Beebe, American Psychological AssocAaron Wood, Alexander Street Press Jenny Walker, Ex Libris GroupJohn Law, Serials SolutionsMichael Gorrell, EBSCO Information Services David Lindahl, University of Rochester (XC) Jeff Penka, OCLC (D2D liaison/observer)
  18. ODI Project Goals: Identify … needs and requirements of the three stakeholder groups in this area of work. Create recommendations and tools to streamline the process by which information providers, discovery service providers, and librarians work together to better serve libraries and their users. Provide effective means for librarians to assess the level of participation by information providers in discovery services, to evaluate the breadth and depth of content indexed and the degree to which this content is made available to the user.
  19. Subgroups for Info Gathering Level of Indexing Library Rights Technical formats Usage Statistics Fair Linking
  20. Specific deliverables Standard vocabulary NISO Recommended Practice: Data format & transfer Communicating content rights Levels of indexing, content availability Linking to content Usage statistics Evaluate compliance Inform and Promote Adoption
  21. Timeline
  22. Next steps Summer-Fall 2012: Determine processes & tools Gather information from stakeholders
  23. Connect with ODI ODI Project website:http://www.niso.org/workrooms/odi/ Interest group mailing list:http://www.niso.org/lists/opendiscovery/ Email ODI:odi@niso.org
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