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Emergency Dentist - Know How to Handle an Emergency Situation

If you are in a serious emergency, call 911 immediately. <br>A dental emergency such as breaking a wire in braces in Hackensack, getting inflamed dental implants in Hackensack, NJ, and severe bleeding can happen at any time. Other dental emergencies include

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Emergency Dentist - Know How to Handle an Emergency Situation

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  1. Emergency Dentist - Know How to Handle an Emergency Situation If you are in a serious emergency, call 911 immediately. A dental emergency such as breaking a wire in braces in Hackensack, getting inflamed dental implants in Hackensack, NJ, and severe bleeding can happen at any time. Other dental emergencies include but are not limited to knocked out teeth, injury to the mouth, and tooth abscess causing an unbearable amount of pain. You may find yourself typing “emergency dentist near me” in a search engine to find an expert that can treat you immediately. Call your dentist if you are unsure about what to do and decide whether your case is considered an emergency. They probably have an after-hours number for emergencies. And would be able to guide you in the best direction. In the unfortunate case of not finding an emergency dentist near where you are, it is best to know how to handle a dental emergency. What to do first in a dental emergency First of all, stay calm and assess your situation. If you cannot reach your dentist or an emergency dentist, you may look for an urgent care center or an emergency room. Meanwhile, apply cold press to the area on the outside of your mouth. This helps manage swelling, bleeding, and pain. In the case of toothache, a warm salt water rinse may decrease your pain. To prepare the saltwater solution, put a teaspoon of salt in a mug of hot water. You may take an over-the-counter pain reliever if the pain worsens. What to do if your tooth gets knocked out If a tooth gets knocked out, you should hold the tooth by the crown only, not touching the root or removing any tissues from the root. A knocked-out tooth must stay moist while you take it with you to your dentist. If possible, place it in the tooth socket or keep it in your mouth next to your cheek. If not, keep it in a bag filled with milk, saliva, or a tooth preservation solution which can be sourced from drugstores but never put the tooth in tap

  2. water. A knocked-out tooth may be saved if you reach your dentist within 30 minutes or even an hour after the accident. How to prevent dental emergencies Preventing dental emergencies from happening again would be a great next course of action. Visit your dentist regularly, keep a proper oral hygiene routine, pass on very hard and chewy, wear a mouthguard when playing sports, and do not use your teeth to open, cut, rip, or tear things.

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