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候鳥 A 型流行性感冒監測

候鳥 A 型流行性感冒監測. Map of bird migration routes of east Asia. Siberia. Mainland China. Korea. Japan. Taiwan. Philippines. Migratory Waterfowl Surveillance Samples Collected Sites. Taipei. I-lan. Kinmen. Tainan. Isolates of AIV by HA subtyping. Number of AIVs isolated. HA subtypes.

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候鳥 A 型流行性感冒監測

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 候鳥 A型流行性感冒監測

  2. Map of bird migration routes of east Asia Siberia Mainland China Korea Japan Taiwan Philippines

  3. Migratory Waterfowl Surveillance Samples Collected Sites Taipei I-lan Kinmen Tainan

  4. Isolates of AIV by HA subtyping Number of AIVs isolated HA subtypes

  5. 嘉義縣及台南縣家禽病例初步診斷報告

  6. 嘉義縣家禽病例初步診斷結果 初步診斷結果係雞隻於施行新城病疫苗接種後反應,同時有雞傳染性支氣管炎及原虫(黑頭病)混合感染,再加上氣溫遽降雙重緊迫,導致雞隻生病死亡。

  7. 台南縣家禽病例初步診斷結果 綜合診斷 1.四十週齡仿土雞病例 - 新城病併發二次細菌感染症 2.六週齡蛋雞病例-新城病、雞傳染性華氏囊病併發二次細菌 感染症

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