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chakra healing

Our body consists of 7 chakras and gemstones helps in the alignment of chakras. To know more in detail

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chakra healing

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  2. ABOUT HEALING STONE The Healing stones are becoming progressively popular, with People usinggemstones that balance their energies, and it has become more adaptive to their body, soul and mind. There are a lot of Govt certified Gemstones which are used for balancing the 7 chakras and are available at Gem Selections in a wide variety with different properties for each chakra. Ancient people believed that by balancing these energies your physical, emotional and spiritual well-being will benefit

  3. THE 7 CHAKRAS AND THE GEMSTONES THAT ARE LINKED TO THEM THE 7 CHAKRAS AND THE GEMSTONES THAT ARE LINKED TO THEM THE 7 CHAKRAS AND THE GEMSTONES THAT ARE LINKED TO THEM THE 7 CHAKRAS AND THE GEMSTONES THAT ARE LINKED TO THEM THE 7 CHAKRAS AND THE GEMSTONES THAT ARE LINKED TO THEM THE 7 CHAKRAS AND THE GEMSTONES THAT ARE LINKED TO THEM . THE 7 CHAKRAS AND THE GEMSTONES THAT ARE LINKED TO THEM The ROOT CHAKRA is the 1st chakra and is located in the base of spine which connects your body, mind and soul with the Earth. Colour – Red and Black Stone - Ruby, Garnet and Black Tourmaline The SACRAL CHAKRA is the 2nd chakra, located three inches below the navel (BELLY BUTTON) that connects you with your sexual desires and is responsible for expressing emotions. Colour- Orange Stone- Citrine, fire opal, Carnelian, moonstone

  4. The SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA is the 3rd chakra which is located behind the naval and below the rib cage which connects us to our self-confidence, wisdom and self-discipline. This chakra is responsible for gut feeling. Colour - yellow Stone - Amber, golden topaz and Yellow jasper. The HEART CHAKRA, is the bridge between the lower and the upper chakra and located in The lower and the upper chest around the heart area. By this we feel love and compassion. Colour - Green or Pink Stone - Peridot, Jade, rose quartz, Green Aventurine

  5. The THROAT CHAKRA is located in the neck, tongue, mouth and other parts of the throat area. It connects us to the level of communication and confidence and even regulates the hormones of the body. Colour- Blue Stone - Turquoise, lapis lazuli, Aquamarine, Sodalite TheTHIRD EYE OR AJAN CHAKRA is a set between the eyebrows and has connection that controls your intuition, wisdom, spiritual powers and intellect. Colour- Indigo Stone -Purple fluorite, Blue chalcedony Amethyst

  6. The CROWN CHAKRA is located at the top of the head that represents our spiritual connection to ourselves, others and the universe. Colour- violet or white Stone -Clear quartz, Labradorite, diamond, amethyst.

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