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Guild navigators for infospace

Guild navigators for infospace. Jon Udell Code4Lib February 2008. Sexy librarians of the future. 3 rd -stage guild navigator. LibraryLookup circa 2002. xISBN!. Digression on equivalence. CSAIL faculty page. CCNMTL faculty page. Mashing data in Potluck.

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Guild navigators for infospace

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Guild navigators for infospace Jon Udell Code4Lib February 2008

  2. Sexy librarians of the future

  3. 3rd-stage guild navigator

  4. LibraryLookup circa 2002

  5. xISBN!

  6. Digression on equivalence

  7. CSAIL faculty page

  8. CCNMTL faculty page

  9. Mashing data in Potluck

  10. Potluck merge of CSAIL and CCNMTL

  11. The grassroots semantic web

  12. From Amazon wishlist to RSS feed I wish…

  13. From Amazon wishlist to RSS feed I wish… Wish granted!

  14. The bookmarklet generator

  15. Janet Lefkovitz plays along From: Janet Lefkovitz <janetl@savion.cc.huji.ac.il> To: "'Jon Udell'" <jon_udell@infoworld.com> Hi Jon- The bookmarklet generator is working for Aleph500! I've dragged the ULI button to my links bar, and have used it already. One small change: change the Aleph to Aleph500, and state somewhere that it's compatible with versions 14 and up. Many thanks.

  16. Way to go, Janet!

  17. Question and answer Q: Why doesn’t LibraryLookup support my OPAC?

  18. Question and answer Q: Why doesn’t LibraryLookup support my OPAC? A: Oh, I see. We bought the wrong kind of software.

  19. A superpatron

  20. What superpatrons do

  21. A superlibrarian

  22. What superlibrarians do

  23. The “Google Generation” report

  24. Myths busted?

  25. Their conclusions • Information literacy has not improved with the widening access to technology.

  26. Their conclusions • Information literacy has not improved with the widening access to technology. • Little time is spent evaluating information for relevance, accuracy, or authority.

  27. My conclusions • The study resists all efforts to evaluate its relevance, accuracy, or authority.

  28. My conclusions • The study resists all efforts to evaluate its relevance, accuracy, or authority. • But so what? Nobody noticed.

  29. Federation

  30. Fluxnet

  31. Curating scientific data

  32. Curating public data

  33. Syndicated photos

  34. Syndicated events

  35. LibraryLookup email notification

  36. Government crime stats for NH

  37. NH crime data in Many Eyes

  38. The Keene police crime spreadsheet

  39. NYC restaurant inspections

  40. NYC restaurant inspections in EveryBlock

  41. The Elements of Style

  42. RESTful Web Services

  43. Empty rooms

  44. BlueHampshire

  45. Training consumers and producers

  46. At the crossroads

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