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Digital connectedness: maximizing the potential of your network 

Digital connectedness: maximizing the potential of your network . Sue Beckingham FSEDA (@suebecks #cll1213) SEDA and Sheffield Hallam University. Connectedness.

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Digital connectedness: maximizing the potential of your network 

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  1. Digital connectedness: maximizing the potential of your network  Sue Beckingham FSEDA (@suebecks #cll1213) SEDA and Sheffield Hallam University

  2. Connectedness “People need to learn how to connect to new people on a regular basis. No person has all the knowledge needed to work completely alone in our connected society. Neither does any company. Neither does any government. We are all connected AND dependent on each other.” Harold Jarche

  3. Yes we can do this face to face but technology can help to extend our reach

  4. Connections • YOU YOU

  5. Strong Connections bosses co-workers subordinates parents siblings children school/uni, hobbies, neighbours, work etc

  6. Weak Connections YOU

  7. student and student lecturer and student educator and journalist Exchanges could be between... student and employer researcher and funding body administrator and CEO lifelong learner and lifelong learner

  8. Knowledge from a network perspective is about connecting experiences, relationships, and situations. Jarche 2013

  9. Purposes of Networking The Tracker Model (West in D'Souza 2011)

  10. A “social network” can be defined as a set of nodes or actors (persons or organizations) linked by social relationships or ties of a specified type. A tie or relation between two actors has both strength and content. The content might include information, advice, or friendship, shared interest or membership, and typically some level of trust. Castilla, Hwang, Granovetter and Granovetter. 2000

  11. Thestrengthof interpersonal ties is a combination of the amount of time, the emotional intensity, the intimacy (mutual confiding and the reciprocal services which characterises the tie Granovetter 1973:1361

  12. However… weak ties can uniquely serve as bridges to other worlds and thus can pass on information or opportunities you have not heard about. (Hoffman and Casnocha 2012:06)

  13. Six degrees of separation theory Anyone can be connected to any other person on the planet through a chain of acquaintances and that we are just six introductions away from any other person

  14. The Power of 2nd and 3rd degree connections 1st 3rd 2nd YOU

  15. Three degrees is the magic number because when you’re introduced to a 2nd or 3rd degree connection, at least one person in an introduction chain personally knows the origin or target person 1st 3rd 2nd YOU

  16. We can make these connections through social networks and social media

  17. “Social networks aren't technologies. They're relationships between people. And those relationships might be mediated through technology, but it's the relationships that matter more than the technology.” Danah Boyd 2013 Social Media Scholar and Senior Researcher at Microsoft Research

  18. Social Media: • is a listening tool • a conversation facilitator • a stakeholder connector • a personal learning network • a news channel • a social networking channel

  19. Social Media: • can enable connections • is a two-way enabling dialogue providing opportunities for feedback and interaction • is now an integral component of how we can communicate with our communities and connections

  20. Social Media gives humans an instant connection to communicate with others.

  21. Social media is "used to describe the type of media that is based on conversation and interaction between people online. Where media means digital words, sounds & pictures which are typically shared via the internet

  22. 21st Century Literacy Skills International School Bangkok http://isb21.wikispaces.com/

  23. New Literacies for Networked Individuals • Rainie and Wellman (2012:272-274)

  24. I know I’ve got it filed somewhere….

  25. We now have a universe of information and data available at our finger tips

  26. BUT… Are we seeing all that we could? Beware online "filter bubbles" Eli Pariser 2011 – Screenshot from TED talk

  27. 57 signals Google looks at Invisible algorithmic editing of the web.... Is personalising what you see but potentially narrowing our worldview

  28. Information overload???

  29. “It’s not information overload, it’s filter failure” Clay Shirky

  30. Filter By developing good connections with shared interests, collaboratively we can filter what is relevant to us

  31. In pairs discuss how you currently find experts Tip: For a future exercise answers could be collated in a shared Google Doc

  32. How do you create and maintain • new inks and connections?

  33. “Networks of people are being mediated such that people are easily able to see who is connected to whom and leverage loose ties to achieve all sorts of work-related goals. Individual knowledge is often less important than being connected to the right people.” Danah Boyd 2013

  34. Triadic relationship Diadic relationship Complex relationships

  35. mentionmap

  36. How to create visualisations of your connections Note: you may revoke authorisation for these apps from the settings on each tool

  37. Your virtual rolodex

  38. A quick look inside my PLN Toolbox

  39. Academia

  40. Couros 2008 Many Educators have been networking and sharing for some time. How do we help get more on board?

  41. Jane Hart http://c4lpt.co.uk/top100tools/

  42. A tagged collection of web 2.0 tools you can search http://www.go2web20.net/

  43. We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give. Sir Winston Churchill

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