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Target Vocabulary 2

Target Vocabulary 2. Section Five: Word-building. dishonest irresponsible disadvantage informal rewrite incorrect misprint independent disagree dislike. óheiðarlegur óábyrgur ókostur óformlegur endurskrifa vitlaust prentvilla sjálfstæður vera ósammála líka ekki við e-ð.

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Target Vocabulary 2

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Target Vocabulary 2 Section Five: Word-building

  2. dishonest irresponsible disadvantage informal rewrite incorrect misprint independent disagree dislike óheiðarlegur óábyrgur ókostur óformlegur endurskrifa vitlaust prentvilla sjálfstæður vera ósammála líka ekki við e-ð Prefixes 1

  3. Prefixes 1 • dishonest • irresponsible • disadvantage • informal • rewrite • incorrect • misprint • independent • disagree • dislike

  4. impatient unfriendly illegal uncertain non-violence impossible untrue uncomfortable impolite unemployed óþolinmóður óvingjarnlegur ólöglegur óákveðin ekki ofbeldisfullur ómögulegt ósatt óþægilegt ókurteis atvinnulaus Prefixes 2

  5. Prefixes 2 • impatient • unfriendly • illegal • uncertain • non-violence • impossible • untrue • uncomfortable • impolite • unemployed

  6. dis- appear loyal obey satisfied ir- regular relevant il- literate logical mis- behave treat understand Follow up

  7. im- mature moral non- fiction smoker in- complete consistent expensive experienced human un- common expected fortunately happy lucky Follow up

  8. librarian survivor owner artist director writer politician guitarist terrorist collector electrician manager bókasafnsvörður sá sem lifir af eigandi listamaður leikstjóri rithöfundur stjórnmálamaður gítarleikari hryðjuverkamaður safnari rafvirki framkvæmdastjóri Suffixes: Changing words into nouns for people

  9. librarian survivor owner artist director writer politician guitarist terrorist collector electrician manager Suffixes: Changing words into nouns for people

  10. frightening windy careful homeless angry healthy useless doubtful boring painless exciting beautiful SuffixesChanging words into adjectives 1

  11. dangerous optimistic central creative reliable accidental comfortable famous artistic musical courageous attractive SuffixesChanging words into adjectives 2

  12. difficulty intelligence trial apology importance refusal arrival discovery absence performance difference insurance SuffixesChanging words into nouns 1

  13. election pronunciation invention mileage suggestion Education marriage discussion explosion invitation description postage SuffixesChanging words into nouns 2

  14. disappointment sadness advertisment weakness equality arrangement activity treatment government darkness popularity illness SuffixesChanging words into nouns 3

  15. knowledge signature depth loss strength choice heat height anger death length flight Changing words into nouns 4

  16. ambitious cloudy daily helpful hungry legal/illegal lucky medical mountainous mysterious national poisonous professional reasonable sensible southern successful sympathetic tasteless useful Changing nouns into adjectives

  17. ability beauty boredom distance ease envy fame freedom friendship gratitude happiness health horror poverty pride reality shortage thirst truth value Changing adjectives into nouns

  18. appearance behaviour belief comparison competition decision departure destruction entertainment information meeting painting permission pleasure proof robbery service speech translation weight Changing verbs into nouns

  19. f j e h a i d b g c downpour write-off breakdown write-up drawback break-up output check-up break-in hold-up Nouns form phrasal verbs

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