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January 6 Bell Work

January 6 Bell Work. What are two events that you feel were important in the medical history. This can be an invention, discovery, procedure, treatment, etc.

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January 6 Bell Work

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  1. January 6 Bell Work • What are two events that you feel were important in the medical history. • This can be an invention, discovery, procedure, treatment, etc. • Keep it simple – the creation the bifocal glasses was a great invention, I couldn’t read without my bifocals. (anyone know who created the bifocal?)

  2. Introduction to Health Occupations Historical Events in Healthcare

  3. Primitive Times • 4000 BC – 3000 BC • Believed that illness and disease was caused by spirits and demons • Herbs and plants used as medicines • Trepanation, boring a hole in the skull was used to treat mental illness, epilepsy and headache • Average life span 20 years

  4. Ancient Egyptians • 3000 BC - 300 BC • Imhotep - God of Healing • Called upon the gods to heal them • Believed diseases was caused by spiritual beings. Spells and magic were used to treat. • "These words are to be spoken over the sick person. ‘O Spirit, male of female, who lurks hidden in my flesh and in my limbs, get out of my flesh. Get out of my limbs!" This was a remedy for a mother and child. • Average life span 20-30

  5. Ancient Chinese • 1700 BC – 220 AD • Believe that the mind, the body and the spirit are all equally necessary when it comes to the health of the person • Recorded use of herbs for medication • Began to search for medical reasons for illness • Average life span 20-30 years

  6. Ancient Greeks • 1200 BC – 200 BC • Began modern medical science by observing human body and the effects of disease • Hippocrates is called the Father of Medicine • Recorded signs and symptoms of disease • Created a high standard of ethics called the Hippocratic Oath (still used today)

  7. Ancient Greeks, continued • Aristotle dissected animals and is called he founder of comparative anatomy • Used massage and art therapy, and herbal treatments that are still used today • Stressed diet and cleanliness as a way to prevent illness • Average life span 25-35 years

  8. Ancient Romans Aesculapius • 753 BC – 410 AD • Studied the Greek Medicine • First to organize medical care for injured soldiers • Diet, exercise, and medication were used to treat disease • Began public health and sanitation systems • Created aqueducts to carry clean water • Built sewers to carry waste materials away • Average life expectancy 25 to 35 years

  9. Bell Work January 9 • Who is called the Father of Medicine? • Which culture believes that the mind, the body and the spirit are all equally necessary when it comes to the health of the person? • What is the term for boring a hole in the skull was used to treat mental illness, epilepsy and headache?

  10. Dark Agesis a period of both cultural and economic deterioration that took place in Western Europe following the decline of the Roman Empire. • 400 – 800 AD • Emphasis was placed on saving the soul and study of medicine was prohibited • Use of prayer to treat illness and disease • Monks and priests provided care • Average life span 20-30 years

  11. Middle Ages • 800 AD – 1400 AD • Renewed interest in the medical practice by the Greeks and Romans • First medical universities in the 9th Century • Bubonic Plague killed from ½ - ¾ of Europe and Asia’s population – spread by infected bite of a flea • Used animal gut for suture material • Average life span 20-35 years

  12. Renaissance • 1350 – 1650 AD • Dissection of the body lead to a better understanding of anatomy & physiology • Michaelangelo and da Vinci used dissection to draw the human body more realistically • First published anatomy book (Andreas Vesalius) • Average life span 30-40 years

  13. 16th and 17th Century • Causes of diseases were still not known and many people died from infections • Anton van Leeuwenhoek invented the microscope in 1666 • Apothecaries (early pharmacies) made, prescribed, and sold medications • Average life span 35-45 years

  14. January 10 and 11 • What invention in the 17th Century led to the discovery of bacteria and viruses? • The microscope • Who drew the Anatomical Man during the Renaissance? • Leonardo da Vinci

  15. 18th Century • Gabriel Fahrenheit created the first mercury thermometer • Benjamin Franklin invented bifocals for glasses • John Hunter, an English surgeon established surgical procedures and introduced feeding tubes • Average life span 40-50

  16. 19th Century • Florence Nightengale became the founder of modern nursing and established efficient and sanitary nursing units during the Crimean War of 1854 • Clara Barton founded the American Red Cross in 1881 • Average life span 40-60

  17. 20th Century • Walter Reed found that mosquitoes carry yellow fever • Sigmund Freud’s studies became a foundation for psychology and psychiatry • Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin • Jonas Salk develop the polio vaccine • Liver transplants, lung transplants, test tube babies, cloning sheep, HIV, etc • Average life span 60-70 years

  18. From here……… • Leeches Bloodletting

  19. ……….to here. • Leeches Bloodletting

  20. Where are we headed? • Cures for HIV, heart disease, cancer, diabetes. • Stem cell research to find cures for genetic disorder • Methods to slow the aging process • Average life span 90-100 years. 

  21. Presentation for Friday (Monday) • Pick a culture, idea, person, anything in historical medicine that is of interest to you to share with us on Friday • You will have three to five minutes to share what you learned.

  22. Bell Work Friday 1/13 • What does the term of paraskevidekatriaphobics mean? Guess………. • Having a morbid or irrational fear of Friday the 13th

  23. Bell Work 1/18, 1/19 • Do we have extracurricular activities available to you at CTHS? • What is a CTSO?

  24. Trends in Health Care • Growth – one of the largest and fastest growing industries in the United States • Employment opportunities – employs over 10 million workers in over 200 careers • Cost – it is a two billion dollar per day business and growing

  25. Types of Services • Inpatient services (e.g., hospitals, long-term care) • Outpatient services (e.g., clinics, provider offices) • Specialty services (e.g., laboratories, mental health)

  26. Health Care Facilities • Laboratories • Home health care • Hospice agencies • Mental health facilities • Genetic counseling centers • Rehabilitation facilities • Health maintenance organizations (HMOs) • School health services

  27. Health Care Facilities • Hospitals • Long-term care facilities (LTC or LTCF) • Medical offices • Dental offices • Optical centers • Emergency care services • And many more………..

  28. Trends in Health Care • Changes in Health Care • Many events lead to changes in health care • Changes in health care are inevitable and occur rapidly • Health care workers must be flexible and keep pace with the rapid changes

  29. Current Issues • Improving Access to Health Coverage • Obama care, socialized medicine • Keeping Healthcare Affordable • How can we keep healthcare affordable for all people • Improving Quality and Safety • Proposal requiring increased quality healthcare, and consistent good care. • Improving Consumer Health • Keeping people well by increasing positive lifestyle choices.

  30. Past, Present, and Future Trends • Advances in the past that impact care today • Current changes and challenges that are changing the face of health care • Projected discoveries that will change the future of health care

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