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What’s My Name?

What’s My Name?. A Triangle’s Quest For Identity. Once Upon A Time. In a far away land, there was a little triangle who didn’t even know his own name. How do we know what a triangle is called?. One day, he came across a wise old circle, who explained to him.

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What’s My Name?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. What’s My Name? A Triangle’s Quest For Identity....

  2. Once Upon A Time... In a far away land, there was a little triangle who didn’t even know his own name... How do we know what a triangle is called?

  3. One day, he came across a wise old circle, who explained to him.... There are many names for triangles, let me show you...

  4. There are two main ways to name triangles... • By sides • By angles Yippee!

  5. Naming By Sides Three Main Types: • Equilateral • Isosceles • Scalene

  6. Equilateral All three sides of an equilateral triangle are the same length (ie. Equal!)

  7. Isosceles In an isosceles triangle, two sides are equal, but the third is left out. No. No. Hey, Guys. Can I come play, too?

  8. Scalene In a scalene triangle, all three sides are different lengths.

  9. Quiet, you. I’m getting to that. Wow! Which one am I?

  10. You can also sort by angles... Why do you think it’s called a Triangle? TRI = Another word for Three Angle= No surprises there Tri + angle = Three Angles

  11. There are three ways to name a triangle by its angles... • Acute Triangle • Right Triangle • Obtuse Triangle

  12. Acute Triangle In an acute triangle, all of its angles are less than 90 , AKA acute. All of my angles are so little and cute! Gee, I’m Acute Triangle!

  13. Right Triangle In a right triangle, there is one right angle. If the triangle has a right angle, it is a right triangle, regardless of any other acute angles you may find lurking about.

  14. Obtuse Triangle An obtuse triangle has an obtuse angle in it. If it has an obtuse angle, it is an obtuse triangle, regardless of any acute angles you find.

  15. Think About It! Is it possible for a triangle to have both an obtuse angle and a right angle? Try to create one!

  16. Some Triangle Humour For You... Don’t be so obtuse. You just always have to be right, don’t you?

  17. Wow! I never knew there were so many ways to describe triangles!! So, please, Mr. Circle- what’s my name? Bob.

  18. And Bob lived happily ever after. The End.

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