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FIN-LAN COLLABORATION. www.lanarkshirementalhealth.org.uk. Welcome Tervetuloa. Kevin O’Neill , Public Mental Health & Well-being Development Manager. www.lanarkshirementalhealth.org.uk. Connecting the Pieces. Promotion. Prevention. Treatment. Care. www.lanarkshirementalhealth.org.uk.

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  1. FIN-LAN COLLABORATION www.lanarkshirementalhealth.org.uk

  2. Welcome Tervetuloa Kevin O’Neill, Public Mental Health & Well-being Development Manager www.lanarkshirementalhealth.org.uk

  3. Connecting the Pieces Promotion Prevention Treatment Care www.lanarkshirementalhealth.org.uk

  4. It’s no Secret It’s no Secret It’s no Secret It’s no Secret • 25% of adults will experience a mental health problem (over 110,000 in Lanarkshire). • It’s not any 1 in 4 • Material and relative deprivation • Low educational attainment • Unemployment • Poor housing/ environment/ resources • Violence and adverse life events • Poor support networks Melzer et al 2004; Rogers & Pligrim 2003 www.lanarkshirementalhealth.org.uk www.lanarkshirementalhealth.org.uk www.lanarkshirementalhealth.org.uk www.lanarkshirementalhealth.org.uk

  5. Consultation ended March 2008. Lanarkshire Mental Health Improvement Partnership Group established (June 08). 45 senior colleagues complete MHI leadership training with Dr Lynne Friedli, WHO (May 09). TAMFS published in May 09 – Lanarkshire launch event June 09. Local action plan being progressed with an emphasis on imbedding within partnerships structures. Towards & Mentally Flourishing Scotland & Lanarkshire www.lanarkshirementalhealth.org.uk

  6. Vision, Principles, Context We wish to see a Lanarkshire where we all understand that there is no health without mental health, where we know how to support and improve our own and other’s mental health and well-being and act on that knowledge, and where our flourishing mental health and well-being contributes to a healthier, wealthier, fairer, smarter and safer Lanarkshire……people have capacity for change and are able to achieve productive change both in how they feel and how they live their lives. Key to this belief is that national and local government, NHS, partners and communities are able to set the context, conditions and opportunities for change” Towards & Mentally Flourishing Scotland www.lanarkshirementalhealth.org.uk

  7. Mentally Healthy Infants, Children and YP Mentally Healthy Later Life Mentally Healthy Communities Mental Healthy Employment and Workplaces Reducing the Prevalence of Suicide, Self-harm and Common Mental Health Problems Improving Quality of Life of those Experiencing Mental Health Problems TAMF Scotland Priorities www.lanarkshirementalhealth.org.uk

  8. Curing Illness Does Not Necessarily Result in Health (Pat Barker) High mental health (flourishing) A C Low level of mental illness High level of mental illness B D Low mental health (languishing) www.lanarkshirementalhealth.org.uk

  9. Outcome Triangle: Mental Health & Well-being Resilient communities Children have best start Tackled inequalities Longer healthier lives Improved life chances National outcomes Improved healthy life expectancy Increase quality of life High level outcomes Reduce mental illness Reduce suicide Improve mental wellbeing (WEMWBS) Increased Healthy behaviour Increased General health Increased learning & development Increased emotional intelligence Increased meaning & purpose Individual behaviours Intermediate outcomes Increased Equality Increased Social inclusion Increased Participation Increased Safety Social, economic & physical environments Increased Trust Stronger social networks Decreased Discrimination Increased Financial security & less debt Better Working life Greater social support Better Physical environment Deceased Violence Service delivery outcomes Short-term outcomes related to service delivery Activities www.lanarkshirementalhealth.org.uk

  10. Illustrative Logic Model for Mental Health and Well-being www.lanarkshirementalhealth.org.uk

  11. Linking TAMFL to wider goals for Lanarkshire:Community, Health Improvement & Council Plans,

  12. Scottish Government, Planning Partnerships, Local Delivery & Performance Management Scottish Government North Lanarkshire Partnership Board South Lanarkshire Community Planning Partnerships MH Improvement Action Plan Related policies, Priorities & Frameworks Themed Groups Themed Groups North Lanarkshire 6 localities South Lanarkshire 4 localities Age range (early years to older people), Settings (neighbourhoods, nurseries, schools, workplace), High risk groups (look after and accommodated young people) www.lanarkshirementalhealth.org.uk

  13. National support linked to local responsibility. Local information promotes accountability, ownership and action. Carry the national materials, images, information, knowledge, influence and experience through to the local level. Linking mental health improvement to the wider agendas. Integrating with existing strategies and programmes. Dedicated local champions supporting mental health improvement to be everyone's business. It’s on a plate. Facing the Challenge: Linking Nationally: Acting Locally www.lanarkshirementalhealth.org.uk

  14. Used a strong human and personal message, supported by the consistently applied strap line ‘see me… I’m a person not a label’. • Supported people who have experienced stigma to become ‘media volunteers’. The ‘media volunteers’ have then bravely shared their real life experiences of stigma through newspapers, television, radio, DVD and presenting at local and nation events. • Tried to be direct, striking and involving, but without being shocking. • Involved people in anti-stigma activities across Scotland at national and local levels and across all sectors and communities of interest. • Alerted the public to the problem of stigma and sought to win support from across a broad spectrum of society. • Stigma Stop Watch • Used a mix of approaches to reduce stigma and discrimination. This has included television, radio and outdoor advertising, working with newspapers and television stations, interactive online activity, and building local partnerships. www.lanarkshirementalhealth.org.uk


  16. Key lessons: ‘see me’ pledge brings people together and provides a building block. Provide support for those that wish to take action. Key contact is vital. From Pledge to Action • Work with ‘win/win opportunities. • Make a plan for action – focus on what you can do as an • individual, employer and member of the community. • It feels good to make a difference. • It is not difficult to get involved. • Record, evaluate, share and celebrate success. www.lanarkshirementalhealth.org.uk

  17. Understanding Recovery What matters in recovery is not whether we are using services or not using services; using medications or not using medications . What matters in terms of recovery is are we living the life we want to be living? Are we achieving our personal goals? Do we have friends? Do we have connections with the community? Are we contributing or giving back in some way? (Deegan.P Recovery: The lived experience of rehabilitation) www.lanarkshirementalhealth.org.uk

  18. Lanarkshire Recovery Network Formally launched in June 08 following close working with the SRN since 2004. Hosted by Lanarkshire Links: Service User and Carer Involvement Organisation. Multi-partner steering group co-ordinates and supports action. A hub for action. Aims to – Link NATIONAL: Act LOCAL to: Raise awareness of recovery and the things that help and hinder Develop a better understanding of recovery Support and encourage local action towards recovery www.lanarkshirementalhealth.org.uk

  19. Methods of Communication www.lanarkshirementalhealth.org.uk

  20. ‘What Get’s Measured Gets Done’ • National Indicator 15 – Improve Scotland’s wellbeing by 2011 • NHS Targets: • Reduce suicide (training) • Reduce readmissions • Stop increase in anti-depressant prescribing • Increase identification of dementia • Faster access to specialist CAMHS • Single Outcome Agreements! www.lanarkshirementalhealth.org.uk

  21. On-line Support and Information On-line Support and Information On-line Support and Information www.lanarkshirementalhealth.org.uk www.lanarkshirementalhealth.org.uk www.lanarkshirementalhealth.org.uk

  22. Latest News www.lanarkshirementalhealth.org.uk

  23. 200,000 wallet cards produced and distributed around primary care and wider services. 100,000 stress and depression self-help leaflets distributed to be given at point of contact with primary care. Further 12 leaflets accessible via elament. Information prescribing programme will be launched in winter 09, establishing a healthy reading resource in all 50 libraries across Lanarkshire, including books, CDs, DVDs and on-line support. Group established to develop social prescribing programmes such as exercise referral. Brief intervention. Increasing Access to Self-help, Information and Non-clinical Intervention www.lanarkshirementalhealth.org.uk

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