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Presentasjon av Ediels Change of Supplier (CoS) prosjekt

Presentasjon av Ediels Change of Supplier (CoS) prosjekt. Ove Nesvik e-mail: ove.nesvik@edisys.no SFG / NEEG møte 4. februar 2002. Ediel modell. The vision of the project is to produce a model of the electricity power market to:

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Presentasjon av Ediels Change of Supplier (CoS) prosjekt

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  1. Presentasjon av Ediels Change of Supplier (CoS) prosjekt Ove Nesvik e-mail: ove.nesvik@edisys.no SFG / NEEG møte 4. februar 2002

  2. Ediel modell The vision of the project is to produce a model of the electricity power market to: • Provide a basis for facilitation and harmonisation in planning, trade, settlement and other processes important for the electricity power market. • Provide a basis for a common way of exchanging information in the electricity power market. • To make the models based on international accepted standards, so that the result can be understood and used by as many as possible. • To make the deregulated electricity power market understandable for the participating parties.

  3. CoS - Deltagere Diego García, HEW (D), Chairman Eric Roca, RTE (F) Henk Schoenmakers, Electrabel (BE) Joachim Schlegel, RWE (D) Kees Sparreboom, TenneT (NL) Lars-Erik Löf, Dalakraft (S) Leif Morland, SchlumbergerSema (N) Lisbeth Sejersen, NESA (DK) Oscar Ludwigs, SvK (S) Ove Nesvik, EdiSys (N), Secretary Roy Simensen, Lyse (N)

  4. CoS - Status Finland PRODAT Norge PRODAT Sverige PRODAT Tyskland UTILMD Nederland UTILMD fra 1/1 2002 Belgia UTILMD fra 1/1 2003 Danmark UTILMD fra 1/1 2003 Frankrike ?

  5. CoS Fase 1 - Resultater • En modell (dokument) som beskriver CoS prosessen i deltagerlandene • En Implementation Guide som dekker leverandørbytte iformasjon i Danmark, Tyskland og Nederland

  6. CoS Fase II • Flytting (inn og ut) • Fakturering • ”Master data” (målepunkter, målere, parter, fakturering) • Opprettelse og avslutning av målepunkter • Konkurs • Bytte til ”leverandør av siste instans”

  7. CoS modell

  8. Change balance supplier

  9. Old New 1: Contractual offer 4: E01 Acknowledge termination (DE) 2: Contract and Optional authorisation 3: E01 Contract termination (DE) 5: Information on contract closure (DE) 6: 392 Notification to Metering point administrator of start of supply (Change of Supplier) May include a meter reading 7: E14 Request for action regarding metered data (Validity check) (BE) 8: E11 Metered data, meter stands (Validity check) (BE) 12: Meter reading 9: 414 Confirmation of start of supply (Change of Supplier) May include master data for the 10: 406 Information or confirmation of end of supply (Change of Supplier) metering point 11: Information regarding start of supply (DE) 13: E14 Request for action regarding metered data (Validity check) (BE) Only if a meter reading is received from 14: E11 Metered data, meter stands (Validity check) (BE) the Customer and this is to be verified. 15: E11 Metered data, meter stands (Change of supplier) 16: E11 Metered data, meter stands (Change of supplier) Blue text will not be further detailed. Normally not implemented as e.messages Only for profiled settled In addition to the arrows shown: metering points - In the Netherlands and in Belgium the Metering point administrator will send an update message to the old and the new Balance responsible party - In Germany the Balance responsible party will be informed of changes inside his portefolio from his Balance suppliers Consumer Balance supplier Metering point administrator Metered data collector Balance supplier

  10. Customer move

  11. Customer move out

  12. Customer move in

  13. Change of customer

  14. Combined customer move

  15. Exchange master data

  16. Billing

  17. Billing

  18. SG. 4 O 99999 IDE M 1 LOC DTM STS TAX PTY FTX AGR INP SG. 5 SG. 6 SG. 7 O 9 O 9 O 9 O 9 O 9 O 9 O 9 O 9 O 99 O 99 O 99 RFF CCI SEQ M 1 M 1 M 1 CAV PIA SG. 8 SG. 9 O 99 O 9 O 99 O 99 QTY CCI M 1 M 1 DTM STS CAV O 9 O 9 O 99 UTILMD Transaction id. Register Metering point Grid area Meter time frame

  19. CoS - Evaluering • Både modellen og IG‘en vil være en basis for nasjonale brukerveiledninger • Resultatet dekker flere varianter enn opprinnelig ønsket • Modellen har minere detaljeringsgrad enn UMM beskriver • CoS prosessen er mer komplisert enn andre prosesser innefor kraftbransjen • Viktig med arbeid mellom møtene

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