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CRY FREEDOM. Unit JUST SAY NO. SUM-UP activities Chapters 5 to 9. Chapter 5: Summary:. dinner.

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  1. CRY FREEDOM Unit JUST SAY NO SUM-UP activities Chapters 5 to 9

  2. Chapter 5: Summary: dinner Biko takes Woods to have ______ with a black family (12 people) in the township. The house is very poor, and the meal quite simple. Woods __________with some of the men about lots of questions (white people in South Africa, African sense of______, why blacks do not want to enter a ‘white’ world, how whites _______ blacks away slowly, etc.). discusses family pushed

  3. vocabulary activity in chapter 5: PAGE 6 on PACK • noisy • 2. gradaully/slightly • 3. forcefully • 4. endless • 5. bitterly/kindly • 6. bitterness • 7. Unfair • 8. eventful noise Grade / slight force end Bitter / kind bitter fair event

  4. Chapter 6: Summary: Tenjy and Mapetla arrive in the Daily Dispatch together with Woods; they are the new ______covering ‘______’ news. Woods and Ken go to a football match which is actually the excuse for a _______ meeting. First speaks Mzimbi, and then Biko. The crowd understands the idea that they have to destroy their feeling of ________ and believe in their potential. black reporters political inferiority

  5. Chapter 6: SUM-UPQUESTIONS on the pack (page 6) 1. Who does Woods hire two black journalists? They will cover the black news and the number of readers will increase. 2. What was his second experience? He is invited to a dinner party in a black family. 3. What risk does Biko run by going to the stadium? He breaks his ban and, as a consequence, he can go to prison.

  6. Chapter 6: SUM-UPQUESTIONS on the pack (page 6) 4. Is violence the only way to build a better SA? No!! The way to build a better SA is by destroying the idea of blacks being inferior. Once people are equal in SA, the whites will have to make a decision. Living together in peace would be the best option for everybody.

  7. Chapter 7: Summary: An _______ confirms that Biko was at the meeting. Captain De Wet ______ him in the face and Biko fights back. De Wet _________him, but they don’t hit him because he will be a ________in a trial in Pretoria. Biko is the witness in a trial – he and the _______ discuss about Biko’s ideas – Black Consciousness. Woods _________ everything he says on the next day’s edition. informer hits threatens witness judge publishes

  8. Chapter 7: SUM-UPQUESTIONS on the pack (page 6) 1. What are the consequences of his speech? Positive = people are aware of their potential. Negative = Biko is taken to the police station. He is threatened. He will go to trial, as a witness. 2. How are the police and justice described? Corrupt + unfair + partial … + justice and law don’t go together

  9. Chapter 7: SUM-UPQUESTIONS on the pack (page 6) 3. Courtroom scene: Judge = system (Justice is controlled by the System). Biko = oppressed black community 4. Comment on Biko’s attitude at court: Proud + intelligent + quick (quick answers..) + firm + polite & respectful + confident (no hesitation) + clear & concise + incisive + calm …

  10. Chapter 8: Summary: Board meeting - Woods gets somehow in _______ because of his article covering the trial. The community _____ is attacked by three men – ______ recognises captain De Wet among them. They visit the centre, and talk to Dilima. It is clear he cannot be a _________ in a trial – he wouldn’t ________ until it took place. trouble centre Dilima witness survive

  11. Chapter 9: Summary: The _______ visit Woods to ask him who the witness of the attack on the centre is, but he _________ to say his name. The official gives Woods an envelope from court. Woods tells Biko he is being taken to court over the name of the witness of the attack on the centre. The police go to Biko’s house to _______ documents. Steve is _______ an article to be published in the Daily under a different name. He doesn’t let them in at first, and Ntsiki ________ the papers in Samora’s _________. policemen refuses look for /search for Dilima hides nappies

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