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L. Seuront CNRS UMR 8187 LOG, Wimereux, France

On the effects of hydrocarbon contamination on zooplankton behaviour. L. Seuront CNRS UMR 8187 LOG, Wimereux, France School of Biological Sciences, Flinders University , Adelaide , Australia

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L. Seuront CNRS UMR 8187 LOG, Wimereux, France

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  1. On the effects of hydrocarbon contamination on zooplankton behaviour L. Seuront CNRS UMR 8187 LOG, Wimereux, France School of Biological Sciences, Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia South AustralianResearch and Development Institute, Aquatic Sciences, West Beach, Australia Center for PolymerStudies, Department of Physics, Boston University, Bonston, USA

  2. Approach and focus Feeding and swimming behaviours intertwined in calanoid copepod, hence critical to understand - trophodynamics - population dynamics - carbon fluxes

  3. Approach and focus Role of a range of ‘stressors’ on zooplankton behaviour

  4. Approach and focus Role of a range of ‘stressors’ on zooplankton behaviour - food quality and quantity - temperature and salinity - biologically-induced viscosity - natural contamination, e.g. HABs, diatom toxins - anthropogenic pollutants, e.g. hydrocarbons

  5. Approach and focus Role of a range of ‘stressors’ on zooplankton behaviour - food quality and quantity - temperature and salinity - biologically-induced viscosity - natural contamination, e.g. HABs, diatom toxins - anthropogenic pollutants, e.g. hydrocarbons

  6. On (massive) hydrocarbon contaminations

  7. On (pernicious) hydrocarbon contaminations Petroleumleakingfroma ship in Aden’sharbour Source: Google Earth Oilleakedfrom a Nippon PetroleumRefining Co. oilfactoryfloatatShiogamaBay, Miyagi prefecture, Japan Source: http://www.toledoblade.com

  8. On pernicioushydrocarbon contaminations Sub-lethal effects of hydrocarbons on zooplankton: - anomalous metabolism (Samain et al. 1980, 1981) - decreased/inhibited feeding (Berdugo et al. 1977, Berman et al. 1980, Cowles & Remillard 1983, Barata et al. 2002) - increased mortality (Gajbhiye et al. 1995, Almeda et al. 2013) - reduction in egg production (Ott et al. 1978) - reduction in hatching rate (Cowles & Remillard 1983) - reduction in clutch size (Barata et al. 2005) - behavioural changes (Seuront & Leterme 2007, Seuront 2010, 2011, 2012)

  9. On pernicioushydrocarbon contaminations Sub-lethal effects of hydrocarbons on zooplankton: Short-term exposure to low concentrations no effects

  10. On pernicioushydrocarbon contaminations Sub-lethal effects of hydrocarbons on zooplankton: Short-term exposure to low concentrations no effects Long-term exposure to low concentrations various effects

  11. On pernicioushydrocarbon contaminations Sub-lethal effects of hydrocarbons on zooplankton: Short-term exposure to low concentrations no effects Long-term exposure to low concentrations various effects Detrimental cumulative effects unidentifiable under standard short-term incubations…

  12. On pernicioushydrocarbon contaminations Different tools are needed to assess the impact of pernicious ‘invisible’ contaminants

  13. Objectives 1. ability of copepods to detect and avoid contaminated water 2. behavioural changes in contaminated water 3. effect of contaminated water on chemoreception 4. effect of contaminated water on mating strategies

  14. Objectives 1. ability of copepods to detect and avoid contaminated water 2. behavioural changes in contaminated water 3. effect of contaminated water on chemoreception 4. effect of contaminated water on mating strategies 5. foraging behaviour as an end-point assessment and monitoring tool

  15. Results: impact of pernicious contamination Pollutants: - naphthalene - WSF of commercial diesel oil - always sub-lethal and very low concentrations 2 to 3 orders of magnitude below lethal concentrations (LC50)

  16. Results: detection and avoidance Avoidance of WSF point source contamination: Temora longicornisand Eurytemoraaffinis Seuront (2010) Zooplanktonavoidancebehaviour as a response to point sources of hydrocarbon-contaminatedwaterMarine and Freshwater Research, 61, 263-270. Seuront (2012) Hydrocarboncontamination and the swimmingbehaviorof the estuarinecopepodEurytemoraaffinis

  17. Results: detection and avoidance Avoidance of WSF point source contamination: Temora longicornisand Eurytemoraaffinis Seuront (2010) Zooplanktonavoidancebehaviour as a response to point sources of hydrocarbon-contaminatedwaterMarine and Freshwater Research, 61, 263-270. Seuront (2012) Hydrocarboncontamination and the swimmingbehaviorof the estuarinecopepodEurytemoraaffinis

  18. Results: detection and avoidance Avoidance of WSF point source contamination: Temora longicornisand Eurytemoraaffinis Seuront (2010) Zooplanktonavoidancebehaviour as a response to point sources of hydrocarbon-contaminatedwaterMarine and Freshwater Research, 61, 263-270. Seuront (2012) Hydrocarboncontamination and the swimmingbehaviorof the estuarinecopepodEurytemoraaffinis

  19. Results: detection and avoidance Avoidance of WSF point source contamination: Temora longicornisand Eurytemoraaffinis Seuront (2010) Zooplanktonavoidancebehaviour as a response to point sources of hydrocarbon-contaminatedwaterMarine and Freshwater Research, 61, 263-270. Seuront (2012) Hydrocarboncontamination and the swimmingbehaviorof the estuarinecopepodEurytemoraaffinis

  20. Results: detection and avoidance Avoidance of WSF point source contamination: Temora longicornisand Eurytemoraaffinis Seuront (2010) Zooplanktonavoidancebehaviour as a response to point sources of hydrocarbon-contaminatedwaterMarine and Freshwater Research, 61, 263-270. Seuront (2012) Hydrocarboncontamination and the swimmingbehaviorof the estuarinecopepodEurytemoraaffinis

  21. Results: detection and avoidance Avoidance of WSF point source contamination: Temora longicornisand Eurytemoraaffinis Seuront (2010) Zooplanktonavoidancebehaviour as a response to point sources of hydrocarbon-contaminatedwaterMarine and Freshwater Research, 61, 263-270. Seuront (2012) Hydrocarboncontamination and the swimmingbehaviorof the estuarinecopepodEurytemoraaffinis

  22. Results: impact of pernicious contamination Pollutants: - naphthalene - WSF of commercial diesel oil - always sub-lethal and very low concentrations Water contamination and behavioural stress: - stress/sickness decrease behavioural complexity (Bassingthwaighteet al. 1994; Escos et al. 1995; Alados et al. 1996)

  23. Results: impact of pernicious contamination Pollutants: - naphthalene - WSF of commercial diesel oil - always sub-lethal and very low concentrations Water contamination and behavioural stress: - stress/sickness decrease behavioural complexity (Bassingthwaighteet al. 1994; Escos et al. 1995; Alados et al. 1996) - fractal analysis reveals stress when standard behavioural metrics fail in dolphins (Seuront & Cribb 2011), snails (Seuront et al. 2007) and copepods (Coughlin et al. 1992; Seuront & Leterme 2007; Seuront & Vincent 2008; Seuront 2011, 2012)

  24. Results: motion behaviour Naphthalene and behavioural stress: Centropageshamatus From Seuront & Leterme (2007) Increasedzooplanktonbehavioralstress in responseto short-termexposureto hydrocarboncontamination. Open Journal of Oceanography, 1, 1-7.

  25. Results: motion behaviour Naphthalene and behavioural stress: Centropageshamatus Speed (mm s-1) From Seuront & Leterme (2007) Increasedzooplanktonbehavioralstress in responseto short-termexposureto hydrocarboncontamination. Open Journal of Oceanography, 1, 1-7.

  26. Results: motion behaviour Naphthalene and behavioural stress: Centropageshamatus From Seuront & Leterme (2007) Increasedzooplanktonbehavioralstress in responseto short-termexposureto hydrocarboncontamination. Open Journal of Oceanography, 1, 1-7.

  27. Results: motion behaviour Naphthalene and behavioural stress: Centropageshamatus From Seuront & Leterme (2007) Increasedzooplanktonbehavioralstress in responseto short-termexposureto hydrocarboncontamination. Open Journal of Oceanography, 1, 1-7.

  28. Results: motion behaviour Naphthalene and behavioural stress: Centropageshamatus vs. C. typicus - C. hamatus: inshore, i.e. more contaminated - C. typicus: offshore, i.e. less contaminated

  29. Results: motion behaviour Naphthalene and behavioural stress: Centropageshamatus vs. C. typicus - C. hamatus: inshore - C. typicus: offshore - stress: C. hamatus< C. typicus

  30. Results: motion behaviour Naphthalene and behavioural stress: Centropageshamatus vs. C. typicus - C. hamatus: inshore - C. typicus: offshore - stress: C. hamatus< C. typicus - vulnerability higher offshore than inshore

  31. Results: more on motion behaviour Successive displacements are intermittent Highly non-Gaussian! Additional tools needed…

  32. Results: more on motion behaviour Successive displacements are intermittent Intermittency in nutrients, phyto- and zooplankton (Seuront et al. 1996a, b, 1999, 2002; Seuront & Schmitt 2004; Seuront 2005, 2008; Yamazaki et al. 2006) Highly non-Gaussian! Additional tools needed…

  33. Results: more on motion behaviour Seuront (2010) Fractals and Multifractals in Ecology and Aquatic Science, CRC Press. Seuront & Stanley (in press) Anomalous diffusion and multifractality enhance mating encounters in the ocean. PNAS.

  34. Results: more on motion behaviour

  35. Results: more on motion behaviour Filteredseawater q

  36. Results: more on motion behaviour Filteredseawater Food-conditionnedseawater q q

  37. Results: more on motion behaviour Filteredseawater Food-conditionnedseawater q q PAH contamination q

  38. Results: more on motion behaviour Filteredseawater Food-conditionnedseawater q q PAH contamination PAH contamination q

  39. Results: impact of pernicious contamination Copepods mate-seeking strategies rely on chemosensory abilitities 150 mm 150 mm Modifiedfrom Seuront (2013) Chemical and hydromechanical components of mate-seekingbehaviour in the calanoidcopepodEurytemoraaffinis. Journal of PlanktonResearch, 35, 724-743.

  40. Results: impact of pernicious contamination Copepods mate-seeking strategies rely on chemosensory abilitities 150 mm 150 mm Modifiedfrom Seuront (2013) Chemical and hydromechanical components of mate-seekingbehaviour in the calanoidcopepodEurytemoraaffinis. Journal of PlanktonResearch, 35, 724-743.

  41. Results: matingbehaviour WSF contamination and Temora longicornis mate-seeking and mating behaviour • ability of males to detect, track and capture females • control water vs. sub-lethal WSF concentration

  42. Results: matingbehaviour From Seuront (2011) Hydrocarbon contamination decreasesmatingsuccess in a marine planktoniccopepod. PLoS ONE, 6(10), e26283.

  43. Results: matingbehaviour From Seuront (2011) Hydrocarbon contamination decreasesmatingsuccess in a marine planktoniccopepod. PLoS ONE, 6(10), e26283.

  44. Results: matingbehaviour From Seuront (2011) Hydrocarbon contamination decreasesmatingsuccess in a marine planktoniccopepod. PLoS ONE, 6(10), e26283.

  45. Results: matingbehaviour From Seuront (2011) Hydrocarbon contamination decreasesmatingsuccess in a marine planktoniccopepod. PLoS ONE, 6(10), e26283.

  46. Results: matingbehaviour WSF contamination and Temora longicornis mating behaviour • decrease in male detection and tracking ability • decrease in contact rates (2-fold) • decrease in capture rates (3-fold)

  47. Conclusions and Perspectives • copepodbehaviourisverycomplex, hencespecifictools are needed • copepods are very sensitive to hydrocarbon contamination • hydrocarbon contamination may have a criticaleffect on reproduction, evenatverylow concentrations

  48. Conclusions and Perspectives • copepodbehaviourisverycomplex, hencespecifictools are needed • copepods are very sensitive to hydrocarbon contamination • hydrocarbon contamination may have a criticaleffect on reproduction, evenatverylow concentrations • efficient tools to monitor water quality in quasi real-time

  49. Thanks for your attention!

  50. Thanks for your attention! Special thanks to: (financial support 2006-2012) (financial support 1999-2000)

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