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SQL Review

SQL Review. Data Manipulation Language. Key Learning Points. Review SQL syntax for manipulating data Differentiate between interactive and non-interactive SQL Identify the techniques of including SQL in applications Differentiate between statement level interfaces and call level interfaces.

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SQL Review

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SQL Review Data Manipulation Language

  2. Key Learning Points • Review SQL syntax for manipulating data • Differentiate between interactive and non-interactive SQL • Identify the techniques of including SQL in applications • Differentiate between statement level interfaces and call level interfaces

  3. What is SQL? • Structured Query Language • The standard query language for creating and manipulating and controlling data in relational databases

  4. SQL Coverage • Data Definition Language • Data Manipulation Language • Data Control Language

  5. SQL DML Keywords • Select • Update • Insert • Delete

  6. Selecting Records SELECT [ ALL | DISTINCT ] * | table_name | view_name | table_alias .* | column_name | expression [ [AS] column_alias ]| column_alias = expression [,...n]FROM table_name | view_name [ [AS] table_alias ]

  7. Specifying Search Condition SELECT select_listFROM table_sourceWHERE search_condition

  8. SELECT Conditions • = equal to a particular value • >= greater than or equal to a particular value • > greater than a particular value • <= less than or equal to a particular value • <> not equal to a particular value • LIKE “*term*” (may be other wild cards in other systems) • IN (“opt1”, “opt2”,…,”optn”) • BETWEEN val1 AND val2 • IS NULL

  9. Sorting the Result SELECT select_list FROM table_source [WHERE search_condition] ORDER BY column_name | column_alias |expression[ASC | DESC]

  10. Grouping the Result Set SELECT select_listFROM table_source[WHERE search_condition]GROUP BY expression [,…n ][ORDER BY expression [,…n]]

  11. Selecting from Multiple Tables(Equijoin) SELECT select_list FROM table_source1, table_source2 [, table_sourceN] WHERE table_source1.column_name = table_source2.column_name [AND table_source2_column_name = table_sourceN_column_name…]

  12. Selecting from Multiple Tables(Outer Join) SELECT select_list FROM table_source1, table_source2 WHERE table_source1.column_name[(+)] = table_source2.column_name[(+)]

  13. Specifying Search Condition SELECT select_list FROM table_source1, table_source2 WHERE table_source1.column_name = table_source2.column_name AND search_condition

  14. Updating Specific Records UPDATE table_name | view_nameSET column_name = new_value[, column_name=new_value]WHERE search_condition

  15. Adding Records INSERT [INTO] table_name | view_name[ (column_list ) ] VALUES (DEFAULT | NULL | expression, DEFAULT | NULL | expression,…)

  16. Deleting Specific Records DELETE FROM table_name | view_name[WHERE search_condition ]

  17. Interactive vs. Non-Interactive SQL • Interactive SQL: SQL statements input from terminal; DBMS outputs to screen • Non-interactive SQL: SQL statements are included in an application program written in a host language, like C, Java, COBOL

  18. Processing an SQL Statement • Parses the SQL statement • Validates the statement • Generates an access plan • Optimizes the access plan • Executes the statement

  19. Buffer Mismatch • Problem: SQL deals with tables (of arbitrary size); host language program deals with fixed size buffers • Solution: Fetch a single row at a time

  20. Cursor cursor SELECT Result set (or pointers to it) application Base table

  21. Introducing SQL Into the Java Application • Statement Level Interface (SLI) • Call Level Interface (CLI)

  22. Statement Level Interface • Static or Embedded SQL • Dynamic SQL

  23. SQLJ • A statement-level interface to Java • A dialect of embedded SQL designed specifically for Java • Translated by precompiler into Java • SQL constructs translated into calls to an SQLJ runtime package, which accesses database through calls to a JDBC driver

  24. SQLJ Example #SQL { SELECT C.Enrollment INTO :numEnrolled FROM Class C WHERE C.CrsCode = :crsCode AND C.Semester = :semester };

  25. Call Level Interface • Written in host language • Similar to dynamic SQL

  26. JDBC • Call-level interface (CLI) for executing SQL from a Java program • SQL statement is constructed at run time as the value of a Java variable (as in dynamic SQL) • JDBC passes SQL statements to the underlying DBMS. Can be interfaced to any DBMS that has a JDBC driver

  27. JDBC Run-Time Architecture Oracle database Oracle driver application driver manager SQLServer driver SQLServer database DB/2 driver DB/2 database DBMS

  28. Executing a Query import java.sql.*; Class.forName (driver name); Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(Url, Id, Passwd); Statement stat = con.CreateStatement (); String query = “SELECT T.StudId FROM Transcript T” + “WHERE T.CrsCode = ‘cse305’ ” + “AND T.Semester = ‘S2000’ ”; ResultSet res = stat.executeQuery (query);

  29. Handling Exceptions try { ...Java/JDBC code... } catch ( SQLException ex ) { …exception handling code... }

  30. Questions? • This is the end of the presentation. • What questions do you have?

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