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Web 2.0 Interactive Workshop

Clara Ko EuropeanPWN Amsterdam 19 December 2008. Web 2.0 Interactive Workshop. What is Web 2.0?. Web as a platform Software as services Architecture of participation Social media Harnessing collective intelligence Originated from O'Reilly and MediaLive International in 2004.

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Web 2.0 Interactive Workshop

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Clara Ko EuropeanPWN Amsterdam 19 December 2008 Web 2.0 Interactive Workshop

  2. EuropeanPWN Amsterdam Clara Ko What is Web 2.0? Web as a platform Software as services Architecture of participation Social media Harnessing collective intelligence Originated from O'Reilly and MediaLive International in 2004

  3. EuropeanPWN Amsterdam Clara Ko “Web 2.0 is the business revolution in the computer industry caused by the move to the Internet as a platform, and an attempt to understand the rules for success on that new platform.” - Tim O’Reilly

  4. EuropeanPWN Amsterdam Clara Ko

  5. EuropeanPWN Amsterdam Clara Ko Traditional Media

  6. EuropeanPWN Amsterdam Clara Ko Social Media

  7. EuropeanPWN Amsterdam Clara Ko The Strength of Weak Ties

  8. EuropeanPWN Amsterdam Clara Ko Web 2.0 Provides the Infrastructure for Innovation

  9. EuropeanPWN Amsterdam Clara Ko Improving collaboration requires cultural change

  10. EuropeanPWN Amsterdam Clara Ko And a personal change

  11. EuropeanPWN Amsterdam Clara Ko Web 2.0 Concepts Blogging Forums Wikis Social Networks Bookmarking Folksonomy = Tagging E-commerce Syndication Instant Messaging Mashup RIA Collaborative Software

  12. EuropeanPWN Amsterdam Clara Ko Blogging Individuals broadcast ideas to like-minded people Business to broadcast latest information to stakeholders Citizen journalism Receive comments from readers Photos, videos, podcasts Micro-blogging (twitter)‏

  13. EuropeanPWN Amsterdam Clara Ko Forums Online message board around one topic Discussions with posts and replies Threads are collections of posts and replies Moderators to clean up spam Software communities use forums as part of support platform

  14. EuropeanPWN Amsterdam Clara Ko Wiki Collectively share and edit a body of knowledge Ongoing process of creation and collaboration Knowledge Management Wikipedia Enterprise wikis

  15. EuropeanPWN Amsterdam Clara Ko Social Networking Online communities Share information Connect people with same interest Personal, Business, Political Facebook, Hyves, Friendster, Orkut, MySpace, LinkedIn, Plaxo Flickr, You-Tube, Slideshare, Iens

  16. EuropeanPWN Amsterdam Clara Ko E-Commerce Connect seller and buyer Adds value by providing service Ebay, Amazon, Marktplaats Kayak, hotels.com, Funda, Monsterboard Business model to leverage Web 2.0 technology

  17. EuropeanPWN Amsterdam Clara Ko Bookmarking Users save and share links Add meta-data Access bookmarks on any computer Delicio.us, Digg, Reddit, StumbledUpon Rating Also social networking sites

  18. EuropeanPWN Amsterdam Clara Ko Folksonomy = Tagging Cooperative Classification Classification by users not experts Easier to find Blog posts, photos, videos, bookmarks Common problems Spelling Plurals Specificity

  19. EuropeanPWN Amsterdam Clara Ko Instant Messaging MSN, Yahoo Messenger, ICQ, Aim, Jabber, Google Talk, Skype Instant updates and feedback Real-time communication Mobile-enabled Extra features: file transfer, contact lists, conferences Business use to for more efficient communication

  20. EuropeanPWN Amsterdam Clara Ko Syndication Make updates come to you RSS (Rich Site Summary, Really Simple Syndication)‏ Standard format used to publish frequently updated works Blog posts, comments, news, forum feeds, audio, video, stock market Aggregated for you by a RSS feed reader Bloglines, GoogleReader

  21. EuropeanPWN Amsterdam Clara Ko Mashup Aggregates data from more than one source Often using Open API to build services from data sources e.g. Real estate data on Google map

  22. EuropeanPWN Amsterdam Clara Ko RIA Rich Internet Application Enhance user experience Thin client to fat client Technologies: Adobe Flex, JavaFX Still in its infancy Will take some changes to see the possibilities

  23. EuropeanPWN Amsterdam Clara Ko Collaborative Software Google Docs Vyew Real-time collaboration on documents Change the way we work

  24. EuropeanPWN Amsterdam Clara Ko Questions?

  25. EuropeanPWN Amsterdam Clara Ko Social Media Game Split in to groups of 5-6 Discuss how Web 2.0 concepts can help the following characters Blog your discussion http://europeanpwn-amsterdam.clarako.com Tag your blogs with your group name Tag with keywords about the character Tag with Web 2.0 concepts used

  26. EuropeanPWN Amsterdam Clara Ko Character #1:Project Manager Janet is a project manager for a project whose team is split between the Netherlands and India. The client for the project, which in the US, would like to be informed about how the project is going.

  27. EuropeanPWN Amsterdam Clara Ko Character #2:Freelance Consultant Corrine is a freelance consultant with expertise in environmental law. She would like to show potential clients the extent of her knowledge. She would also like to expand her network so as to reach more potential clients.

  28. EuropeanPWN Amsterdam Clara Ko Character #3:Campaign Manager Saskia is the campaign manager for a national politician. She would like to let more people know about her candidate and would like to get more people involved in the cause.

  29. EuropeanPWN Amsterdam Clara Ko Character #4University Dean Diane is the dean at a university with a MBA program. She is setting up a program that will introduce students to cultural differences and prepare them for working in a global economy. To do this, there will be assignments to be done by student from 3 other participating universities around the world.

  30. EuropeanPWN Amsterdam Clara Ko Character #5: PR Elena is doing Public Relations at the EuropeanPWN. She wants to get more visibility for the EuropeanPWN and she wants to use the internet for that. She also wants to get more people involved in activities.

  31. EuropeanPWN Amsterdam Clara Ko Character #6: Marketing Patricia is VP of marketing at a company that sells electronics online. She wants her company website to be the one that people come to for information about the products.

  32. EuropeanPWN Amsterdam Clara Ko Workshop Pick a character Discuss which Web 2.0 technology and how they can be used Use the cards

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