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Birmingham Dog Bite Lawyer

If you or your loved one suffered serious injuries because of a dog bite in Alabama, it is in your best interest to understand your rights. Watch this presentation to know more about this and contact our Birmingham dog bite attorney or call us today at 205-324-1212.

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Birmingham Dog Bite Lawyer

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Farris, Riley & Pitt, LLP BIRMINGHAMDOG BITELAWYER 01

  2. DOGBITE The owner of the dog that bit you could be legally responsible for these types of expenses. In certain cases, you may also be entitled to damages for other considerations, such as your pain and suffering.

  3. WHYDOINEEDA DOGBITE LAWYER? Dog bites are unique cases because victims frequently know the liable parties quite well. The dog owner in your case could very well be a longtime neighbor, friend, or family member.

  4. Farris, Riley & Pitt, LLPwillalsonegotiate WHY CHOOSE FARRIS, RILEY & PITT, LLP? withthedogowner’s insurancecompanyto tryandarriveatafair andfullsettlement, butwewillnotbe afraidtofilealawsuit iftheinsurerwillnot provideadequate compensation.

  5. F R P 12 AlabamaCode § 3-6-1providesthatwhenadogbitesorinjuresapersonwithout provocationinaplacewherethepersonhadalegalrighttobe, thedogownerisliable tothepersonbittenorinjured. Theliabilityonlyapplieswhenthedogbiteoccurson propertyownedorcontrolledbythedog’sownerorwhenthevictimhadbeenonthe owner’spropertyandwaspursuedbythedog.

  6. Address ContactUs 50520thStN, Birmingham, Alabama, 35203, USA PhoneNumber 205-324-1212 EmailAddress law@frplegal.com Website www.frplegal.com

  7. Thank-You

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