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Results of Nitrogen Trials in Adapt Network SW Michigan Project 2012

Results of Nitrogen Trials in Adapt Network SW Michigan Project 2012 . Tom Morris Professor, Soil Fertility Specialist University of Connecticut thomas.morris@uconn.edu March 14, 2013. Two goals we agree on .

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Results of Nitrogen Trials in Adapt Network SW Michigan Project 2012

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  1. Results of Nitrogen Trials in Adapt Network SW Michigan Project 2012 Tom MorrisProfessor, Soil Fertility Specialist University of Connecticut thomas.morris@uconn.edu March 14, 2013

  2. Two goals we agree on Everyone wants clean water for drinking, recreation, and fish/seafood production Everyone wants food production

  3. Rainfall – 2012 Bryan, OH; Deviation Fort Wayne; Deviation March 3.08 +0.48 2.28 -0.32 April 1.29 2.23 1.61 -1.91 May 1.06 -3.21 0.53 -3.74 June 0.65 -3.51 2.28 -1.88 July 4.35 +0.11 1.66 -2.58 Aug 3.51 -0.13 3.18 -0.46 Sept 3.61 +0.81 0.51 -2.29 Total 17.37 -7.86 12.05 -13.18

  4. Corn Stalk Nitrate Test Collect stalks anytime between 1/3 milk line and 3 weeks after black layer

  5. Corn stalk nitrate of 62 fields in SW MI in 2012 Corn Stalk Nitrate (ppm) Optimum range

  6. Corn stalk nitrate values for 62 GSS fields in SW MI in 2012 – Timing of N application Percent of total fields in a category 4 3

  7. Corn stalk nitrate values for 62 GSS fields in SW MI in 2012 – Manure applications Percent of total fields in a category 52 10

  8. Corn stalk nitrate values for 62 GSS fields in SW MI in 2012 – Previous Crop Percent of total fields in a category 30 1 31

  9. Corn stalk nitrate values for 62 GSS fields in SW MI in 2012 – Tillage Percent of total fields in a category 13 49

  10. Corn stalk nitrate values for 62 GSS fields in SW MI in 2012 – Form of N Percent of total fields in a category 6 54 2

  11. Corn stalk nitrate values for 28 Strip Trials in SW MI in 2012 Percent 100 150 200 250 Pounds N/acre

  12. ST12MISW124 TRT Bu/A Stalk $ 100 210 40 0 150 244 103 145 200 290 561 205 250 296 2571 5 Need 5 bu to pay for 50 lbs of N

  13. ST12MISW117 Trial area TRT Bu/A Stalk $ 100 216 4633 0 150 215 6918 -30 200 218 6427 -10 250 219 8109 -20 Need 5 bu to pay for 50 lbs of N

  14. Trial area ST12MISW121 TRT Bu/A Stalk $ 100 239 63 0 150 255 1422 55 200 260 2169 0 250 267 5055 10 Need 5 bu to pay for 50 lbs of N

  15. ST12MISW397 TRT Bu/A Stalk 100 140 5444 150 139 2806 200 145 5855 250 140 4613 Need 5 bu to pay for 50 lbs of N

  16. ST12MISW120 TRT Bu/A Stalk $ 100 180 357 0 150 180 681 -25 200 185 693 0 250 190 1172 0 Need 5 bu to pay for 50 lbs of N What rate apply next year?

  17. Conclusions One year of data Averages are dangerous – You need to look at the stalk values and yields from strip trials from your fields to make the best decision about nitrogen for your fields Keep field-by-field records Think in terms of being a better manager of nitrogen over the next 10 years

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