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The Social Media Engagement Competition

The Social Media Engagement Competition. Presented by the Web Startup Group Sponsored by SR Consulting. How is the competition structured?. Execution. Presentations & Product Unit Formations. Final Event. Team Formation & Training. April 7. March - April. March 10. February 25.

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The Social Media Engagement Competition

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Social Media Engagement Competition Presented by the Web Startup Group Sponsored by SR Consulting

  2. How is the competition structured? Execution Presentations & Product Unit Formations Final Event Team Formation & Training April 7 March - April March 10 February 25 • Finalist strategies will be executed • Summarize your performance in a presentation • Present your strategy along with the relevant metrics you will use to measure performance • Best strategies (1 to 3) will be chosen • Present your final results to the business owners and judges for awards • Social media strategy training • Form teams of 2-5 • Choose the product • Submit group members and product selection by February 25 • Develop your strategy

  3. How is the competition structured? • There are three products from which you can choose to promote • The best overall strategy / concept for each product presented in the preliminary round will be awarded $100, and selected to execute the strategy and compete in the final round • The winning team in the final round will be awarded the $3,000 cash prize • Best overall strategy performance is rewarded based on accomplished goalsand benchmarks, and value creation All Submissions Winning strategy for product #1 ($100) Overall winning strategy performance($3,000) Winning strategy for product #2 ($100) Winning strategy for product #3 ($100)

  4. Product Introduction Stove in a Can 24Seven Hunter Alerts Link Link Link Minimum benchmarks, according to product, will be set by the owner, which will be disclosed after team registrations

  5. PHASE 1: Team Registration • Teams should have at least 2 members and no more than 5 • By Friday, February 25, register your team members’ names and the product you are promoting. The registration form can be found at: www.webstartupgroup.com • Optional: Stop by the workshop on Friday,February 18 in room W308 from 2:00 – 3:00 PM (we will talk more about strategy and product Q&A with the sponsor)

  6. PHASE 2: Develop & Present Your Strategy • Develop a strategy using social media to promote the chosen brand/product • Indicate the channels your team proposes to use; e.g., Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, etc. (your strategy must incorporate, at the least thee three above-mentioned channels) • Explain how you propose to create value for the brand/product you have chosen Answer the following questions: • How will consumers become aware of my campaign? • How will I get consumers to engage with the brand? • How sustainable is my strategy in the long run? • Is there a relationship created between the consumers and the brand that allow for two-way communication? • What metrics (Twitter followers, YouTube views, etc.) will I use to measure value creation? • What metrics do I plan to accomplish with my strategy? • How do I relate these metrics to the actual sales I create? • Prepare a 3-minute PowerPoint presentation to compellingly convey your answers to the aforementioned questions • Email your presentation slides to smc@webstartupgroup.com before midnight on Wednesday, March 8th • Present to business owner and judges on Thursday, March 10 at 6:30 PM

  7. PHASE 3: Execute Your Strategy • On Thursday, March 10 the business owner, along with selected judges, will determine the TOP 1- 3 strategies (at most, one for each product) to be executed • If your team’s submission is selected, you will be given access to the company’s social media platforms in order to carry out your strategy • Record your progress, measure your impact, and compile the relevant information regarding the overall “product value” created • Prepare a final 10-minute presentation which summarizes the results of your efforts • Email your presentation visuals (PowerPoint, Keynote, Prezi, etc.) to smc@webstartupgroup.com by midnight on Wednesday, April 5

  8. PHASE 4: Final Event • On Thursday, April 7 finalists will showcase the results of their efforts in a 10 minute presentation • The final results will be awarded cash prizes based on the completion of the strategy, accomplishing the set goals/metrics, reaching minimum benchmarks, and overall value created for the product • Here are some important items the owner/ judges will consider for each social media channel used: • How did you use the channel to engage consumers? • What were the product’s benchmark metrics? Did you accomplish them? How did you meet/exceed them? • What were the goals of the strategy? Did you accomplish them? What were the final numbers? • What types of relationships have been formed with consumers? How do those relationship translate into increased revenues? • What did you learn from the experience?

  9. Questions? If you have any questions or comments email us at: smc@webstartupgroup.com

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