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Afinil Express Review

Afinil Express is now the alternative and best place to order generic modafinil online. Afinil Express ships in plain packaging that looks pretty ordinary

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Afinil Express Review

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Freedom and Fulfilment www.freedomandfulfilment.com

  2. About • Hey, my name is Aaron and welcome to my site. I created Freedom and Fulfilment to write about my experience and share ideas on self improvement, spirituality, and how we can create the best lives for ourselves and others. • There are two major themes to my writing and approach. The first is a self development process based mainly around the conscious acquisition (or elimination) of character traits. Through personal experience and observing others I’ve come to understand the effectiveness and utility of this approach for creating desirable life circumstances. www.freedomandfulfilment.com

  3. Playing the Game: How to Reconcile Spirituality and Self-Improvement Spirituality and self improvement can at first seem incompatible. Spirituality is rooted in the idea that there is no real “self” and that dissolving the ego—or at least trying to look past it and act as if it wasn’t there—is the best way to proceed in life. Self improvement, on the other hand, is a constant development of that very self we’ve just claimed doesn’t exist. And yet I would consider them two of the most important themes in my life. How can you have both at the same time? How do you reconcile the two? Here’s how I do it.. www.freedomandfulfilment.com

  4. Doing Costless Good At Psychedelic Science 2017 I briefly interacted with one of the most warm and welcoming women in the world. She was volunteering at the tea house, serving tea at low tables with cushions spread around on the floor. Whenever someone sat down, this woman was ready with tea and a gracious smile. When she smiled at you it was like being washed over with calm and serenity. In contrast to the hectic energy of the rest of the conference, this couldn’t have been needed more. On the last day I was eating a sandwich in the marketplace and happened to see this woman walking by, having finished work at the tea house for the day. I went over to her, trying to swallow my sandwich before I reached her, and said, “Excuse me…” and told her how much I appreciated her demeanour at the tea house. She smiled a big smile (of course), thanked me and gave me a hug. www.freedomandfulfilment.com

  5. Western Society has Cut You Off From Your Real Self (Re-Attach Your Head to Your Body) One of the greatest myths of Western society is that the mind and body are separate. This comes from a long and unfortunate philosophical tradition, starting with Plato and epitomized by what’s known as Cartesian dualism. Plato imagined the mind and body to be completely separate – the rational, thinking mind ‘owned’ the body in the same way that an individual owns a house or a plot of land. Plato recommended that people care for their bodies, but only because they should care for all their physical possessions. As much value as there is in Plato… he got this one dead wrong. www.freedomandfulfilment.com

  6. Social Accounts www.facebook.com/freedomandfulfilment www.twitter.com/Aaron__FF www.freedomandfulfilment.com

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