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Turqu ía

Turqu ía. Sr. Lisi. Location of Turkey. Turkey is a country that lies on both Asia and Europe -. Turkey is surrounded by Bulgaria, Syria , Iraq, Iran , Azerbaijan , and Georgia. It also borders the Black Sea, and the Mediterranean Sea. Capital de Turquía. La capital es Ankara.

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Turqu ía

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Turquía Sr. Lisi

  2. Location of Turkey Turkeyis a country thatliesonboth Asia and Europe- Turkeyissurroundedby Bulgaria, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Azerbaijan, and Georgia. Italsobordersthe Black Sea, and theMediterraneanSea.

  3. Capital de Turquía La capital es Ankara. Thepeople are called TURCOS

  4. Población Population Thepopulation of Turkeyisabout 80 millionpeopleand thebiggestcity, Istanbul, has a population of about 14 millionpeople.

  5. Dr. Oz has hisown TV series in America. He givesadvicetopeopleallovertheworldtohelpthemtakebettercare of themselves. FamousPeople Ataturkisthefound of therepublic of Turkey. He revolutionizedthe country of Turkeybyimplementing a new alphabet as well as changingthewaygovernment functions. Erdoganisthecurrent prime minister of Turkey. He began hiscareerverymuchlikedbythepopulation, but in recent yearshispopularity has sharplydeclinedduetohismany changeswithinthe country.

  6. ImportantEvents Theareaknown as Turkeywas once ruledbytheOttomanTurks. After more than 500 yearstheirempirefell and a mannamedAtaturk rose topowerbybeginning a revolution in the country. After he won thewar, he quicklybegantoimplement novel ideas intothe a newlyformed country. Ataturkmeansthefather of Turkeybecause of thefactthat he completelychangedthewaytheTurksthink and goabouttheirdailylives. Therehavebeenmanybattlesovertheyears in Turkeybecause of itskeylocationgeographically. Itconnectstheeasttothewest, and theBosphorusis a keypointto control simplyforitsimportance of trade.

  7. Geografía, Plantas, Animales Istanbulisfilledwith 1000´s of ancientruins. It has a lot of history. Ephesus (top left) wasanancientGreekcity. It has a beautifullandscapethatincludes Beaches, forests, mountains, and much more. Turkeyalso has a diverse Wildlifethatincludessquirrels, hedgehogs, and turtles.

  8. Resources www.bing.com http://www.indexmundi.com/turkey/demographics_profile.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Istanbul http://www.biography.com/people/groups/turkish

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