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Transnational Cooperation under ESF: Promoting Exchange and Collaboration

This article highlights the importance of transnational cooperation under the European Social Fund (ESF) and the action plan to support it. It discusses the role of contact points, a web-based communication platform, and the EC Call for Proposals for Learning for Change. The article also mentions other networks and the Transnational Partner Search Toolkit.

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Transnational Cooperation under ESF: Promoting Exchange and Collaboration

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  1. European Anti Poverty NetworkStructural Funds Working Group meetingRafal Zawada • Brussels, 6 February 2009

  2. Transnationality under the ESF =a wide definition • no geographical restriction • no thematic limitation • no final beneficiary is excluded • all types of exchange can be promoted

  3. Transnational cooperation under the ESF 2007 -2013 • ESF OPs: 117 • with priority axis: 41 • with horizontal actions 76 • Total budget of dedicated priorities: 1,2 billion € • Estimated total budget for transnational and interregional cooperation: around 3 billion €

  4. Action plan to support transnational cooperation • Establishment of a common information platform to identify and share the themes and funding provisions for transnational cooperation • The creation and application of a user-friendly IT toolkit facilitate searches for partners, events, activities and results • Establishment of a network of contact points to share experience, practice and tools • Thematic networks, exchange events and policy fora of groups of Member States and regions • Validating and disseminating good practices and results

  5. Role of contact points • Appointed by Managing Authorities • provide services for contact persons from other countries and regions (information and liaison point; organise study visits, etc.) • Support ESF management teams at all levels, in particular Intermediate Bodies • Advise and support applicants and beneficiaries (by organising information events, support in partner search etc.) • Meet 4 times a year • Communicate via web platform

  6. A web based communication platform • Contact points and other relevant stakeholders use the platform to exchange information, concerns, practices and implementation provisions • Key sections: • Themes and implementing provisions of OPs • Networking between ESF OPs • Management issues • Differentiated access rights • It is robust, flexible and easy to use: • www. transnationality.eu

  7. EC Call for ProposalsLearning for Change Expected results Developing synergies and complementarities at OP level Setting up networks of stakeholders that can contribute to, and use the results of, these networks Professional development of individual members of networks Capacity building at the level of institutions and organisations Thus improving the efficiency and impact of ESF programmes

  8. EC Call for ProposalsLearning for Change Published on 24 June 2008 Budget: € 4m Community funding: up to 90% Restricted for ESF Managing Authorities Consortia of minimum 5 MA and IB Deadlines: 15 Sept 2008 and 28 Nov 2008

  9. Applications being negotiated following the September 15 deadline

  10. Applications received for theNovember 28 deadline

  11. EC Call for ProposalsLearning for Change Preparatory phase (up to 6 months) Finalize the partnership Validate inputs from partners Agree on a revised work programme Sign any contractual agreements with third parties

  12. EC Call for ProposalsLearning for Change For further details, please visit: http://ec.europa.eu/employment_social/emplweb/tenders/tenders_en.cfm?id=3525 Express your interest in participating in the call: www.transnationality.eu

  13. Other networks(already working or in the making)

  14. EC Call for ProposalsLearning for Change For the networks under preparation: a new call is to be published at the end of March 2009

  15. Transnational Partner Search Toolkitwww.transnational-toolkit.eu Developed by the Italian Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Policies (the lead ESF authority in Italy) with the support of other Member States and the European Commission.

  16. Intranet functionalities • The intranet allows registered users to perform the following tasks: • create the organization’s profile (what it does and how others can get in touch with it); • provide details about past transnational work (participation in past programmes); • provide details about the outputs produced in the past; • provide details of intended transnational activities (the characteristics of the partnership being sought);

  17. Intranet functionalities search the database for suitable partners either through a simple word search and / or more advanced search criteria and print the results; change one’s profile and modify any other data form; print one’s profile; change one’s password; unsubscribe. Where necessary, the functionalities are assisted by an online help.

  18. Toolkit highlights The Toolkit functionalities which have attracted considerable interest include: the product search function in the public area; the partner search function in the intranet.

  19. Product search This facility has been made available to the general public to encourage dissemination of results. It is a text search (up to 10 words) concerning products for which registered users have provided details during registration. In the very near future, this area will also include products from other sources.

  20. Partner search This is an intranet functionality, available only to registered users. Two search modes are available: full text search (up to ten words); advanced search.

  21. Advanced partner search The advanced search mode includes the following criteria: Member State; type of organization; main type of activity of organization; programmes; main field of expertise of organization; target groups of transnational cooperation; participants according to status in the labour market, by age, by vulnerable groups; main type of transnational activity.

  22. EMPL-ESFTransnationality@ec.europa.euEMPL-ESFGrants2008@ec.europa.euEMPL-ESFTransnationality@ec.europa.euEMPL-ESFGrants2008@ec.europa.eu

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