Short form: how to fit into the scope of an essay?

how to fit into the scope of an essay?

When writing an essay, candidates often ask themselves: how to minimize the unpleasant and tedious process of compressing and editing draft work? Perhaps you have already thought about how best to do this. 

In fact, there is no single right way. In this article, we offer some tips for those who don't want to spend time learning and practicing complex editing tactics. How to learn to control the number of words when writing an essay? 

Before you start writing, take a few simple steps: Think about the structure of your essay Write down a few short (2-3 word) phrases that represent your key ideas Given your sentence writing habits, estimate the approximate number of words you will need to develop each idea Voila! 

An approximate calculation is ready, and with minimal effort. If it ends up being too short, add a few extra ideas. If it's too wordy, omit a few secondary ideas. Sounds too easy? Perhaps it is. But it's a great way to start, for several reasons: You'll be able to visualize the final product with minimal effort. Throwing away, replacing, or restructuring an idea is less painful than cutting out an elaborate section that took hours of painstaking work. 

After you have created the skeleton, start building up the muscles. Create sentences around each idea and make them easy to read. They will serve as further material for editing and processing. During processing, constantly monitor changes in the distribution of words in sections, otherwise by the end of the process you may end up with a strong search or, conversely, a shortage of words. Then you have to "cut to the quick." 

You will soon find that with each revision, the essay gets slimmer and closer to the required word count. Some applicants for extreme essay shortening cut articles. But what is normal for Runglish, for a native speaker will look ... clumsy, to put it mildly. Of course, each writer has his own method, you can find out about many of them at If you intend to use this method, use it selectively and carefully, and only where the rules of the English language permit. 

Improve readability, not just mechanically reduce the number of words. 

 Now it's time to put the theory into practice!