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Arizona Maternal, Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program MIECHV

Arizona Maternal, Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program MIECHV. Bureau of Women's & . Children's Health . What is Home Visiting?.

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Arizona Maternal, Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program MIECHV

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  1. Arizona Maternal, Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting ProgramMIECHV Bureau of Women's & Children's Health

  2. What is Home Visiting? Home visiting matches parents with trained professionals or paraprofessionals who provide information and support related to children’s healthy development, strengthening the parent-child relationship and awareness of early learning. Visits take place in the family’s home during pregnancy and up to the child’s first five years of life. These voluntary visits support the child and family by buffering the effects of risk factors and stress in the family.

  3. Why is Home Visiting Important? Home visitation is an effective, research-based and cost-efficient way to bridge the gap between vulnerable families and the resources that will ensure that children grow up healthy and ready to learn. It has been estimated that for every dollar spent on nurse home visitation, society can save as much as $5.70.

  4. How? • Home Visiting programs reduce social costs through: • Improved prenatal health • Fewer childhood injuries and infant mortality • Increase intervals between births • Early detection and intervention of development delays • Improved family self sufficiency • Improved school readiness for children

  5. Watch a Success Story

  6. Interagency Leadership Team

  7. Home Visiting Task Force • The Statewide Home Visiting Task Force was reconvened and completed the document: “The Vision for Early Childhood Home Visiting Services in Arizona” • This document was used to complete required steps in receiving the grant and identifying statewide goals. • The current task force has 83 members representing 45 agencies throughout the state.

  8. Arizona’s Portion from ACA • FY 2010 Formula Funds $1.8 million • Formula Funds $2.6 million/year • Competitive Grant $9.4 million/year

  9. We come from many backgrounds and work throughout the state, but we share one commitment. Together, we help Arizonans build strong families.

  10. System Integrations State Level Community Level • WHAT CAN BE PROVIDED AT THE STATE LEVEL? • Provide funding resources, and coordinate among funding agencies; • Increase HV services, targeted to at risk communities; • Evaluate effectiveness of HV system on impact on communities, families and children; • Build infrastructure to support HV services • Promote common quality standards across home visiting programs; • Support practices to ensure families are referred to the HV service that best fits their needs and that methods for follow-up and feedback are in place; • Develop HV plans with local level coalitions and communities ; • Build sustainability strategies. • WHAT CAN BE PROVIDED AT THE COMMUNITY LEVEL? • Develop IGAs, and hire local home visiting coordinators to implement local plan, monitor progression of HV services, provide T.A. to local providers, coordinate local training, and facilitate collaboration at local level and with state level activities • Develop local coalitions with representative members including families to support continuum of care philosophy; • Identify local resources to support HV services; • Work with State HV on developing referral protocols and local HV plans; • Develop training resource agreements locally; • Develop local data sharing agreements; • Develop web page for HV (link with Strong Families AZ); • Build sustainability strategies.

  11. Professional Development, 2013 • 2nd Annual Strong Families AZ Home Visiting Conference • September 24th and 25th (SAVE THE DATE!) • Benchmark Institutes • Family Support Conference, Tucson • Infant Mental Health (2 trainings) • Infant and Toddler Guidelines, Department of Education • Maternal Depression • Best Practices with Technical Assistance • Breastfeeding (6 trainings) • Car Seat Safety and Safe Sleep, Injury Prevention • Domestic Violence , Coalition Against DV • Web based trainings • Baby Cues • Jump Start, Home Visiting training provided by Healthy Families

  12. Home Visiting Programs • High Risk Perinatal Program • Arizona Health Start • Early Head Start • Family Spirit • Health Families • Nurse Family Partnership • Parent As Teachers

  13. Demonstration of strongfamiliesaz.com

  14. You can find the grant application information at: http://azdhs.gov/phs/owch/children/homevisiting.htm Questions?Jessica.Stewart@azdhs.govMeloney.Baty@azdhs.govIrene.Burnton@azdhs.gov

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