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Elkhorn Slough Water quality Programs Trends and Concerns

Elkhorn Slough Water quality Programs Trends and Concerns. ESNERR WQ Monitoring Program-Volunteer Sites Sample Monthly 1989 – Present Params by Probe (DO,Temp,Sal,pH,Turb, Chl) & Nutrients (Nitrate, Phosphate Ammoinium).

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Elkhorn Slough Water quality Programs Trends and Concerns

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  1. Elkhorn Slough Water quality Programs Trends and Concerns

  2. ESNERR WQ Monitoring Program-Volunteer SitesSample Monthly 1989 – PresentParams by Probe (DO,Temp,Sal,pH,Turb, Chl) & Nutrients (Nitrate, Phosphate Ammoinium)

  3. ESNERR WQ Monitoring Program-NERR SitesSample every 15 mins; 1995 (AP & SM) – PresentParams by probe (Depth, DO,Temp,Sal,pH,Turb) & Monthly Nutrients (Nitrate, Phosphate Ammoinium)

  4. Even the mouth of the Estuary goes below the 5 mg/L target

  5. As we move up the slough DO gets worse and worse

  6. Azevedo Pond below 5 mg/L almost year round, hypoxic <2.3 mg/L summer and fall

  7. Nutrient pollution varies by region

  8. Salinas River sites Annual Average 2002-2009

  9. Nitrate concentrations mg NOx/L Comparison of means of all available data by Reserve and Station, 2006–2011 OWC takes the prize highest average nitrate NERR range .02 – 2.7 mg/L

  10. Nitrate concentrations mg NOx/L Comparison of means of all available data by Reserve and Station, 2006–2011 Salinas River Sites Average 22 mg/L 10X higher than Highest NERR site in Country

  11. Chl by tidal exchange in the Estuary Low Moderate High Hyper

  12. EUTROPHICATION: anoxic sediment A much narrower layer at the top of the mud is well oxygenated at muted vs. full tidal sites

  13. EUTROPHICATION: dissolved oxygen Greater variation with less tidal exchange b b b b a a

  14. Nitrate 900 800 700 600 µM 500 400 300 200 100 0 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98

  15. How different are the NERR sites? Comparison of means of all available data by Reserve and Station, 2002 – 2006/7 OWC WEL DEL PDB HUD CBM WKB APA SFB TJR SOS CBV JAC GRB http://nerrs.noaa.gov ELK KAC NOC WQB NIW ACE NAR GND SAP GTM RKB JOB 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 mg NOx L-1

  16. Annual Hypoxia from two NERR stations Azevedo Pond South Marsh AVIRIS photo, John Ryan, MBARI

  17. Data from Ken Johnson 2010

  18. Tidal range vs % time hypoxic Figure 5. Maximum tidal exchange v. % time hypoxic

  19. How different are the NERR sites? WEL WKB CBM OWC DEL WQB ACE MAR CBV TJR ELK APA SAP NIW SFB GND GRB PDB NOC HUD RKB GTM JAC SOS JOB KAC NAR 0.1 1.0 10 100 mg Chl a L-1 Comparison of means of all available data by Reserve and Station, 2002 – 2006/7 http://nerrs.noaa.gov

  20. Summary take home messages

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