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Conversation – Free time

Conversation – Free time. Střední odborná škola Otrokovice. Autorem materiálu a všech jeho částí, není-li uvedeno jinak, je Ing. Alena Čechová

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Conversation – Free time

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  1. Conversation – Free time Střední odborná škola Otrokovice Autorem materiálu a všech jeho částí, není-li uvedeno jinak, je Ing. Alena Čechová Dostupné z Metodického portálu www.rvp.cz, ISSN: 1802-4785, financovaného z ESF a státního rozpočtu ČR. Provozováno Výzkumným ústavem pedagogickým v Praze. www.zlinskedumy.cz

  2. Charakteristika DUM

  3. Contents Conversation – Free time 1. Relaxační činnosti Vhodná slovní zásoba 2. Relaxační sporty Vhodná slovní zásoba 3. Filmy Praktické příklady slovní zásoby 4. Praktická cvičení Procvičení slovní zásoby

  4. PlayingcomputergamesVisitinginterestingplaces Cross-country skiingWatchingtelevision Going to thecinemaWatchingsports Meeting friendsEatingout WalkingLikecooking Activities (hobbies) athome: A lot ofyoungpeople play computergameseveryday. Do youlikegardening? I read a lot athome. I readnovels (long stories), booksaboutnature, I likemagazinesabout music and sport. Do youread a newspapereveryday? Sometimesweinvitefriendsaround(= weaskthem to come to our house). Weoftenhavefriends to dinner. I talk to my friend on thephoneeveryevening. Sometimes I just do nothing. I like to have a sleepafter lunch. Relaxační činnosti [1]

  5. Ballgames:footballtennisrugby table tennis basketball Americanfootball badminton baseball volleyball golf crickethandball Otherpopularsports: swimmingrunningsailing motor racinghorseracing judo/karate skiingcanoeing bungee-jumping snowboarding (ice)hockey paragliding windsurfing Používáme tato spojení: play football, baseball, volleyball, rugby … goswimming, skating, windsurfing, skiing … docanoeing, judo, karate … Writethenamesofthesportsyouhave done. Whichones do youlike? Which do you not like? Whichonewouldyoulike to do? Relaxační sporty

  6. Typesoffilms: western a horror film anaction film a cartoon a comedy a crime/detective film a science fiction film a love story/romantic film a musical a thriller Do youlike western? No, I like science fiction film best. Do you go to thecinemaoften? Yes, i go everyweek. No, I watchvideosathome. What´s on atthecinemathisweek? It´s a comedycalled ………………….. Haveyouseen …………………..? Yes, I sawit on TV. Didyoulike ………………………? Yes, I lovedit (I enjoyedit). No, itwasboring. Filmy

  7. Whattypesoffilms are these? Somecowboys rob a train. A flyingsaucerlandsfrom Mars. A dead person comeback to life. James Bond savestheworld. Mickey Mouse goes on a picnic. A man falls in love with his teacher. A dead boy isfound in theriver. There are lotsofsongs and dancing. Přeložte: In my free time I like to do somesports. In ourtownwehave a lot ofopportunities to play varioussports. I likeplayingtennis and football. I like motor racingbest. Praktická cvičení

  8. Odpovězte na otázky: Do you do anysports? Yes, I go swimming, running, sailing, canoeing. Do you play football(tennis, badminton)? What´syourfavourite sport? Přeložte: My sisterlikesswimming and thereis a largeswimming pool in ourtown. I like windsurfing but I must go to the country becausethereisn´t a lakehere. My friendlikeshorseriding and her brotherlikes bodybuilding (posilování). Wehavegot a large sport centre in ourtownwithmodernfacilitiesforrunning, skating and cycling. I likegoing to my friend´sparties. There are a lot oflightseverywhere and a lot ofourfriends. Wesing, dance and listen to pop music. Fill thegaps in theresentences: Do youprefer to go ………………….. cinemaor to watch TV? We ………………… a video last night. Praktická cvičení [1]

  9. Questions Fill in themissingverbs: • Sometimes I …………… to CDs. • I prefer to ………….. magazines more thannewspapers. • I ………… to my sister on thephoneeverySunday. • A lot ofpeoplelike to ………………. a sleepafter lunch. • Do youever ……………………. friends to dinner? • Thechildren ……… computergameseveryday. • My father …………. vegetables in our garden.

  10. Seznam obrázků: Obr. 1: anonym, 00442234.jpg , [vid: 26. 4. 2013], klipart Microsoft Office Obr. 2:anonym, 00389156.wmf, [vid: 26. 4. 2013], klipart Microsoft Office Obr. 3:anonym, 10001074.gif, [vid: 26. 4. 2013], klipart Microsoft Office Obr. 4:anonym, 00307356.wmf, [vid: 26. 4. 2013], klipart Microsoft Office Obr. 5:anonym, j0285698.wmf, [vid: 26. 4. 2013], klipart Microsoft Office Obr. 6:anonym, 00446522.wmf, [vid: 26. 4. 2013], klipart Microsoft Office Obr. 7:anonym, 00286578.wmf, [vid: 26. 4. 2013], klipart Microsoft Office Obr. 8:anonym, 00295945.wmf, [vid: 26. 4. 2013], klipart Microsoft Office Obr. 9: anonym, 00430603.jpg, [vid: 26. 4. 2013], klipart Microsoft Office Obr. 10: anonym, 00174939.jpg, [vid: 26. 4. 2013], klipart Microsoft Office Obr. 11: anonym, 00423015.jpg, [vid: 26. 4. 2013], klipart Microsoft Office Obr. 12: anonym, 00440454.wmf, [vid: 26. 4. 2013], klipart Microsoft Office Obr. 13: anonym, 00441331.png, [vid: 26. 4. 2013], klipart Microsoft Office

  11. Seznam použité literatury: [1] Kolektiv, STEP BY STEP 1, nakladatelství Fraus, 2007

  12. Děkuji za pozornost 

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