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Sermons from Science - Life of a Universe: Part 1: Creation

Explore the alleged story of the universe according to the big bang theory in this presentation by Pastor Chui. Discover scientific arguments and alternative perspectives on the origins of the universe.

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Sermons from Science - Life of a Universe: Part 1: Creation

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  1. Sermons From Science -- Feb 2018科学布道-- 2018年2月 Sermons from Science have been published in both YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and their PowerPoint slides and corresponding videos in the website http://ChristCenterGospel.org since 2011. Just type “Pastor Chui” in Google Search. The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet. May God have all the glory. Pastor Chui http://ChristCenterGospel.org ckchui1@yahoo.com 12/19/2019 1

  2. Life of a Universe: Part 1: Creation宇宙的生命:第一部分:创造 • The Creation.com website published the article written by Russell Griggon 28 March 2017. I now quote his article below: • “On January 2, 2018, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation TV Channel 2 re-ran their program titled “Brian Cox: Life of a Universe: Creation”. This actually involved two episodes originally shown as “Part 1: Creation” on March 7, 2017 and “Part 2: End of Days” on March 14 2017. We present our response to “Part 1: Creation” below, and we will show our response to “Part 2: End of Days” tomorrow. 12/19/2019 2

  3. Life of a Universe: Part 1: Creation宇宙的生命:第一部分:创造 English physicist and well-known media ‘star’ Prof. Brian Cox has been on tour in Australia, discussing two fundamental questions: How did the universe begin? and How will it end? He presented his answer to the first question on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s TV Channel 2 program Life of a Universe: Part 1 Creation, on 7 March 2017. Here is our response to this first program. 12/19/2019 3

  4. Life of a Universe: Part 1: Creation宇宙的生命:第一部分:创造 Alleged story of the universe according to the big bang theory 12/19/2019 4

  5. Life of a Universe: Part 1: Creation宇宙的生命:第一部分:创造 • “Cox begins by telling viewers that “every culture you study across the world has a creation story” and he then proceeds to discuss the 21st century atheistic story called the big bang. He answers the question “What is the big bang?” as follows. • ““In 1927, the astronomer Edwin Hubble noticed that the light from distant galaxies is stretched. This means that space is expanding, our universe is expanding. So, you run time backwards in your mind’s eye, and that means that in the past, the distances between the galaxies was smaller; you can imagine a time when the distances were so small that everything is effectively on top of each other. That implies that our universe had a beginning, there was a day without a yesterday, and that is what we call the big bang.” 12/19/2019 5

  6. Life of a Universe: Part 1: Creation宇宙的生命:第一部分:创造 • “Cox may be giving us this euphemistic explanation of the big bang because he realizes that scientifically it is the most non-scientific argument ever propounded. Namely that all the matter and energy contained in the billions of stars in each of the hundreds of billions of galaxies was once contained in a singularity of zero dimensions and infinite mass, which expanded at many times the speed of light, by means of a quantum fluctuation, before there was any time or any place for anything to quantum fluctuate in, and all without producing hundreds of billions of galaxies of necessary antimatter. (See In the beginning God created—or was it a quantum fluctuation?.) 12/19/2019 6

  7. Life of a Universe: Part 1: Creation宇宙的生命:第一部分:创造 • “Inflation is a postulate to try to solve many intractable problems with the big bang hypothesis, but one for which there is absolutely no experimental basis or even a deducible mechanism. • “For an in-depth discussion of the meaning of Hubble’s observation see: • “Our galaxy is the centre of the universe, ‘quantized’ redshifts show • “Is there definitive evidence for an expanding universe? • “Does observational evidence indicate the universe is expanding?—part 1: the case for time dilation 12/19/2019 7

  8. Life of a Universe: Part 1: Creation宇宙的生命:第一部分:创造 NASA/WMAP Science Team • “Cosmic microwave background—evidence or not? “The so-called ‘map’ of the cosmic microwave background radiation of the universe. The unevennesses are claimed as proof of the big bang, but this is circular reasoning. The evidence is interpreted assuming the truth of the big bang paradigm, then it is used as support of the paradigm. 12/19/2019 8

  9. Life of a Universe: Part 1: Creation宇宙的生命:第一部分:创造 • “In this program, Cox offers only one piece of evidence for the big bang—the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB), which he described as “a faint glow coming literally from everywhere in the sky, but not being emitted from any particular star, galaxy or object … photons that have travelled 13.8 billion years”. • “He went on to say that at first the universe was initially filled with plasma [sub-atomic particles], until “380,000 years after the big bang it’s cool enough for atoms to form, the universe becomes almost instantly transparent, so light can travel in straight lines, and it will continue to travel in straight lines for the rest of the expansion history of the universe, and it can enter our telescopes here on Earth 13.8 billion years later.” 12/19/2019 9

  10. Life of a Universe: Part 1: Creation宇宙的生命:第一部分:创造 • “Then: “The cosmic background radiation is considered such strong evidence in large part because the big bang theory predicted that it should exist. It was first observed in the mid-1960s, and it was only then really that the idea that the universe began at a hot, dense origin really took hold.” (For a history of the development of the big bang theory see The mind of God and the big bang.) • “He is presumably referring to the work of radio astronomers Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson who, in 1965, detected a signal that came from everywhere in the sky at the uniform intensity of 2.726 K (degrees above absolute zero). However, this was not the first such discovery, as claimed. In 1940–41, astrophysicist and spectroscopist Andrew McKellar had already found a 2.3 K background temperature to space (see Nobel Peace prize for alleged big bang proof). 12/19/2019 10

  11. Life of a Universe: Part 1: Creation宇宙的生命:第一部分:创造 • “In fact, the CMB fails as an argument for the big bang because, if the big bang were true, the light from the fireball should cast shadows in the foreground of all galaxy clusters, but only if it is really true that the radiation is coming from so far away. But the needed shadows are missing. The cosmic microwave background fails as evidence for the big bang because it casts no shadows on the foregrounds of galaxies. 12/19/2019 11

  12. Life of a Universe: Part 1: Creation宇宙的生命:第一部分:创造 • “See: • ‘Light from the big bang’ casts no shadows • The big bang fails another test • Planck sees the big bang—or not? • CMB Conundrums • “Problems for the big bang universe to have had a beginning • “No doubt surprisingly for some viewers, Cox tells us: “The idea that the universe had a beginning in the big bang is in some ways unsatisfactory. It raises a series of childlike questions”, which he then lists. 12/19/2019 12

  13. Life of a Universe: Part 1: Creation宇宙的生命:第一部分:创造 • “ “If the universe had a beginning, then what happened before the beginning?”1 • “What caused it?” • “If time emerged at the big bang, then was there a time before time?” • “How can the universe appear spontaneously out of nothing at all?” • “He then adds two more problems that he apparently considers a little more erudite than these, known as the horizon problem and the flatness problem. 12/19/2019 13

  14. Life of a Universe: Part 1: Creation宇宙的生命:第一部分:创造 • “The horizon problem • “This is the fact that light has not had enough time to travel from a point on one extreme edge of an expanding universe to a point on the diametrically opposite extreme edge. Nevertheless the temperature (i.e. the CMB) is the same (to one part in 100,000) for both points, as well as being the same in all directions of our universe. • “Cox says: “But these two points on the sky are separated today by 90 billion light-years. That means if you’ve got a universe that’s been expanding sedately and is only 13.8 billion years old, those two points could never have been in contact with each other, which means there’s no explanation for how they could be so precisely the same.” • “For comment on this problem see: • “Light-time travel: a problem for the big bang • “Discovery Channel program: How the Universe Works 12/19/2019 14

  15. Life of a Universe: Part 1: Creation宇宙的生命:第一部分:创造 • “The flatness problem • “This is the fact that all measurements we ever make in space are straight (meaning they conform to Euclidian geometry).2 Cox explains: “Our universe appears to be completely flat, which seems very strange, because it could be curved like the surface of a sphere or curved like the surface of a saddle.” • “For comment see: Big bang beliefs busted 12/19/2019 15

  16. Life of a Universe: Part 1: Creation宇宙的生命:第一部分:创造 • “Faster-than-light inflation • “Cox’s solution to these two problems is a theory of ‘faster-than-light inflation’. By this he means that the universe was once “expanding incredibly fast, doubling in size every 10 to the –37 seconds. That’s one ten-million-million-million-million-million-millionths of a second.” He tells us that this solves the horizon and flatness problems because: “it suggests the universe has to be extremely big. And that means that it’s always going to look flat.” • “He makes an analogy with the little piece of the earth he’s standing on. “[It] looks flat, even though we know the Earth is curved, because it’s very small compared to the size of the Earth.” Applying this ‘logic’ to the universe, he says that the two pieces of the sky that are so far away from each other “were once in contact with each other. They could jiggle around and get to the same temperature, but then they were ripped apart.” 12/19/2019 16

  17. Life of a Universe: Part 1: Creation宇宙的生命:第一部分:创造 • “Many viewers would not realize that what is being suggested—inflation—is a postulate to try to solve many intractable problems with the big bang hypothesis; but one for which there is absolutely no experimental basis or even a deducible mechanism. The proposal is that the universe expanded rapidly at many times the speed of light. And then just as suddenly this super-expansion came to a screeching halt—also for no known reason. If proponents of Genesis creation were to seek to solve a scientific conundrum in a similar way, inventing new scientific laws and processes, secularists would definitely cry foul at such a proposition. They would be justified in labelling it a convenient miracle invented for the sake of solving the problems of one’s model.3 12/19/2019 17

  18. Life of a Universe: Part 1: Creation宇宙的生命:第一部分:创造 • “Before! How could that be? • “Returning to Cox, he then delivers his punchline: “If we are right about inflation, then this rapid expansion must have occurred before the thing we used to call ‘the big bang’.” This leads to a discussion on the need for a mechanism, which theoretical physicist Prof. Brian Greene (Physics & Mathematics, Columbia Uni) is enlisted to supply. • “Greene tells viewers: “If you have an energy that is uniformly spread out through a region of space, it can yield a new kind of gravity, repulsive gravity—gravity that doesn’t pull things together, but pushes things apart.” He goes on to say: “This kind of fuel, if you would, called the inflation field, it’s like a fuel that generates this repulsive gravity, is what drove the universe to start expanding in the first place.” 12/19/2019 18

  19. Life of a Universe: Part 1: Creation宇宙的生命:第一部分:创造 • “For comment see: • “Does the new much-faster-than-light theory fix the big bang’s problems? • “Inflation—all-in-the-dark • “Cosmic inflation: did it really happen? • “Has the ‘smoking gun’ of the ‘big bang’ been found? • “The authors of the claimed biggest astrophysics discovery of the century admit they may have been wrong • “Eternal universe—? •  ”“The theory that the universe has existed forever is in serious difficulty with the Second Law of Thermodynamics.” (Stephen Hawking) 12/19/2019 19

  20. Life of a Universe: Part 1: Creation宇宙的生命:第一部分:创造 • “Viewers may well wonder what the purpose of all this is, until Cox says: “A more speculative addition to the theory exists, and it opens the doors to an intriguing possibility—ours may not be the only universe.” Cox then poses two questions: • ““How long was inflation going on for before the big bang?” • ““Could it have been going on for an indefinite period of time? Could you push the origin of the universe back and back and back into the infinite past, so we have an eternal universe?” • “For comment see: • “Eternal universe • “An eternal big bang universe 12/19/2019 20

  21. Life of a Universe: Part 1: Creation宇宙的生命:第一部分:创造 • “Multiverse—? • “This is followed by another conundrum for viewers, when Cox says: “There are other possibilities” and Brian Greene elaborates: “The other possibilities suggest that we are one of a grand collection of universes—we are part of a multiverse. … You have this repulsive gravity coming from the inflation field … it’s such an efficient process that you can virtually never fully use up the fuel that generated our expansion, so our big bang happens but there is some fuel left over. What does it do? It can generate another big bang, so you get this wonderful process of big bang after big bang after big bang, yielding universe after universe, after universe.” 12/19/2019 21

  22. Life of a Universe: Part 1: Creation宇宙的生命:第一部分:创造 Stephen Hawking Not so according to Stephen Hawking and the 2nd Law! “No less a big-bang promoter than Stephen Hawking disagrees with this theory because it is contrary to a scientific law to which there are no exceptions. He says: “If your theory disagrees with the Second Law of Thermodynamics, it is in bad trouble. In fact, the theory that the universe has existed forever is in serious difficulty with the Second Law of Thermodynamics. The Second Law states that disorder always increases with time. Like the argument about human progress, it indicates that there must have been a beginning. Otherwise, the universe would be in a state of complete disorder by now, and everything would be at the same temperature.”4 12/19/2019 22

  23. Life of a Universe: Part 1: Creation宇宙的生命:第一部分:创造 • “See: • “Multiverse theory: unknown science or illogical raison d’être? • “Exploring the God Question 1. The Cosmos, Part 2 (Multiverses) • “Conclusion • “The big bang is the current secular alternative to creation by God. The latter is objected to so strongly by some that they reject even a beginning to the universe. This means that they have to concoct alternative theories such as those in this TV program, no matter how unscientific, illogical, or intellectually unsatisfying these may be. There is, in fact no better explanation for the universe than the one which God has given us in Genesis, that He created all things by His Word. 12/19/2019 23

  24. Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝 12/19/2019 24

  25. Sermons From Science -- Feb 2018科学布道-- 2018年2月 Sermons from Science have been published in both YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and their PowerPoint slides and corresponding videos in the website http://ChristCenterGospel.org since 2011. Just type “Pastor Chui” in Google Search. The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet. May God have all the glory. Pastor Chui http://ChristCenterGospel.org ckchui1@yahoo.com 12/19/2019 25

  26. Life of a Universe: Part 2: End of Days-1宇宙的生命:第二部分:天的结束-1 • The Creation.com website published the article written by Russell Griggon 4 April 2017. I now quote his article below: • “We present our response to Prof. Brian Cox’s second program Life of a Universe: Part 2: End of Days, shown in Australia on the ABC-TV Channel 2 on 14 March 2017, and again on 2 January 2018. • “In this program, Cox poses two very interesting questions: • “What is the fate of the universe? • “What will be our fate? • “He then proceeds to discuss three different ideas put forward by different cosmologists on what they think will ultimately happen. He invokes the Second Law of Thermodynamics to establish that “on a global scale, across the universe, things can only get worse, things tend to get more disordered, things tend to decay away”. And he rightly says the idea that things can only get better “is a gross violation of the Second Law”. 12/19/2019 26

  27. Life of a Universe: Part 2: End of Days-1宇宙的生命:第二部分:天的结束-1 First published: 4 April 2017 (GMT+10)Re-featured on homepage: 6 January 2018 (GMT+10) 12/19/2019 27

  28. Life of a Universe: Part 2: End of Days-1宇宙的生命:第二部分:天的结束-1 This is rather curious on his part, because in his first TV program Life of a Universe Part 1: Creation, he totally disregarded the Second Law of Thermodynamics (that entropy or disorder always increases with time), in order to introduce the speculation that the origin of the universe could be pushed “back and back and back into the infinite past, so that we have an eternal universe” caused by “big bang after big bang after big bang, yielding universe after universe after universe”. In our response to that program we pointed out that all of this was repudiated by the Second Law, as big bang devotee Stephen Hawking acknowledged in his article The Beginning of Time [hawking.org.uk/the-beginning-of-time]. • ““If none of us knew in advance that stars exist, front line research would offer plenty of convincing reasons for why stars could never form.” —Neil deGrasse Tyson 12/19/2019 28

  29. Life of a Universe: Part 2: End of Days-1宇宙的生命:第二部分:天的结束-1 • “Heat death • “Cox’s first candidate for how our days will end is heat death. This doesn’t mean a hot death for the universe, but a very cold one. It is the theory that far into the future the universe will reach a state of having no usable energy available and so will no longer be able to sustain processes that perform work. All energy will be evenly distributed, the universe will have reached a state of maximum entropy (disorder), and the temperature everywhere in the universe will be a fraction above absolute zero. 12/19/2019 29

  30. Life of a Universe: Part 2: End of Days-1宇宙的生命:第二部分:天的结束-1 “Credit: Henry M. Morris “This situation involves a Huge problem for evolutionists. The Second law does indeed state that energy-wise the universe is heading ‘downhill’ towards a state of maximum disorder. But this means that the universe is going in the opposite direction to the ‘chaos-to-cosmos-all-by-itself’ required, if everything originated from a big bang. So where did all the immense order in the universe come from that has been steadily eroding? Who wound up the clock? 12/19/2019 30

  31. Life of a Universe: Part 2: End of Days-1宇宙的生命:第二部分:天的结束-1 • “See: • “The future: some issues for long-age Christians • “Doom and gloom from the BBC • “Star formation—? • “Cox tells viewers that heat death “begins with a decrease in the rate of star formation. … Stars form from collapsing clouds of gas and dust, and the leftover material forms into planets and moons and asteroids and comets. But in our part of the Milky Way this construction process is slowing down.” • “For support, he enlists Prof. Naomi McClure-Griffiths (Astronomy & Astrophysics, Australian National Uni), who tells viewers: “… in order to keep forming stars you’ve got to keep bringing gas in from somewhere else. … Eventually we will run out of gas to form new stars in every single galaxy. And gradually, gradually, gradually, the universe will die away.” 12/19/2019 31

  32. Life of a Universe: Part 2: End of Days-1宇宙的生命:第二部分:天的结束-1 • “Whoa! The idea that stars can form from gas is not proven, and is, in fact, a huge problem for the naturalistic theory of the universe, as admitted by evolutionary astrophysicist and big bang enthusiast Neil deGrasse Tyson, who has said: • ““Not all gas clouds in the Milky Way can form stars at all times. More often than not, the cloud is confused about what to do next. Actually, astrophysicists are the confused ones here. We know the cloud wants to collapse under its own weight to make one or more stars. But rotation as well as turbulent motion within the cloud work against that fate. So, too, does the ordinary gas pressure you learned about in high-school chemistry class. Galactic magnetic fields also fight collapse: they penetrate the cloud and latch onto any free-roaming charged particles contained therein, restricting the ways in which the cloud will respond to its self-gravity. The scary part is that if none of us knew in advance that stars exist, front line research would offer plenty of convincing reasons for why stars could never form.”1 12/19/2019 32

  33. Life of a Universe: Part 2: End of Days-1宇宙的生命:第二部分:天的结束-1 • “See: • “Stars just don’t form naturally—‘dark matter’ the ‘god of the gaps’ is needed • “Giant molecular clouds: A look at uniformitarian assumptions in star formation • “Stars • “Dark energy • “Moving on, viewers meet Prof. Brian Schmidt (Vice Chancellor Australian National Uni and Nobel Prize winner2) who introduces the concept of dark energy, which, he says: “makes gravity push rather than pull”. 12/19/2019 33

  34. Life of a Universe: Part 2: End of Days-1宇宙的生命:第二部分:天的结束-1 • “Cox adds: “If the universe continues to expand forever and indeed continues to accelerate in its expansion, then in the far future you end up with a universe that’s just a sea of protons … and that sea of cooling protons will last forever. … The idea that there is a mysterious thing called dark energy, which drives the accelerating expansion of our universe forever, is the standard model of cosmology.” • “So what is this ‘mysterious thing called dark energy’? 12/19/2019 34

  35. Life of a Universe: Part 2: End of Days-1宇宙的生命:第二部分:天的结束-1 • “It can be described as an unknown form of energy which is hypothesized to permeate all of space, tending to accelerate the expansion of the universe. It supposedly comprises over 71% of the universe, but has never been identified or measured in any laboratory experiment. It is, in fact, a fudge factor, along with dark matter, dark radiation, and dark photons, needed to make the big bang theory ‘work’. The claimed anti-gravity properties are totally hypothetical. • “See: • “Dark energy and the elusive chameleon—more darkness from the dark side • “Claimed dark matter ‘find’ won’t help ‘big bang’ crisis • “Is ‘dark matter’ the ‘unknown God’? • “Dark radiation in big bang cosmology: keeping science in darkness • “‘Dark photons’: another cosmic fudge factor • “Why look for a new theory of gravity if the big bang cosmology is correct? 12/19/2019 35

  36. Life of a Universe: Part 2: End of Days-1宇宙的生命:第二部分:天的结束-1 • “As to all this being “the standard model of cosmology” as claimed, rather it is a construct in the minds of big bang cosmologists in which the big bang is assumed to be true and the various fudge factors, including dark energy, are inserted to cope with the many problems. In 2004, some 34 prominent scientists signed an “Open Letter to the Scientific Community” in which they denounced the big bang model.3,4 In the years since then it has been signed by hundreds more. • “Phantom dark energy and the big rip • “Cox then introduces his next alternative for the end of everything, stating: “There are, in fact, other, and I think, more exciting, possibilities. … Cosmologists have come up with an even more devastating idea called ‘phantom dark energy’, which eventually leads to the universe ripping itself apart.” 12/19/2019 36

  37. Life of a Universe: Part 2: End of Days-1宇宙的生命:第二部分:天的结束-1 • “Prof. Brian Schmidt tells viewers: “If the universe has this dark energy, this stuff causes gravity to push from itself. So as the universe gets bigger, this stuff dominates the universe more and more, because it’s part of space itself. You make more space, you have more dark energy, which makes dark energy stronger over the other forms of gravity.” • “And Dr Katie Mack (Theoretical astrophysicist, Uni of Melbourne) takes up the baton: “Over time, this phantom dark energy would start to pull apart bound orbits. So, first, it would pull apart the galaxy. Stars would start to wander off, because it’s still increasing. It’ll start to break up all structure, all matter. And then at some point, the entire universe will be torn asunder, in some sense. It’s called the ‘big rip’.” 12/19/2019 37

  38. Life of a Universe: Part 2: End of Days-1宇宙的生命:第二部分:天的结束-1 • “As to corroboration of any of this, we suggest that the total non-existence of dark energy in laboratory physics is evidence for its fudge factor status. How much more so then for any hypothetical phantom variety of it, let alone it ‘ripping apart’ the universe. • “Nevertheless, Cox goes one step further and uses the ‘big rip’ concept to introduce the subject of multiple universes, saying: “Inflation, that rapid expansion before the big bang, could be envisaged as being the end of a previous universe that’s undergoing a big rip.”……. 12/19/2019 38

  39. Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝 12/19/2019 39

  40. Sermons From Science -- Feb 2018科学布道-- 2018年2月 Sermons from Science have been published in both YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and their PowerPoint slides and corresponding videos in the website http://ChristCenterGospel.org since 2011. Just type “Pastor Chui” in Google Search. The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet. May God have all the glory. Pastor Chui http://ChristCenterGospel.org ckchui1@yahoo.com 12/19/2019 40

  41. Life of a Universe: Part 2: End of Days-2宇宙的生命:第二部分:天的结束-2 Multiple universe theory according to Prof. Brian Greene. Prof. Brian Greene (Physics & Mathematics, Columbia Uni) adds: “You get this wonderful process of big bang after big bang after big bang, yielding universe after universe after universe.” And then by way of explanation he says: “Think of a big piece of Swiss cheese. Each of the openings is like a universe, and the cheese itself is the inflation field driving the accelerated expansion of the universe. As this cheese expands, more and more pockets open up inside, more and more universes are created. And our universe is simply one opening in the block of Swiss cheese. That’s all that we are.” 12/19/2019 41

  42. Life of a Universe: Part 2: End of Days-2宇宙的生命:第二部分:天的结束-2 • “Viewers may wonder why Cox brings up his views on the past in a program about the future. This escalating emphasis on multiple universes in the TV science programs of our day is to circumvent the fact that our universe is fine-tuned for life and the best explanation for this is that God created it that way. To avoid this conclusion, evolutionists need to come up with their naturalistic explanation as to how all this fine tuning could have happened by chance. So they postulate that there are zillions of universes, and ours is just one in which all the factors for life came together coincidentally. And they do this repeatedly, as here. 12/19/2019 42

  43. Life of a Universe: Part 2: End of Days-2宇宙的生命:第二部分:天的结束-2 • “Of course, many secular scientists (including big bang believers) disagree. One such is cosmologist Prof. Paul Davies (Arizona State Uni) who has said: “… invoking an infinity of unseen universes to explain the unusual features of the one we do see is just as ad hoc as invoking an unseen Creator. The multiverse theory may be dressed up in scientific language, but in essence it requires the same leap of faith.”5 • “For further comments on inflation, previous universes, and the multiverse concept, see our article Life of a Universe: Part 1 Creation. See also: • “Inflation—all in the dark • “The universe is finely tuned for life • “Multiverse theory—unknown theory or illogical raison d’être? • “Stephen Hawking and multiverses 12/19/2019 43

  44. Life of a Universe: Part 2: End of Days-2宇宙的生命:第二部分:天的结束-2 • “Vacuum decay • “Next, Dr Katie Mack says: “My favourite way to destroy the universe is vacuum decay” and chortles: “which is a really fun idea.” Cox goes on to say that in 2012, the Higgs boson was discovered at the Large Hadron Collider on the French-Swiss border and that its properties suggest that our universe could be in an unstable ‘false vacuum’ state. Mack: “There is some true vacuum somewhere, and we could maybe tunnel into it at any moment, and just destroy the universe.” • “The glee with which Mack presents this and her lack of explanation for lay-viewers suggests it is more one-upmanship than serious science. Re their reference to the Higgs boson, see Has the ‘God particle’ been found? 12/19/2019 44

  45. Life of a Universe: Part 2: End of Days-2宇宙的生命:第二部分:天的结束-2 • “Cox’s summary • “Cox sums up the above ‘end of days’ options with the following advice: “Whether it’s vacuum decay, a big rip, or a sad, slow, heat death over 101000 years, now is the time to explore our universe, while it’s still visible to us. … The fascinating thing about the far future in an accelerating and expanding universe is that you get to a point where you can’t do cosmology any more. … You couldn’t deduce from what you see that you live in an expanding universe that had an origin at some point in the past.” 12/19/2019 45

  46. Life of a Universe: Part 2: End of Days-2宇宙的生命:第二部分:天的结束-2 To make the big bang theory ‘work’, dark energy and dark matter are needed to comprise about 95% of the universe, but neither has ever been identified or measured in any laboratory experiment. 12/19/2019 46

  47. Life of a Universe: Part 2: End of Days-2宇宙的生命:第二部分:天的结束-2 • “Finally, Cox asks four of his co-presenters how they think the universe will end. Here are their replies: • “Prof. Brian Schmidt: “I have no idea.”“Prof. Brian Greene: “I don’t know.”“Prof. Joel Parker6: “I don’t know.”“Prof. Adam Reisse7: “It’s difficult to make predictions about the fate of the universe when there’s 95% we don’t understand.” • “Reisse is presumably referring to the fact that evolutionist cosmologists hypothesize that the universe is made up of about 95% dark energy and dark matter, with only about 5% of the universe considered to be normal matter. 12/19/2019 47

  48. Life of a Universe: Part 2: End of Days-2宇宙的生命:第二部分:天的结束-2 • “This much we do agree with, namely that to know what happened in the past you need the testimony of an eyewitness. This is why all alleged big bang postulates, such as those put forward by Cox in these two TV programs, are mere speculations. However, when it comes to what really happened in the beginning, we do have an eyewitness—God Himself—and His account of what He did, in Genesis 1. He has also told us what he intends to do in the future. We will now discuss this, but first a word about worldviews. 12/19/2019 48

  49. Life of a Universe: Part 2: End of Days-2宇宙的生命:第二部分:天的结束-2 “Atheists believe that at death the human body decomposes to become eventually nothing more than fertilizer. “A conflict of worldviews “Viewers (whatever their religion— whether Christianity, atheism,8 or other9) of the many evolutionary nature programs that appear on our TV screens with great frequency should be aware that the purpose of these programs is not to present unbiased science, but rather to persuade viewers to accept the producer’s worldview. 12/19/2019 49

  50. Life of a Universe: Part 2: End of Days-2宇宙的生命:第二部分:天的结束-2 • “The foundation of the evolutionary worldview is belief in naturalism. I.e. that all the matter and energy in the billions of galaxies in the universe are the product of a big bang from which nothing made itself into everything that exists by means of a quantum fluctuation before there was any time or place for anything to quantum fluctuate in. Life on Earth began by chance and gradually diversified, and all life forms have evolved to their present state by means of random mutation and natural selection. Man is nothing more than a highly developed animal and so ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ are arbitrary terms. God does not exist so there is no such thing as ‘sin’ and hence there will be no Last Judgment. 12/19/2019 50

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