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他正在和售货员就这双长筒靴讲价。 他热心助人。 如果你一次性买 5 件衣服,你就可以得到合适的报价。 五一期间,这些货物都是打折出售的。 他对考试作弊感到羞愧。

annoy, reduce the price, get good offers, comment, pay cash, ashamed, enthusiastic, bargain, discount. 他正在和售货员就这双长筒靴讲价。 他热心助人。 如果你一次性买 5 件衣服,你就可以得到合适的报价。 五一期间,这些货物都是打折出售的。 他对考试作弊感到羞愧。 当没有人想买这些产品的时候,厂家就会降低价格。 请用现金付账,否则你还要付额外的 10 元。 人们总是喜欢评价明星的行为。 我对他很生气,因为他总是问我同样的问题。. 1. 他正在和售货员就这双长筒靴讲价。

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他正在和售货员就这双长筒靴讲价。 他热心助人。 如果你一次性买 5 件衣服,你就可以得到合适的报价。 五一期间,这些货物都是打折出售的。 他对考试作弊感到羞愧。

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Presentation Transcript

  1. annoy, reduce the price, get good offers, comment, pay cash, ashamed, enthusiastic, bargain, discount • 他正在和售货员就这双长筒靴讲价。 • 他热心助人。 • 如果你一次性买5件衣服,你就可以得到合适的报价。 • 五一期间,这些货物都是打折出售的。 • 他对考试作弊感到羞愧。 • 当没有人想买这些产品的时候,厂家就会降低价格。 • 请用现金付账,否则你还要付额外的10元。 • 人们总是喜欢评价明星的行为。 • 我对他很生气,因为他总是问我同样的问题。

  2. 1.他正在和售货员就这双长筒靴讲价。 He is bargaining with the salesman for the pair of boots. 2.他热心助人。 He is enthusiastic about helping others. 3.如果你一次性买5件衣服,你就可以得到合适的报价。 If you buy 5 blouses once, you can get good offers. 4.五一期间,这些货物都是打折出售的。 During the May Day holiday, these goods were at a discount. 5. 他对考试作弊感到羞愧。 He was ashamed of cheating in the exam.

  3. 6.当没有人想买这些产品的时候,厂家就会降低价格。6.当没有人想买这些产品的时候,厂家就会降低价格。 When nobody wants to buy the products, the manufacturer will reduce the price. 7.请用现金付账,否则你还要付额外的10元。 Please pay cash. Otherwise, you have to pay extra 10 RMB. 8.人们总是喜欢评价明星的行为。 People are always commenting on pop stars’ behavior. 9. 我对他很生气,因为他总是问我同样的问题。 I was annoyed with him, because he always asked me the same question.

  4. Lesson39 Your Money

  5. Francis Bacon, British Philosopher。 ((英国哲学家培根.F.) Money is a good servant and a bad master. 金钱是善仆,也是恶主

  6. Free Talk: How much pocket money do you get from your parents each week?

  7. What things do you like to spend your pocket money on ? I usually spend my pocket money on…

  8. How can we use our pocket money in a meaningful /reasonable way? 1._____________________________ 2._____________________________ 3. ____________________________ 4._____________________________

  9. How can we use our pocket money in a right way? 1.Don’t waste money/food… 2.collect/save money for charities 3.send money/clothes/food/books to Hope Project. 4.try to protect/improve the environment such as buying trees.

  10. a.a plant such as wheat, rice of fruit grown by farmers b.beingworn away by water, wind or sand c. unable to understand something d. a state in which all your weight is evenly spread so that you don’t fall e. have something inside f. about g.the top part of the earth in which plants grow h. take something away from a place i. be attractive • puzzled • balance • contain • soil • approximately • erosion • crop • remove • appeal

  11. Ex 6

  12. The Yellow River The water is not clear, why?

  13. soil erosion The soil is too poor to grow crops.

  14. What can we do to prevent from soil erosion? plant trees

  15. What can people do to help stop soil erosion? plant trees green future

  16. Yes All this started with 5 yuan. 5 yuan can have so much effect? Read the text

  17. Fast-reading True, False, No Information ( ) T • 1.The sand contains materials to keep the natural balance of the area. • 2. Every year, about 1.6 billion tons of sand flows into the Long River. • 3. Planting trees can stop the air pollution. • 4. Five yuan can help to develop a local economy. • 5. The success of the tree-planting programme in Fugu County has greatly improved the lives of the local people. ( ) F Yellow River ( ) NI ( ) T ( ) F Jiuchengong Valley

  18. Listening Main idea of each paragraph.

  19. A success of a tree-planting • programme in Inner Mongolia proves that you can use 5 yuan to create a green future. Para 1 Para 2 b. Introduce the topic-5 yuan for a tree. Para 3 c. Everybody plays an important role in stopping Yellow River erosion. d. It is a huge job to control Yellow River erosion. Para 4 e. The removal of sand is the main cause of Yellow River erosion Para 5

  20. flows into which keeps the natural balance has been removed serious erosion Play the role in make soil stay make a living develop local economy

  21. What’s the result of the Yellow River erosion? • It forced many local people to leave their hometown. • It caused great pollution to the environment. • It carried away plenty of soil from the land. • It destroyed a lot of farmland. • It killed many local people. • (1)(2)(3)(4) B. (2)(3)(4)(5) • C. (1)(2)(5) D. (1)(3)(4)

  22. 2. According to the passage, who should do a great deal of work to stop the erosion? • The government • Every single person • International organation • Above of all

  23. 3.What do we know about Jiuchengong Valley in Inner Mongolia? • It used to be a beautiful place. • Many visitors love to see the beautiful views of the valley. • Tree-planting program turned the valley into green world. • The tree-planting program has stopped a long time ago.

  24. 4. What can we infer from the last paragraph? • When you have five yuan, you should think twice. • You can use five yuan to buy a tree. • You can create a green future for the local people using 5 yuan. • You should use less money to do more things.

  25. 5.What does the passage mainly talk about? A. How to plant trees along the Yellow River. B. How to control the erosion of the Yellow River. C. How to use your pocket-money. D. How to make less money do more meaningful things.

  26. Thinking: • Why does the writer say 5 yuan is important? • With 5 yuan, you can buy • a tree to stop erosion. • 2.Do you know the meaning of the title “when less is more” ?? 积少成多according to the text ?? Chinese is also ok!

  27. What can we do to save our mother land? What bad effects can the erosion bring to us?

  28. Writing 1.Causes/reasons of erosion; 2.Bad effect caused by erosion; 3.It is a huge job to control erosion; 4.Good effect brought by stopping erosion • Economy and Erosion

  29. Suggested Phrases/ sentences: …. soil …. removed, …caused serious erosion; destroy ……land,force … to leave … homeland; . ... is bad for local economy, can’t improve the living standards of.....; It is very urgent for us to stop …..; It is good for our living conditions; can help change…into green homeland; On land with ….,local farmers can….to make a living; can help develop local economy, improve …. of local people. Voice your opinion

  30. Thank you!

  31. Language Points

  32. 1.amuse (v.) = cause to laugh; cause to spend time pleasantly 使发笑;使快乐;打发,消磨(时光) amusing (adj.) amused (adj.) amusement (n.) (c.n.) 消遣,娱乐活动 (u.c.n.) 欢乐,快乐,发笑 我以集邮为乐。 I find amusement in collecting stamps. 这个城市的娱乐活动不多。 There are not many amusements in this city.

  33. 2. do with / deal with 处理,对付 人们打算怎样处理污染? How do people plan to deal with pollution? What do people plan to do with pollution? deal 是不及物动词,后面加介词with才能接宾语 do 是及物动词,后面可以直接接宾语。 所以在特殊疑问句中,do with与what连用,deal with与how连用。 do with 利用,忍受,需要

  34. 1.Well, if buying a bag of candies or cookies appeal to you, how about buying a tree instead? Yes, a tree along the banks of the Yellow River to be exact. 你如果对买包糖果或甜点不感兴趣的话,买棵树怎么样?确切地说,一棵种在黄河岸边的树。 appeal to sb = make sb pleased ; attract sb a 使喜欢,吸引,投合(心意、兴趣) 你喜欢这个主意吗? Does this idea appeal to you? 卡通对年幼的儿童尤其有吸引力。 The cartoon especially appeals to young children.

  35. b呼吁、恳求、某人做某事 appeal to sb. for sth. appeal to sb. to do sth. 他恳求路人给慈善机构捐款。 He appealed to passers-by to give some money away to the charity. 警方呼吁公众提供有关这宗罪案的信息。 The police are appealing to the public for information about the crime. appeal (n.)呼吁;吸引力 The cartoon is a special appeal to young children.

  36. to be exact = exactly speaking 确切地说 to tell the truth说实话 to be honest老实说 to be general = generally speaking 通常来说, to be frank = frankly speaking 坦白说 e.g. To be frank, he used to be a thief when he was young.

  37. 2. The soil contains materials to keep the natural balance of the area. Over time, a lot of soil has been removed, which has caused serious erosion of the land along the River. 这些泥土中含有保持该地区大自然平衡的物质。经年累月,大量泥土被冲走,导致黄河两岸严重的水土流失。 contain (v.) 含有,装有,载有 海水含有盐分。 Sea water contains salt. 盘子里装有各种各样的水果。 The plate contains a variety of fruits.

  38. ★ contain 与 include 的区别: contain 多指一个“容器”中包含别的事物 (它的主语和宾语通常不是同一种事物,宾语处在主语的包容之中,如:His composition contains no mistakes.) include “包括”,指事物的集体中含有不同的种类 (它的主语和宾语通常是一样的事物,只是宾语是属于主语范围内的,如:13 people died in the accident, including a famous singer.)

  39. balance(n.)平衡 keep a balance between A and B keep / lose one’s balance 保持 / 失去平衡 keep the balance of sth. in balance 处于平衡之中 out of balance 失去平衡 over time 经年累月,久而久之 remove (v.) 移开,挪走 请把桌上的花瓶拿开。 Please remove the vase from the table.

  40. 3. Your may agree with this point of view.If so,it is time for you to think again. 你或许会赞同这种观点。若真是这样的话,现在到了你重新考虑的时候了。 agree with …同意… / 与…相一致,相符合 point of view观点, opinion意见、主张,idea 主意、想法,view看法、见解 if so如果这样,so代替前面的内容 I hope/guess/think/ believe so. It is time for sb. to do sth. It is time that sb. did sth. (一般过去时) It is time that you did your homework. think again---- think twice

  41. 4. In fact, it is you who have the most important role to play in stopping Yellow River erosion. 事实上,你才是在阻止黄河水土流失中最重要的人物。 sb / sth play a … role (part)in … 与犯罪活动作斗争,人人有责。 Everyone plays a part in fighting against crime. 她在保护大自然方面起了重要作用。 She has played an important role in protecting the nature. It is/was … that/ who …. 强调句型

  42. 5. For a start, it can buy you a tree, which will heip make soil stay on the land. 首先,你可以用五元钱买一棵树,而这棵树可以使泥土不流失。 for a start = as a first point 首先 我不买——首先这个价钱我就付不起。 I’m not buying it --- I can’t afford it for a start.

  43. 6. This helps to develop local economies. 这有助于发展区域经济。 develop a local economy 发展一项区域经济 economy (n.) economic (adj.) 经济上的,经济学的 economical (adj.) 节约的,经济的 7. Still puzzled how your 5 yuan can have so much effect? 还是不理解你的五元钱会有如此大的作用吧? puzzle使迷惑、为难 confuse 弄乱,使糊涂 puzzle (n.) puzzling (adj.) puzzled (adj.) The puzzling game puzzles me = The puzzling game makes me puzzled.

  44. 15. behave (v.) behaviour (n.) 她像朋友一样(待我), 而不像是我的老师。 She behaves (towards me) more like a friend than a teacher. 他对妻子的态度很粗鲁。 He behaves rudely towards his wife. behave oneself = show good manners 行为良好 16. advance (v.)取得进展,改进 一个月过去了,工作没有任何进展。 A month passed and the work hasn’t advanced.

  45. 很多年轻人对电脑游戏很着迷。 • 老实说,我对购物兴趣都没有。 • 这本书包含了5张照片。 • 我们必须尽一切所能保持生态自然的平衡。 • 那位运动员失去了平衡,从平衡木(bar)上掉了下来。 • 是你将电脑移开的时候啦。 • 每个同学在组织班会中都起着重要作用。 • 首先,要发展区域经济就很难。 • 使我困惑的是为什么他的歌那么受欢迎。 • 有许多令人费解的问题还没得到回答。 • 正是他教我三思而后行的。

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