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The Bohlmann-Files

Sustainable use and conservation of biological diversity, 1–4 December 2003, Berlin. The Bohlmann-Files. Sustainable use and conservation of biological diversity, 1–4 December 2003, Berlin. The Bohlmann-Files. a website about natural substances in the Compositae (Asteraceae).

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The Bohlmann-Files

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Sustainable use and conservation of biological diversity, 1–4 December 2003, Berlin The Bohlmann-Files

  2. Sustainable use and conservation of biological diversity, 1–4 December 2003, Berlin The Bohlmann-Files a website about natural substances in the Compositae (Asteraceae) bohlmann.bgbm.org

  3. Sustainable use and conservation of biological diversity, 1–4 December 2003, Berlin The Bohlmann-Files developed at theBotanic Garden and Botanical MuseumBerlin-Dahlem bohlmann.bgbm.org

  4. Sustainable use and conservation of biological diversity, 1–4 December 2003, Berlin The Bohlmann-Files please have a look at ourposter bohlmann.bgbm.org

  5. Titlepage

  6. Query Definition Page

  7. Applet for Graphical Queries

  8. Chemistry Construction Kit

  9. Graphical and Text Entry

  10. Building A Compound

  11. Search Results: Similarity

  12. Search Results Ordered by Similarity

  13. Relation of Similarity and Size of Result Set n 1 . . . . 0.5 . . . . 0

  14. Search Results: Details

  15. Chemical Data linked with Botanical Data

  16. Linked Data: Chemistry Detail Image Name Weight

  17. Linked Data: Botany Detail Tribe Genus Plant Name Synonyms

  18. Sustainable use and conservation of biological diversity, 1–4 December 2003, Berlin The Bohlmann-Files Thank you bohlmann.bgbm.org

  19. Sustainable use and conservation of biological diversity, 1–4 December 2003, Berlin The Bohlmann-Files please have a look at ourposter Thank you bohlmann.bgbm.org

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