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E ating and N utrition or Does Eating Salmon Lower the Murder Rate??

E ating and N utrition or Does Eating Salmon Lower the Murder Rate??. Nutrition “get to know you”. Write down: your favorite food(s) and why a story about a food or special recipe that is unique to your family’s special celebrations

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E ating and N utrition or Does Eating Salmon Lower the Murder Rate??

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  1. Eating and Nutrition or Does Eating Salmon Lower the Murder Rate??

  2. Nutrition “get to know you” • Write down: • your favorite food(s) and why • a story about a food or special recipe that is unique to your family’s special celebrations • a food that is supposedly healthy, but that you don’t like (or don’t think you would like)

  3. Does Eating Salmon Lower the Murder Rate?? In 2001, Dr. Joseph Hibbeln published a study, provocatively titled "Seafood Consumption and Homicide Mortality," that found a correlation between a higher intake of omega-3 fatty acids (most often obtained from fish) and lower murder rates.

  4. Food and Wellness (Psychological and Physical) • “What to eat” (M. Nestle) • Paleolithic diet vs. Atkins vs. Zone • “In defense of food” (M. Pollan) • USDA’s MY Pyramid vs. Healthy Eating Pyramid (Harvard) • Slow food, fast food, no food, ??? WHAT’S A PERSON TO DO??!!!

  5. Food and Wellness (Psychological and Physical) • Nutrition and Wellness • Eating to feel well (as opposed to simply getting calories) -- mens sana in corpore sano • Eating for psychological and physiological wellness • Eating for disease prevention

  6. Reality (Sept 10 report) • Americans Are Flunking Easy Goals For Healthier Eating The public health plan hatched a decade ago was to get three-quarters of Americans older than 2 to chow down on at least two servings of fruit a day and half of Americans to eat three or more servings of vegetables. The results for 2009 show that only 32.5 percent of adults are hitting the mark for fruit and barely more than a quarter — 26.3 percent — are getting the job done on vegetables.

  7. Keeping track… • livestrong.com

  8. How we eat Mindfully? (raisin exercise)

  9. How we eat Learning “nutrition” in schools? (Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution) Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution Episode 1 Part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7eaHytpJWQ Michael Pollan’s “Unhappy Meals” discussion

  10. What we eat • Macronutrients • Carbohydrates • Fats • Proteins • Micronutrients • Vitamins • Minerals • Phytochemicals

  11. What we eat • Macronutrients • Carbohydrates

  12. What we eat • Macronutrients • Fats

  13. What we eat • Macronutrients • Fats (Fatty Acids) • Saturated (SFAs) – limit these • Monounsaturated (MUFAs) – better choice • Polyunsaturated – (PUFAs) – consider the Omega-3 / Omega-6 balance • Trans-fat (avoid) – (hydrogenated)

  14. What we eat • Macronutrients • Proteins

  15. What we eat (Micronutrients) • Vitamins • 13 known vitamins, classified as either fat-soluble (A, D, E, K) or water-soluble (B and C) • C & E are antioxidants • Minerals • Inorganic elements (e.g., calcium -- for muscle contractions, nerve transmission) • Phytochemicals • Bioactive chemicals found in plants (e.g., sterols, flavonoids, beta-carotene) with potential health-promoting qualities (e.g., anti-oxidant activity)

  16. What we eat (including mental health and behavior) *FAB research

  17. What we eat (the dark side) “[People] dig their graves with their own teeth and die more by those fatal instruments than the weapons of their enemies.” -- Thomas Moffett, 1600

  18. Relationship between diet and heart disease • risk for heart disease is linked to diets high in saturated fats, found mostly in animal and processed foods • dietary cholesterol is found only in animal foods • plant foods contain antioxidants –these protect against atherosclerosis

  19. Relationship between diet and cancer • The American Cancer Society Dietary Guidelines: Limit consumption of meats and shift the balance toward a more plant-based diet • Protective factors in a plant-based diet: fiber, polyphenol antioxidants, anti-inflammatory compounds • What to eat?? • Choose a colorful diet  • Whole foods, not supplements

  20. Relationship between fad diets and disease Recent study (Sept 2010) analyzed data from • 85,000 healthy women aged 34 to 59 • 45,000 men aged 40 to 75 • Participants filled out questionnaires every four years. • Low-carb dieters (e.g., Atkins diet) who got most of their protein and fat from animal sources like red and processed meats were 14 percent more likely to die of heart disease and 28 percent more likely to die of cancer Sept. 7, 2010 in Annals of Internal Medicine

  21. Diet and kidney stones • n=3,426 (tracked diet over many years) • “Higher intake of fruits, vegetables, nuts and legumes, low-fat dairy and whole grains," Taylor says. "And low intake of sweetened beverages and red and processed meats” (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, or DASH, diet) -- people who adhered most to this pattern of eating were significantly less likely to develop kidney stones. • "We found a decrease in risk in the order of around 40 or 45 percent," says Taylor. "We were very excited by it." Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology , 2010

  22. Herbal Nutrition • phytomedicines and ethnobotany • folk medicine products • medicinal plants

  23. Herbal Therapy Herbal medicine: • feverfew migraines • ginkgo circulatory disorders • garlic hypercholesterolemia • hypericum depressive disorders • peppermint gastric distress • ginger nausea • echinacea immune system stimulant • saw palmetto benign prostatic hypertrophy • ginseng variety of conditions • capsaicin arthritis

  24. Dementia • Objective: efficacy of EGb 761 (Ginkgo biloba) • Design: randomized, double blind • Patients: 202 mild-severe multi-infarct or Alzheimer dementia outpatients • Intervention: 40 mg tid EGb x 52 weeks • Results: • improved cognitive score 0.005 • improved caregiver geriatric rating 0.003 Le Bars et al JAMA 1997; 278:1327-32

  25. Hyperemesis gravidarum • Objective: efficacy of ginger • Design: randomized, double blind, crossover • Patients: 27 women in the first trimester • Intervention: powdered ginger root 250 mg qid • Results: • decreased nausea 0.035 • decreased number of emesis 0.035 Fisher-Rasmussen Eur J Ob Gyn Reprod Biol 1990;38:19

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