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6. Mechanical Properties

6. Mechanical Properties. Forms of Mechanical Loading. compression. tension. shear. torsion. 6. Mechanical Properties. Stress-Strain Behaviour Linearelastic Deformation. Robert Hooke:. 6. Mechanical Properties. Stress-Strain Behaviour Nonlinearelastic Deformation.

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6. Mechanical Properties

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 6. Mechanical Properties Forms of Mechanical Loading compression tension shear torsion

  2. 6. Mechanical Properties Stress-Strain Behaviour Linearelastic Deformation Robert Hooke:

  3. 6. Mechanical Properties Stress-Strain Behaviour Nonlinearelastic Deformation

  4. 6. Mechanical Properties Force-Separation-Curve

  5. Potentielle Energie Anziehungskräfte Kraft K Anz-k. K-abst. Kernabstand Abs-k. Abstoßungskräfte 6. Mechanical Properties

  6. 6. Mechanical Properties Influence of Temperature

  7. 6. Mechanical Properties Tensile Properties of Metals(1) Streck- grenzen- effekt Lüders-Dehnung cV - Konz. gleitfähiger Versetzg b – Burgersvektor V - Abgleitgschwindigkeit

  8. 6. Mechanical Properties Deformation Mechanisms for Metals Basic Concepts of Dislocations(3) Video Versetzungsbewegung (Blasenmodell)

  9. 6. Mechanical Properties Deformation Mechanisms for Metals Characteristics of Dislocations(1)

  10. 6. Mechanical Properties Tensile Properties of Metals(3)

  11. 6. Mechanical Properties

  12. 6. Mechanical Properties

  13. 6. Mechanical Properties Deformation Mechanisms for Metals Basic Concepts of Dislocations(1)

  14. 6. Mechanical Properties Deformation Mechanisms for Metals Basic Concepts of Dislocations(2)

  15. 6. Mechanical Properties Deformation Mechanisms for Metals Basic Concepts of Dislocations(3) Video Versetzungsbewegung (Blasenmodell)

  16. 6. Mechanical Properties Effect of Temperature

  17. 6. Mechanical Properties Tensile Properties of Metals(2)

  18. 6. Mechanical Properties True Stress-Strain-Curve

  19. 6. Mechanical Properties Mechanical Behaviour of Ceramics(1)

  20. 6. Mechanical Properties Mechanical Behaviour of Ceramics(2)

  21. 6. Mechanical Properties Mechanical Behaviour of Polymers(1) spröde plastisch hoch elastisch C-C H-Brücken Van der Waals

  22. 6. Mechanical Properties Mechanical Behaviour of Polymers(2) Polymethylmetacrylate PMMA (Plexiglas) E-Modul sinkt mit steigender T Duktilität steigt mit steigender T

  23. 6. Mechanical Properties Tensile Properties of Metals(2)

  24. 6. Mechanical Properties Slip in Single Crystals Geometrical Relationships

  25. 6. Mechanical Properties Slip in Single Crystals Geometrical Relationships

  26. 6. Mechanical Properties Example Video Gleitlinienbildung

  27. 6. Mechanical Properties Slip Systems in the fcc-Lattice

  28. 6. Mechanical Properties Slip Systems in the bcc-Lattice(1)

  29. 6. Mechanical Properties Slip Systems in the bcc-Lattice(2)

  30. 6. Mechanical Properties Slip Systems in the bcc-Lattice(3)

  31. 6. Mechanical Properties Slip Systems in the hcp-Lattice(3) {1000}-[1120] →1 plane, 3 directions Only few possible slip systems! {1010}-[1120] →3 planes, 1 direction {1011}-[1120] →6 planes, 1 direction

  32. 6. Mechanical Properties Slip Systems

  33. 6. Mechanical Properties Anwendung in TWIP-Stählen => Hohe Verformung + Festigkeit Deformation twinning   Twin Matrix

  34. Hochleistungswerkstoff Stahl – eine faszinierende Vielfalt Verformbarkeit Streckgrenze [MPa]

  35. 6. Mechanical Properties Deformation: Slip vs. Twinning

  36. 6. Mechanical Properties What is the maximum shear-stress ?

  37. 6. Mechanical Properties The shear-stress-law of Schmid Winkel zwischen Zug- und Gleitrichtung kristallographische Gleitebene definiert A Kristallographische Gleitrichtung definiert Fg Schmid-Faktor

  38. 6. Mechanical Properties Dislocation Sources - The Frank-Read Source ·b Critical radius:R=lo/2 lo: dislocation length

  39. 6. Mechanical Properties Plastic Deformation of Polycrystalline Materials (Cu)

  40. 6. Mechanical Properties Plastic Deformation of Polycrystalline Materials Requirement of five independent slip systems to realize any plastic deformation in polycrystals (Compatibility of deformation)

  41. 6. Mechanical Properties Plastic deformation: Single vs. polycrystal • Increase due to: • Manifold of grain orientations in polycrystals • Grain Boundaries!!! Why such an increase of strength?

  42. 6. Mechanical Properties Plastic deformation Characteristics of Dislocations

  43. 6. Mechanical Properties Plastic deformation Characteristics of Dislocations

  44. 6. Mechanical Properties Plastic Deformation of Polycrystalline Materials • Grains with the highest Schmid-factor deform first. • yield stress (= Streckgrenze) is reached when deformation of all grains occurs • any plastic deformation of polycrystalline materials needs activation of • 5 independent slip systems (Compatibility of deformation) The role of Grain size

  45. 6. Mechanical Properties The Relation of Hall-Petch

  46. 6. Mechanical Properties Solid solution hardening • Alloying causes hardening effects due to three types of interactions between the dislocations and the alloyed atoms: • Parelastic interaction  distortion of the lattice; change in the lattice parameter a • Dielastic interaction  different shear modulus G of alloyed atoms compared to that of the matrix atoms • chemical interaction

  47. 6. Mechanical Properties Work Hardening Property Degree of Deformation

  48. 6. Mechanical Properties Dispersion and precipitation hardening The Orowan-Mechanism The Fine-Kelly-Mechanism shear-modulus particle diameter surface energy Volume fraction of particles Burgers-vector particle distance

  49. 6. Mechanical Properties Texture hardening • Strengthening effect due to: • bad orientation between applied stress and „slip system“ • morphological texture (Hall-Petch!!) Loading in direction A shows an enhanced yield stresscompared to direction B B A

  50. 6. Mechanical Properties Mechanisms to enhance strength Plastic deformation - at lower temperatures (no recyrstallization) grain refinement – Hall Petch solid solution hardening – solubility and lattice distortion dispersion hardening – input of highly dispers particles precipitation hardening – creation of particles (solubility) texture hardening (morphology, orientation and slip systems,

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