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EVALUASI RISIKO EROSI. Sumber : http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm. EVALUASI RISIKO EROSI.

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  1. EVALUASI RISIKO EROSI Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm

  2. EVALUASI RISIKO EROSI Pendugaanerosidilakukandneganmenggunakanmetodekualitatif Van Zuidam (1986), ygmengevaluasirisikoerositanahberdasarkan n pengetahuandansurveilapangantentangberbagaifaktorygdapatmenyebabkanerosi. Hasil-hasilnyadibandingkandnegan data lapanganuntukmenganalisiskoresponsensi (hubungan) dengan status erosiaktualdankepekaantanahterhadaprisikoerosi. Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm

  3. EVALUASI RISIKO EROSI Methodologi Evaluasikualitatifmeliputiempatkarakteristikutama: Slope: Kemiringan, panjangdanbentuklereng; Soil/geologi: soil depth, texture, sealing susceptibility, rock weathering degree, structure of underlying strata, kedalamanlapisankedapygterdekatpermukaan; Vegetation/land use: penutupvegetasi, frekuensihujan, praktekkonservasi; Erosion dangerakanmassatanah: rating of wind erosion, sheet erosion, rill-ravine-gully erosion, pergerakanmassaatanah. Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm

  4. EVALUASI RISIKO EROSI Setiapfaktordibagimenjadibeberapakelasdandiberinilaitertentusesuaidenganpengaruhnyaterhadapdinamikaerosi (Table 52-Table 55). The rainstorm frequency was considered as homogeneous for all the area and it was ascribed to the class of a few rainstorms every year and rated as "2". It was not always possible to recognise the structure of underlying strata and the rock weathering degree, so the missing data were not considered and were rated as "0". In agricultural relevés, with a steepness less than 5% and with a slope length greater than 100m, the value of the slope length was assigned, by default, to 100m to reduce the factor influence on erosion processes. Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm

  5. EVALUASI RISIKO EROSI Penilaiankelas parameter erosidilakukan dg kombinasi “kerapatan” dankedalamanparit-erosi (rill), jurang (gully) danproses-proseserosi “ravine” (Table 56). Hal yagsamajugadilakukanuntukfaktor-faktor “pergerakanmassatanah” (Table 57). The rating of the vegetation cover was multiplied by the frequency of rainstorm and successively the result was added to all the other factor ratings; the obtained sum was compared to the erosion susceptibility class showed in Table 58. The original Van Zuidam thresholds were slightly modified to better fit with the characteristic of the Ben Slimane province. The areas for land use that are precluded from the assessment (like urban areas, airport, golf court, and quarry) are classified as NR (not relevant). Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm

  6. EVALUASI RISIKO EROSI HASIL PENDUGAAN EROSI Zona yang kepekaanerosinyarendah (kurangpekaerosi) ditemukandibagianutaradaerahpenelitian, didalamdaerahhutan; sertadibagiantengahdaerahpenelitian yang lahannyadataratauhampirdatar (Figure 41). The central part, occupied by agricultural fields, presents low erosion susceptibility due to the flat or almost flat nature of the area; the differences are due to the nature of the soils. Vertisols, disatuanlahan 1, dikelompokkanmenjadiKelas 1. SelainitujugaadaKelas 2 dan 3 (kepekaanerosinyamoderat) , kalautanahnyahydromorphic. Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm

  7. EVALUASI RISIKO EROSI Meskipunbentuklahannyaberombak (undulating) dibagianutaradaerahpenelitian, adanya “hutan” dapatmembatasiproseserosidanmelestarikantanah. For this reason the area is ascribed to class 1. In some marginal areas of the forest the susceptibility class increases to class 2 because of the reduction of the natural vegetation cover. Kalauvegetasialamiahdigantikandneganpertanian, kelaskepekaannyameningkat , misalnyapada unit-lahan 5 yang dinilaimenjadiKelas 3. Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm

  8. EVALUASI RISIKO EROSI Denganmempertimbangkansmeualokasilainnya, ternyatakemiringanlahanmerupakanaspek yang paling relevandneganerosi. The southern hills are generally steep, but the presence of afforestation precludes huge erosion processes; in fact there is an intensification of erosion dynamics inside the agricultural land unit (land unit 21 is ascribed to class 5). Table 59 menunjukkanpandanganringkastentangpendugaanerosi. Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm

  9. EVALUASI RISIKO EROSI Table 52 - Ratings for slope factors Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm

  10. EVALUASI RISIKO EROSI Table 53 - Ratings for vegetation/land use factors Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm

  11. EVALUASI RISIKO EROSI Table 54 - Ratings for soil/geology factors and for erosion (wind, sheet, and rill/ravine/gully) and mass movement factors Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm

  12. EVALUASI RISIKO EROSI Table 55 - Ratings for soil/geology factors (*) C (Clay), SC (Sandy clay), CL (Clay loam), SiC (Silt clay), SiCL (Silty clay loam), SCL (Sandy clay loam), L (Loam), SiL (Silty loam), Si (Silt), LS (Loamy sand), SL (Sandy loam), and S (Sand) Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm

  13. EVALUASI RISIKO EROSI Table 56 - Rill/gully/ravine comparing table to assess the final rating Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm

  14. EVALUASI RISIKO EROSI Table 57 - Mass movement comparing table to assess the final rating Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm

  15. EVALUASI RISIKO EROSI Table 58 - Ratings sum and corresponding class for erosion assessment Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm

  16. EVALUASI RISIKO EROSI Table 59 - Results of erosion risk evaluation Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm

  17. Figure 41 - Erosion risk evaluation map (van Zuidam, 1985, modified) Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm

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  19. EVALUASI RISIKO EROSI McDonald R.C., Isbell R. F., Speight J.G., Walker J., and Hopkins M.S. (1998) - Australian soil and land survey. C.S.I.R.O. publishing, pp. 190. Michard A. (1976) - Elements de geologiemarocaine. Notes et memoires du service geologique du Maroc, Rabat. Ministere de l’agriculture et de la mise en valeuragricole, Direction des eaux et forets et de la conservation des sols (1993) - Plan de gestion des reboisements du service forestier de Ben Slimane, pp. 61. Ministere de l’agriculture et de la mise en valeuragricole, Direction regionale des eaux et foretsnord-ouest de Kenitra (1998) - Etudes d’amenagement de la foret de Ben Slimane, pp. 65. Ministere de l’agriculture et de la mise en valeuragricole, Direction regionale des eaux et foretsnord-ouest de Kenitra (1998) - Etudes d’amenagement de la foret de Ben Slimane, Etude socio-economique, pp. 73. Ministere de l’énergie et des mines, Direction de la géologie (1987) - Carte géologique du Maroc: Casablanca-Mohammedia, eschelle 1:100,000. Ministere de l’énergie et des mines, Direction de la géologie (1987) - Carte géologique du Maroc: Rommani, eschelle 1:100,000. Ongaro L. (1998) - Land Unit Mapping for Land Evaluation. IstitutoAgronomico per l’Oltremare. Relazioni e monografieagrarietropicali e subtropicali-Nuovaserie, 115, 50 pp. Ranchin T. and Wald L. (2000) - Comparison of different algorithms for the improvement of the spatial resolution of images. Proceeding of the third conference "Fusion of Earth data: merging point measurements, raster maps and remotely sensed images", Sophia Antipolis, France, January 26-28, 2000, pp. 33-41. Rivas-Martinez S, Sanchez-Mata D., and Costa M. (1999) - North American Boreal and Western Temperate Forest. ItineraGeobotanica, 12, pp. 5-16. Sauvage Ch. (1961) - Recherchesbotaniques sue les suberaiesmarocaines. Trav. Inst. Sc. Chérifien Bot., 21. pp. 1-462. Schoeneberger P.J., Wysocki D.A., Benham E.C., and Broderson W.D. (1998) - Field book for describing and sampling soils. Natural Resources Conservation Service, USDA, National Soil Survey Center, Lincoln, pp. 164. Sys I., Van Ranst E., and Debaveye J. (1991) - Land evaluation, part II. Methods in land evaluation. General administration for development cooperation, Brussels, pp. 247. Van Zuidam R. A. (1986) - Aerial photo-interpretation in terrain analysis and geomorphologic mapping. Smits Publishers, The Netherlands, pp. 442. Sumber: http://www.iao.florence.it/training/geomatics/BenSlimane/Marocco21_4_2_3.htm

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