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CAPTURING VALUE FROM SUPER-HIGH-OIL CORN --A partnership of Brownseed Genetics-BDI-UWRF/WiSys---

CAPTURING VALUE FROM SUPER-HIGH-OIL CORN --A partnership of Brownseed Genetics-BDI-UWRF/WiSys---. Focus Areas for Today’s Presentation. Drivers and value potential in a new Ag paradigm The L601 hat trick Collaborative tool development to capture the value. NEW PARADIGM = FEEDING AND FUELING

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CAPTURING VALUE FROM SUPER-HIGH-OIL CORN --A partnership of Brownseed Genetics-BDI-UWRF/WiSys---

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  1. CAPTURING VALUE FROM SUPER-HIGH-OIL CORN --A partnership of Brownseed Genetics-BDI-UWRF/WiSys--- Focus Areas for Today’s Presentation • Drivers and value potential in a new Ag paradigm • The L601 hat trick • Collaborative tool development to capture the value

  2. NEW PARADIGM = FEEDING AND FUELING ---double duty for grain supply--- • Increasing global population (8.3 billion by 2030) • Rising prosperity in densely populated regions • Rising cost of non-renewable fossil fuels • Reduction in farmland per person • Climate Change

  3. CORN HAS TREMENDOUS VALUE BASIS ---$52 billion grain basis value in 2007--- • 93.6 million acres planted • 86.5 million acres harvested • 151 bu/acre average yield • 13 billion bushels produced • $52 billion at $4/bushel 2007 Production year Data source = http://www.nass.usda.gov/QuickStats/PullData_US.jsp

  4. MANY PRODUCTS WITH PREMIUMS FROM 1 BUSHEL OF CORN $0.20 – 0.35 high oil premium in 2002* 1.6 lbs Standard Corn 2.7 gal CORN OIL *http://www.vegrains.org/documents/2002veg_report/toc/tablecont.html ETHANOL 32 lbs SWEETNER 32 lbs STARCH 13.5 lbs PROTEIN 2.6 lbs GLUTEN

  5. NEW VALUE POTENTIAL --BIODIESEL / ETHANOL / FOOD / FEED-- SHO Corn Starch to Ethanol DDGs to Feed Extract Oil BioDiesel Food

  6. MARKET SHARE & PREMIUMS = LARGE $$ POTENTIAL Market Share Premium ($/bushel) Value ($) 1% $0.20 $26,000,000

  7. L601 – SUPER HIGH OIL ---The Star of This Show--- • Super-high-oil inbred (L-601) with 22% developed by Brown Seed Genetics, WI (USP 7,378,579) • Hybrid with 12% oil and consistent in production • Increased protein & High digestible starch Regular dent x L-601 Standard hybrid 601 - L Seed characteristics of L-601

  8. THE GOAL = ADD SHO TRAIT TO COMMERCIAL VARIETIES Inbreds with Super High Oil Commercial Inbreds Hybrids with Super High Oil Inbred 1 Inbred 2 Inbred 3 Inbred 4 …….. Inbred 1/SHO Inbred 2/SHO Inbred 3/SHO Inbred 4/SHO …….. Hybrid 1/SHO Hybrid 2/SHO Hybrid 3/SHO Hybrid 4/SHO …….. MAB/ Inbred Production Hybrid Production

  9. NEW TOOLS NEEDED TO ENABLE RAPID BREEDING OF SUPER HIGH OIL TRAIT Conversion Time Conversion Cost Commercial Inbred Commercial Inbred/SHO MUCH MORE Conventional breeding MORE Marker-assisted breeding LESS MUCH LESS

  10. COLLABORATIVE TOOL DEVELOPMENT --Funded in part by Applied Research Grant-- Brownseed Genetics, Inc. BioDiagnostics Inc. UW River Falls WiSys

  11. PROJECT GOALS • Find genetic loci required for super high oil • QTL mapping • Develop high-throughput molecular markers • SNP discovery • Enable MAS system for rapid transfer of SHO to any corn line of interest.


  13. QTL MAPPING STRATEGY Generate Segregating Population Parental Screen Population Screen SNP Discovery • 2 parents • 650 SSR • All bins L601Xstandard • 500 plants • 110 SSR • All bins • Oil levels • QTL mapping • QTL cartographer Sequence SSR-anchored BACs • ~500 F2 plants • 2 locations

  14. SUCCESS • Created genetic map with coverage of 1437 cM • Good coverage of maize genome • Identified six QTLs associated with the SHO phenotype • Six QTLs explained 79% of total phenotypic variance • Developed DNA-based markers for MAS system • Some markers still in development

  15. THE VISION IS BECOMING REALITY --FAST—ACCURATE—COST EFFECTIVE-- Customer leaf samples from breeding pop Determine individuals with SHO Report Results in 4 days to 2 weeks ~$15-$25 per sample • Quantitative PCR-based method

  16. A TEAM EFFORT Chandra-Shekara, A.C. BioDiagnostics, Inc. Robert Biolozynski BioDiagnostics, Inc. Victor Piazza BioDiagnostics, Inc. Charles Brown Brownseed Genetics, Inc. Mark Lubich Brownseed Genetics, Inc. John Kuesel Brownseed Genetics, Inc. Dwight Mattson Brownseed Genetics, Inc. Steve Carlson UW River Falls Kimber Siebel UW River Falls Michael Thompson BioDiagnostics Inc. John Maliyakal WiSys

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