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GraDR. Graph Drawings and Representations. EUROGIGA Graphs in Geometry and Algorithms. ESF – European Science Foundation http://www.esf.eu. EUROGIGA Graphs in Geometry and Algorithms. ESF – European Science Foundation http://www.esf.eu EUROCORES - European Collaborative Research

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  1. GraDR Graph Drawings and Representations

  2. EUROGIGAGraphs in Geometry and Algorithms ESF – European Science Foundation http://www.esf.eu

  3. EUROGIGAGraphs in Geometry and Algorithms ESF – European Science Foundation http://www.esf.eu EUROCORES - European Collaborative Research (ESF provides calls for themes, evaluation, and recommendation procedures, national science foundations provide funding)

  4. EUROCORES EUROCORES adds value to European research by • Tackling scientific questions requiring an integrated European or even global effort. • Creating efficiency by avoiding unnecessary duplication of national research efforts. • Serving as a powerful tool to boost high class research at the European level by combining toplevel research with network activities. • Eliminating barriers for scientists that want to work together in international teams across borders by enabling them to apply for funding and perform research together. Currently 27 running programs

  5. Current EUROCORES Programmes in Physics, Chemistry, Materials and Engineering Sciences- Friction and Adhesion in Nanomechanical Systems (FANAS)2008-2011- European Quantum Standards and Metrology (EuroQUASAR)2008-2011- Origin of the Elements and Nuclear History of the Universe (EuroGENESIS)2010-2013- Maximizing the Impact of Graphene Research in Science and Innovation (EuroGRAPHENE) 2010-2013- Bio-inspired Engineering of Sensors, Actuators &Systems (EuroBioSas)2011-2014- Graphs in Geometry and Algorithms (EuroGIGA)2011-2014

  6. EUROGIGAGraphs in Geometry and Algorithms ESF – European Science Foundation http://www.esf.eu EUROCORES – European Collaborative Research EUROGIGA – theme proposal 2009 (7/9) (Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Luxembourg, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland and Turkey) – outline proposal March 29, 2010 (5/10) – full proposal June 22, 2010 (4/5)

  7. EUROGIGACollaborative Research Projects ComPoSe - Combinatorics of Point Sets and Arrangements of Objects (O. Aichholzer, Graz) http://www.eurogiga-compose.eu/ VORONOI - Spatial Decompositions and Graphs (G. Rote, Berlin) http://eurogiga.inf.fu-berlin.de/w/VORONOI/ GreGAS - Geometric representations and symmetries of graphs, maps and other discrete structures and applications in science (T. Pisanski, Ljubljana) http://www.gregas.eu/

  8. EUROGIGACollaborative Research Projects ComPoSe - (O. Aichholzer, Graz) Cardinal (Belgium), Felsner (Germany), Hurtado (Spain), Pach (Hungary), Valtr (Czechia), Welzl (Switzerland) VORONOI - (G. Rote, Berlin) Aurenhammer, Juttler (Austria), Langerman (Belgium), Alt, Klein (Germany), Kowaluk (Poland), Papadopoulou (Switzerland), Marquez (Spain) GreGAS - T. Pisanski, Ljubljana Batagelj, Klavzar, Marusic (Slovenia), Klobucar (Croatia), Skoviera (Slovakia), Stadler (Germany), Biyikoglu (Turkey)

  9. GraDR Graph Drawings and Representations

  10. Graph Drawings and Representations Visualization of graphs and networks has become crucial in many real world applications, especially nowadays when large scale networks need to be displayed in an easy-to-grasp way. Deep theoretical results in structural graph theory lead to design of fast algorithms to achieve this, while, at the same time, motivation stemming from applications strongly influences basic research in graph theory and discrete mathematics. The aims of the CRP are to attack well known hard problems both from structural and algorithmic points of view. The research will be concentrated around planarity issues, will go beyond planarity and explore geometric representations of graphs. Given the dynamics of the field we expect to encounter and identify new frontiers and new research directions. A key ingredient of the project is cross-fertilization of theory and applications.

  11. Graph Drawings and Representations IP1 – CZ Praha (J. Kratochvil) Brno (P. Hlineny) IP2 – DE Berlin (S. Felsner) Dortmund (P. Mutzel) Tübingen (M. Kaufmann) Würzburg (A. Wolff) IP3 – CH Zürich (M. Hoffmann) IP4 – HU Budapest (J. Pach) IP5 – PL Krakow (J. Grytzuk) AP1 – IT Roma (G. di Battista) AP2 – NL Eindhoven (B. Speckmann) AP3 – DE Karlsruhe (D. Wagner)

  12. GraDR - Workpackages

  13. Work packages WP1 – Slope number WP2 – Angular schematization WP3 – Simultaneous embeddings WP4 – Constrained embeddings WP5 – Clustered planarity WP6 – Quasi-planar and near-planar graphs WP7 – Region constrained graph drawing WP8 – Crossing number WP9 – Coloring graphs with geometric representations WP10 – Contact and intersection representations WP11 – Transfer to practice WP12 – Hypergraphs with applications in bioinformatics

  14. Activities GraDR Kick-off July 7-8, 2011, Prague web site http://kam.mff.cuni.cz/gradr wiki http://lamut.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.de/mediawiki/gradr winter schools (Berlin 2011, Würzburg, Zürich, Brno) ad hoc WP meetings (Homonolo 2011) midterm meeting (Krakow), final meeting (Berlin) 2 postdoc positions open in Prague

  15. Inter-CRP networking activities EUROGIGA session at CSASC 2011 in Krems, September 25-28, 2011 EUROGIGA session at Graph Drawing 2011, Eindhoven, September 21-23, 2011 EUROGIGA session at EuroCG 2012, Assisi, March 19-21, 2012 EUROGIGA midterm conference, Prague, July 2012 (9-13 or 16-20)

  16. Collaboration graph

  17. Collaboration graph Our goal: Turn the collaboration graph into a dense hypergraph.

  18. EUROGIGA managment ESF DFG GACR NSFs EUROGIGA CompoSe GreGAS VORONOI GraDR IP-1 IP-2 IP-3 AP-1 WP-01 WP-08 WP-03 WP-05

  19. EUROGIGA managment ESF DFG GACR NSFs EUROGIGA CompoSe GreGAS VORONOI GraDR IP-1 IP-2 IP-3 AP-1 WP-01 WP-08 WP-03 WP-05

  20. EUROGIGA managment ESF DFG GACR NSFs EUROGIGA CompoSe GreGAS VORONOI GraDR IP-1 IP-2 IP-3 AP-1 WP-01 WP-08 WP-03 WP-05

  21. EUROGIGA managment ESF DFG GACR NSFs EUROGIGA CompoSe GreGAS VORONOI GraDR IP-1 IP-2 IP-3 AP-1 WP-01 WP-08 WP-03 WP-05

  22. GraDR calendar Kick-off Prague July 7-8, 2011 Homonolo (WP1, WP2, WP8, WP9) Dec 5-9, 2011 Other work package meetings? GraDR midterm – Krakow (?) spring (?) 2012 EUROGIGA midterm Prague July 9-13 or 16-20, 2012 Winter schools – fall 2012 Wurzburg, others? GraDR final – fall 2013 (?) Berlin (?) EUROGIGA final Berlin spring, 2013

  23. Final notes gradr-steer@kam.mff.cuni.cz gradr-l@kam.mff.cuni.cz will follow soon Wiki Web page – fill links to local pages

  24. Thank you for coming

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