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EDMODO. A p ratical educational mobile application. What is it ?. Edmodo is a Learning Management System (LMS) for students and teachers Think of it as a ‘’ Social Network’’ for your school The entire school can participate

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Presentation Transcript

  1. EDMODO A praticaleducational mobile application

  2. What is it ? • Edmodo is a Learning Management System (LMS) forstudentsandteachers • Think of it as a ‘’Social Network’’ foryourschool • Theentireschool can participate • Studentsuse a codegivenbyteachertoaddthatclasstotheirEdmodoaccount • Themoreteachers in a schooluse it themorehelpful it is tothestudents

  3. It is completelyfreetouse • Ifyouare a students,whileopeningtheapplicationclickthe ‘’Student’’ button • İfyouare a teacher,inordertojoin as a teachertotheapp,click ‘’Teacher’’ button

  4. Procedure • A teachermaycreatemultipleclasses.Theteacherwillgivethestudents a ‘’classcode’’ in orderforthemtojointhatclass. • Whenthestudententersthecodetheywillautomatically be addedtotheclassassociatedwiththatcode. • Students can joinmultipleclasses as long as theyhavethecodeforthem

  5. PROS of Edmodo • Veryflexible • -Could be usedformanygradelevels • Convenient • -Allowslearningtotakeplaceoutside of theclassroom • Ease of Use • Evennon-techteachers can use it • Free! • Andconsistentlyupgradedwithnewfeatures • Parental Access!

  6. CONS of Edmodo • Implementation • -Someschoolsmay be wary of using LMS • Oneway • -Diffcultforstudentstocommunicatetothegroup • Name Control • -Students can createtheirownnameswhensingingup • Daunting • -Side can seemverylargeandunwieldly at firstview

  7. A detailed video aboutEdmodo

  8. Thankyou

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