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LITERATURE. FORM 5. POEMS. THE CURSE. Belakang. Keluar. Literature Form 5. Novel – The Curse. Summary The Plot Analysis The Text Analysis The Plot Analysis : A General view Themes Tone Mood Subject Matter. Point of view Setting Characters Characters (The Minor Characters)

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  2. Literature Form 5 Novel – The Curse • Summary • The Plot • Analysis The Text • Analysis The Plot • Analysis : A General • view • Themes • Tone • Mood • Subject Matter • Point of view • Setting • Characters • Characters (The Minor • Characters) • Quality of Character • Repetition • Foreshadowing • Flashback • Lesson and Moral Value Depan Belakang Menu Keluar

  3. Drama 1 : The Curse Summary Azreen who is studying in London returns to her hometown, an island nearby Langkawi as her sister, Madhuri had passed away. It is rumoured that she was murdered. Loud whispers in the Azreen’s house causes her to be suspicious of her sister’s death. In addition to that, her mother’s statement that Madhuri is in danger adds her suspicion to the controversial death of her sister. Depan Belakang Menu Keluar

  4. Drama 1 : The Curse The old lady who was Azreen’s friend also mentions to her that Madhuri’s murder was covered up so that some secrets surrounding the murder is not revealed. The bomoh further revealed to Azreen that he saw Madhuri and Asraf together in the rubber estate several times. The ghostly person directs Azreen’s attention to the murder weapon. Saleh, Azreen’s father confesses to Madhuri’s murder. Depan Belakang Menu Keluar

  5. Drama 1 : The Curse The Plot Exposition Azreen’s sister, Madhuri, is murdered but the death is not classified as murder and the murder is covered up. Depan Belakang Menu Keluar

  6. Drama 1 : The Curse Conflict 1. Why was Madhuri murdered? 2. Why was the murder covered up? 3. Why is the ghost like lady appearing every once a while in the village? What is the relationship between the lady and the characters of the story? 4. Is the relationship of the fact that Madhuri, is a second wife, a reason for her death? Is Fathihah a cause for Madhuri’s death? 5. Is the rumour true that Madhuri’s death is a sign of a curse falling on the village? 6. What is the role of Asraf in the whole story? Depan Belakang Menu Keluar

  7. Drama 1 : The Curse Climax • Madhuri was murdered as she wanted to leave her • husband and marry Asraf. • The murder was covered up to save En Ghani’s ego and Madhuri’s innocense and memory. • The ghost like lady is Madhuri’s biological mother. Depan Belakang Menu Keluar

  8. Drama 1 : The Curse • Fathihah is not the cause of her Madhuri’s death nor is the reason that Madhuri is a second wife cause of her death. • The rumour was created because Madhuri seemingly bled white blood but the white liquid spilled on her was actually latex. • Asraf was Madhuri’s lover. He was about to run away with her. As this was discovered by Saleh, her father, killed her. Depan Belakang Menu Keluar

  9. Drama 1 : The Curse Falling action Azreen discovers that Asraf was actually not in love with her. She discovers that Madhuri is not her actual sister. The old lady dies although she saved Asraf’s mother. Her last words for Azreen was to forgive. Depan Belakang Menu Keluar

  10. Drama 1 : The Curse Resolution Saleh dies of heart attack. Asraf leaves the island to do a teaching course in KL. Azreen leaves for London, to continue her studies and perhaps accept Julian as her “special friend”. Depan Belakang Menu Keluar

  11. Drama 1 : The Curse Analysis: The text Pg 3 She did not want to have to explain why she was leaving She did not want to explain why she was leaving. Depan Belakang Menu Keluar

  12. Drama 1 : The Curse 2. Pg 5 Julian’s head cocked to the side in question. Julian’s head tilted to the side, questioning her. Depan Belakang Menu Keluar

  13. Drama 1 : The Curse 3. Pg 12/1 And the poor girl isn’t even properly laidto ground yet! And the poor girl isn’t even properly laid to the ground yet. Depan Belakang Menu Keluar

  14. Drama 1 : The Curse 4. Pg 12/2 She’s still your elder. She’s still elder to you. She’s still elder than you. Depan Belakang Menu Keluar

  15. Drama 1 : The Curse 5. Pg 14 Azreen did as told. Azreen did as told by the stewardess. Azreen did as she was told. Depan Belakang Menu Keluar

  16. Drama 1 : The Curse 6. Pg 24 She had been missing for a few hours and her husband was getting worried. She had been missing for a few hours and her husband got worried/was worried. Depan Belakang Menu Keluar

  17. Drama 1 : The Curse 7. Pg 32 He sighed again, his wrinkles deepening in melancholy He sighed again, wrinkles deepening in melancholy. Depan Belakang Menu Keluar

  18. Drama 1 : The Curse 8. Pg 63 She “could turn anyone who came near her into a squirrel or a rat. She would then mix him with the herbs and plants from her haunted garden and eat him for dinner.” She could turn anyone who came near her into a squirrel or a rat. She would then mix them with the herbs and plants from her haunted garden and eat them for dinner.” Depan Belakang Menu Keluar

  19. Drama 1 : The Curse 9. Pg 71 The Old Lady reached over and lifted Azreen’s fringe from her face. The Old Lady reached over and tilted Azreen’s face. (Upwards/downward/sideways) Depan Belakang Menu Keluar

  20. Drama 1 : The Curse 10. Pg 83 She could even see the angry veins popping out from his arms. She could even see the angry veins popping out on his arms. Depan Belakang Menu Keluar

  21. Drama 1 : The Curse 11. Pg 99 “…old habits died hard and neat clothes made her appear less like the witch the villagers thought she was. “...old habits die hard and neat clothes made her appear less like the witch the villagers thought she was. Depan Belakang Menu Keluar

  22. Drama 1 : The Curse 12. Pg 110 I do not think them better parents. I do not think of them as better parents. Depan Belakang Menu Keluar

  23. Drama 1 : The Curse 13. Pg 119 He watched in horror as the woman’s body distorted and bent. He watched the woman’s distorted and bent body in horror. Depan Belakang Menu Keluar

  24. Drama 1 : The Curse 14. Pg 113 I didn’t realise it as first but then I heard the rustling of her hair. (Illogical: It is difficult or impossible to hear the rustling of the hairs!) I didn’t realise it at first but then i heard the rustling of leaves created by her movement in the bushes. Depan Belakang Menu Keluar

  25. Drama 1 : The Curse 15. Pg 169 Meanwhile, I need you to prepare a clean mortal and pestle for me, do you have one? Meanwhile, i need you to prepare a clean mortar and pestle for me, do you have one? Depan Belakang Menu Keluar

  26. Drama 1 : The Curse 16. Pg 197 But nobody would listen. There is nothing in the novel to suggest that she had said or convinced then I tried to convince them but nobody would listen. Depan Belakang Menu Keluar

  27. Drama 1 : The Curse Analysis: The Plot Too familiar. The plot centres around the murder of a girl. The similarity to the famous “The curse of Mahsuri”, even the name is similar, Mahsuri vs Madhuri, the place is just south of Langkawi, even the title is similar, “the curse”. Depan Belakang Menu Keluar

  28. Drama 1 : The Curse To rehash a murder story too close to another makes one wonder of the creativeness of the story in question. The plot is too familiar. Analysis - A general view Depan Belakang Menu Keluar

  29. Drama 1 : The Curse Analysis: A General view A super presentation. The writer has used so many character’s and all of them have been give life. Although the main character has too many character traits, that really signifies a human being. We do have many traits which are exposed in particular circumstances. The contrast, the differences, the similarities and logical and emotional responses the character are imbued with and display carries the story along very well. Marvellous. Depan Belakang Menu Keluar

  30. Drama 1 : The Curse The story unfolds with twists and turn at every moment. There is no breather. The story flows continously. The exceptional reference to the past is well thought. Although inserted too often, the flow is so well done that it is quite seamless. There is always a reason for returning to the past and the reason is so logical that there is no break in the storyline. Stupendous. The story is also full of clues as to who and why Madhuri was killed. The clues appear as we read. The idea of the clues appearing makes this story a page turner. Depan Belakang Menu Keluar

  31. Drama 1 : The Curse The reasoning and the logical answers. The issues and the resulting answers given appropriately. The supernatural subject touched upon but with logical reasonings and answers to those superstitions creates a modern insight to an ancient story. From the beginning to the end, the questions are exposed and answered. Another, plus point for the story. The writer has taken pain to insert phrases to the story, although it looks artificial, the insertion is finely done, safe for some minor issues. Depan Belakang Menu Keluar

  32. Drama 1 : The Curse Last but not least, despite some issues discussed, the story is a full story. However it should not have been introduced as a literature book for several reasons as discussed henceforth. Depan Belakang Menu Keluar

  33. Drama 1 : The Curse Two killing took place in modern Malaysia. One was covered up by the head of the kampong and some men. This sends wrong signals. Children should not be encouraged to get the idea that killing is a small matter and that it can be swept under the carpet. In real life this is a major issue. Perhaps, in ancient times it was allowed. In modern Malaysia, it should not be so. Depan Belakang Menu Keluar

  34. Drama 1 : The Curse This is a major flaw. Suffice to say, however this is debated, the issue is, no one is above the law. The police should have been brought in and perhaps the murder can be brushed aside on a pretext. This can be regarded a loose knot which the story addresses but waves it away. Even Madhuri’s mother should be in an asylum or hospital. The fact that she arguable killed En Saleh and was able to escape the law sends wrong signals, that crime does pay. Depan Belakang Menu Keluar

  35. Drama 1 : The Curse Even stealing, (chickens) by Awang is freated in a very “simple” manner; the stealing is brushed off with ridiculous reasons. Sending wrong signals again. There were too many strong negative exposition of a particular race. The story should have emphasised an equally strong positive exposition of the same race to balance the issues. As a book intended for students, again, this book should not have been recommended. Depan Belakang Menu Keluar

  36. Drama 1 : The Curse Themes 1. Love The author has covered certain aspects of love:- (a) Parental love-Biological and non-biological Biological parents Love - Saleh Abdullah and his wife for Azreen - The ghostly lady for Madhuri - Puan Khamsiah for Siti Non-biological parents love - Saleh Abdullah and his wife for Madhuri - En Zul and Datin Sharifah for Azreen Depan Belakang Menu Keluar

  37. Drama 1 : The Curse (b) Forbidden love Mohd Ashraf for Madhuri after she was married. (c) Unrequited love Azreen seems to have a crush for Ashraf. Julian seems to have a crush on Azreen. (d) Love due to gratitude or respect Awang for Azreen for saving her. Depan Belakang Menu Keluar

  38. Drama 1 : The Curse 2. Forgiving There is nothing more liberating in receiving forgiveness than giving it. Once you’ve forgiven • sincerely forgiven - the weight is lifted from your chest, and you’re finally free. (Pg161) Depan Belakang Menu Keluar

  39. Drama 1 : The Curse “And you must learn to forgive, Azreen before it’s too late”. (pg201) Forgive, the old lady had said to her before she died. Was this how it felt to forgive? (Pg205) Depan Belakang Menu Keluar

  40. Drama 1 : The Curse Themes (b) As advised by the old lady, Azreen forgave her father. The ghostly lady however did not forgive Saleh for killing her daughter. Ashraf did not forgive the old lady for the death of his mother. Puan Fathihah did not forgive Madhuri for marrying her husband, Hj Ghani. Depan Belakang Menu Keluar

  41. Drama 1 : The Curse Themes (c) Violence against women Old lady’s husband abused her. Is the murder of Madhuri, violence against women too?...yes Depan Belakang Menu Keluar

  42. Drama 1 : The Curse Themes (d) Gender stereotyping Azreen behaved as a boy...tomboy in her younger days. example...hangs out with the boys, laughs like a hyena, plays hockey with the boys, fights with boys. Depan Belakang Menu Keluar

  43. Drama 1 : The Curse Themes (e) Belief in the supernatural Awang the shaman - used by the villagers. Puan Normala - convinced that the village is cursed by Madhuri. Old lady is an evil person who can turn human’s into squirrels and rats. Depan Belakang Menu Keluar

  44. Drama 1 : The Curse Tone Serious, mysterious, sad, reflective, regret, emotional, humour, envy. Depan Belakang Menu Keluar

  45. Drama 1 : The Curse Mood A sombre mood throughout the story. Depan Belakang Menu Keluar

  46. Drama 1 : The Curse Subject Matter The mystery surrounding Madhuri’s murder. Depan Belakang Menu Keluar

  47. Drama 1 : The Curse Point of view 3rd person point of view. Depan Belakang Menu Keluar

  48. Drama 1 : The Curse Setting Present time - within a week or two. 1. The rubber plantation. 2. The room and hostel where Azreen lived during her stay in London. 3. Interior of the aeroplane from London to KL. 4. A village in a small island off Langkawi. - Azreen’s house, - Madhuri’s room, - Nek’s home - En Mohan’s farm Depan Belakang Menu Keluar

  49. Drama 1 : The Curse 5. The forest - the abandoned house. 6. The paddy field. 7. The cemetery. 8. The serene part of the island where the old lady and Azreen find peace. Depan Belakang Menu Keluar

  50. Drama 1 : The Curse Characters (The Main Characters) 1. Azreen Saleh-the protagonist Azreen, the main character of the novel, is a problematic child for En Saleh and his wife. She managed to get into her father’s bad side too often. She was less feminine and more interested in things boys did. A sort of tomboy. The trouble she gets into with her father creates a gap with him, which carries along in the whole novel. Although Azreen is the biological child of the “Saleh’s” it is her sister who is the apple of the eye of her parents. Thus at the first chance of leaving the island village, Azreen grabs the chance and leaves to London to pursue her studies. Depan Belakang Menu Keluar

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