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Top Strategies to Succeed in Class 10 Examination

If you are a class 10 student. Read this PDF, We have created a separate strategies to succeed in class 10 examination. https://mywikinews.net/top-strategies-to-succeed-in-class-10-examination/

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Top Strategies to Succeed in Class 10 Examination

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  1. Top Strategies to Succeed in Class 10 Examination Scoring excellent marks in 10 board examinations is not a hard nut to crack. It is obvious that many students feel nervous whenever they hear of board examinations, especially for 10th class. Almost every student starts his 10th board journey from term 1. They try their utmost to score better in the examination. Unfortunately they fail to score at least a good score in the examination.

  2. Scoring excellent marks in 10th board examination not only plays a significant role towards boosting up your career but also helps you to gain your confidence to achieve anything in life. Many students take 10th boards granted and blindly start to study NCERT solutions without even knowing the complete syllabus due to which they fail or do not get good marks. In this article we are going to share you top strategies to score excellent in class 10th examination along with you will also get the best Ncert solutions for class 10th including math, science, english, hindi. For students convenience we have provided separate strategies to succeed in class 10 examination. Let's start with the Math subject. Preparation Strategies for Math Some students find it difficult to solve math whereas some find it interesting. If you're a former one then after reading this article you will also love this subject. Math is a game of practice and calculation. The more you practice and revise the more you learn and score. Here are tips to score maximum marks in math. ● Know your syllabus It is mandatory for every 10 board students to go through the syllabus and have complete knowledge of the weightage of the topics. ● Solve reference books and previous year question After complete understanding of concepts start solving questions with reference books i.e NCERT. Click here for ncert solutions for class 10 math. Practice questions as much as possible. When you completely solve the reference books then shift to previous year questions. Practice previous year questions in a timer so that you will get habitual to solve questions as fast as possible. ● Revise important formulas and theorem regularly Practice and revise important formulas and theorems on a daily basis. Always make the important short notebook or mind maps of formulas and theorems so that you can keep an eye on it.

  3. Important tip- Practice previous year questions as many times as possible because it gives you a complete idea of the examination. Preparation Strategy for Science Class 10 science subjects consist of three sections: physics,chemistry and math. Like math strategy first you need to go through the syllabus to mark out the weightage of each topic. Here we have discussed strategy for physics, chemistry and biology separately. Physics 1. Physics consists of two parts: theory and numericals. Learn and understand the theoretical part carefully to solve numericals easily. Solve numerical problems as much as possible. 2. Important topics like mirrors and lenses have significant importance in class 10 exams. 3. Derivations also play an important role in class 10 exams. Practice derivation as many times as possible. Chemistry 1. Balancing the chemical equations are asked oftenly in class 10 board examination. Learn the important chemical names to practice chemical equations. 2. Learn important chemical names and chemical formulas by heart. 3. Importance of the periodic table cannot be neglected. Biology 1. Learn all the important definitions, terms and processes for example what is reproduction? 2. Diagrams are very important in biology. You can get maximum marks in well labeled diagrams. 3. Important topics like reproduction, organs of male and female, reproduction in plants and animals etc are the important topics in biology.

  4. Important tip- Solve NCERT and previous year questions as many as possible. Click here to get ncert solutions for class 10 science. Preparation Strategy for English ● ● ● ● Read the chapters and learn the answers carefully. To make your grammar strong, practice grammar questions daily. Try to write the answer in a well presentable manner. Solve the previous year NCERT solution papers. Click here to get the ncert solution for class 10 english. Preparation Strategy for Hindi ● ● ● Read the chapters carefully and learn the answers. To improve your Hindi grammar, practice grammar questions as much as possible. To gain excellent marks in Hindi, never write ridiculous answers. Try to frame the answers, take help from your teacher and write the answer carefully. Learn previous year questions. Click here for ncert solutions for class 10 hindi. ● Last Month Revision Strategy Last month's strategy is most important for every student. You cannot study like you were used to the whole year. Many students try to thoroughly finish their complete syllabus in the last month and fail to complete their syllabus due to which they perform badly in their examination. So here we have provided smart tips for last month's revision strategy to complete the whole syllabus. ● ● ● ● ● Don’t read the complete syllabus. Revise short notes and important formulas. Make mind maps to revise efficiently. Revise only previous year questions. Solve previous year and model papers to get excellent marks in examinations. ncert solutions for class 10. Conclusion In this article we have provided you with a complete detailed preparation strategy for class 10 examination. If you stick to this strategy you will surely get excellent marks in the examination.

  5. Hope all your doubts have been cleared if you still have, then feel free to ask your queries in the comment box. We will try to answer your queries as soon as possible. Original source Good Reads: How to Attempt Tough Questions in CBSE Class 10 Board? How to Help Your Child With Maths at Home: 5 Easy Tips 10 Best Tips To Cover The CBSE Syllabus How to Read Multiple Chapters of NCERT (Class10) In One Day Without Any Distraction? Which Stream to Choose after Class 10 Board Exams? Thank You!!!

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