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How to Prepare for JEE by Staying at Home

Are you preparing for JEEE main exam? Read In this PDF to find the complete roadmap to preparation for JEE Main by staying at home. https://www.bladnews.com/how-to-prepare-for-jee-by-staying-at-home/

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How to Prepare for JEE by Staying at Home

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  1. How to Prepare for JEE by Staying at Home JEE is considered as one of the toughest examinations in India. Approx 10 million engineering aspirants are appearing for JEE Mains & Jee Advanced every year to get admission into the most prominent IIT(Indian Institute of Technology), NIT(National Institute of Technology) and other prestigious private colleges of India. To crack the JEE Mains and JEE Advanced you need proper guidance along with a proper road map. Coachings and Institutions play an important key role in the preparation journey of the JEE examination. There is always a misconception among students that it is difficult to crack JEE without coaching but it is not true. In 2020 when the first lockdown was imposed, all institutions, coaching centers were abruptly shut down due to which aspirants drove their preparation journey at home. Since then most of the students are preferring online classes for their preparation at minimal fee. In this article we are going to provide you a complete roadmap to preparation for JEE by staying at home.

  2. Complete Tips to Prepare for JEE at Home ● Before giving exam, know your exam Suppose you are going to fight someone, how you will win without knowing your opponent's weakness. That’s exactly how you have to play in the examination to get an excellent rank in JEE. Before starting preparing for JEE blindly, take a time and first know your syllabus, compare jee main previous year papers with your syllabus and mark out the important and most important chapters, make your own preparation road map for the time you have allotted for your preparation then start your preparation. ● Start preparation with foundation books i.e NCERT In JEE Mains and JEE Advanced NCERT plays an important key role. Almost 60%-70% syllabus is based on NCERT. You should start your preparation journey with NCERT to make better understanding of foundational concepts. More than 60 percent of JEE Main previous year papers are based on NCERT. UNderstand NCERT to understand advanced books. ● Online class and Notes If you are taking online classes for JEE Mains and JEE Advanced then you have to stick with their guidance. Make short notes of concepts and important theorems and formulas(try to make mind maps) and revise them on a fixed time interval. Use science symbols to make your notes short and brief. Click here for science formulas sheet and Math formula sheet. ● Solve JEE Previous year question papers The importance of JEE Main previous year question papers can’t be neglected. Solving previous year papers gives you a brief idea regarding exact pattern of the examination. Every aspirant must solve the JEE previous year question papers multiple times. Solving previous year questions papers gives you the exact experience of solving question papers in real examinations. ● Give daily mock tests Once you complete your syllabus i.e concepts, NCERT and other reference books then start giving jee main mock tests and analyze them properly on a daily basis. Try to start giving mock

  3. tests with the JEE Main previous year paper. Mock tests help you to solve the question in allotted time and analysis of mock tests helps you to identify your mistakes. ● Make proper revision strategy Proper revision strategy helps you to get a higher rank in the JEE. Never revise your textbooks one month before examination. Revise your short notes and important formula notes on a regular basis. As we mentioned above try to make mind maps that help you to revise your complete syllabus in a very less time. Try to revise math formulas regularly. ● Healthy foods and regular exercise There are lots of benefits of preparing for JEE at home. You can easily access healthy foods and supplements at home. Eat healthy foods like vegetables, fruits etc. and perform regular exercise. Regular exercise maintains your body circulation and makes you feel confident and energetic. Conclusion As you are at home you will get multiple preparation advantages compared to those who are preparing for JEE outside their hometown. So utilize this opportunity efficiently. Hope this article guides how you can prepare for JEE by staying at home. If you have any further questions then feel free to ask in the comments section, we will reach you out as soon as possible. Original source Good Reads: How to Help Your Child With Maths at Home: 5 Easy Tips Achieve 100% Syllabus Coverage: 10 Proven Strategies How to Attempt Tough Questions in CBSE Class 10 Board? Top Strategies To Succeed In A Class 10 Examination Thank You!!!

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