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Gilded Age America

Gilded Age America. America’s Growing Pains. Westward Expansion. Frontier definition: less than 2 people per square mile west of line drawn from northern to southern boundary. Mining Frontier Cattle Frontier Farming Frontier End of the Frontier

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Gilded Age America

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  1. Gilded Age America America’s Growing Pains

  2. Westward Expansion • Frontier definition: less than 2 people per square mile west of line drawn from northern to southern boundary. • Mining Frontier • Cattle Frontier • Farming Frontier • End of the Frontier • http://www.clt.astate.edu/lsaunders/2773TransMississippi%20West_files/frame.htm

  3. Native American Policy • Sand Creek Massacre (extermination) November 28, 1864 • Reservations (removal) • Dawes Severalty Act (assimilation) 1887 • http://www.csulb.edu/projects/ais/

  4. Modern Farming • Mechanization • Decline of the Family Farm • Rise of Farm Revolts • The Grange • The Populists • Successes • Paper currency • Antitrust and Big Business Legislation • Direct election of Senators • Graduated Income Tax • Farm Subsidies • http://projects.vassar.edu/1896/populists.html

  5. Industrialization and Urbanization • Social Darwinism • “Laissez-Faire” • Labor, Mechanization, and Transportation • Rise of Large Cities • http://library.thinkquest.org/C004367/eh4.shtml • http://oswego.org/staff/tcaswell/wq/gildedage/student.htm

  6. Railroads And National Markets • Travel Before Railroads • Construction Issues • Backward Linkages • Forward Linkages • Other Benefits? • http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/gmdhtml/rrhtml/rrintro.html

  7. Rise of Big Business • Development of Trusts • Monopolies • Oligopolies • Integration • Mechanization • http://cse.stanford.edu/class/cs201/projects-95-96/corporate-monopolies/government_history.html

  8. Famous Businessmen • Andrew Carnegie • John Rockefeller • Cornelius Vanderbilt • Jay Gould • Robber Barons • Social Gospel • http://oswego.org/staff/tcaswell/wq/gildedage/resources.htm

  9. Labor Issues • Safety • Paternalism • Wages • Child and Female Labor • KoL-Terrence Powderly • AF of L-Samuel Gompers • IWW-Bill Haywood • http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Quad/6460/AmLabHist/

  10. Immigration • “New” Immigrants • Foreign born population jumped from 4 million in 1860 to over 10 million by 1890. • Southern and eastern Europe, Asia • Language barriers greater • Larger cultural differences • Often came from rural areas • http://www.cis.org/topics/history.html

  11. Other Domestic Political Issues • Political Machines • Civil Service Reforms • Tariff • Civil War Related issues • Battle Flags • Pensions • http://www.digitalhistory.uh.edu/historyonline/us28.cfm

  12. Imperialism • Spanish-American War (1898-1899) • Hawaii (1899) • Samoa (1899) • Boxer Rebellion (1900) • Open Door Policy • Panama (1905) • http://www.smplanet.com/imperialism/toc.html

  13. Leaders in Imperialism • Henry Cabot Lodge • Alfred Thayer Mahan • Theodore Roosevelt

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