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Curriculum Development and Design: Essential Resources for Educators

This bibliography provides a comprehensive list of essential resources for educators involved in curriculum development and design. It includes books, articles, and online sources that cover various aspects of curriculum planning, pedagogy, and educational leadership.

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Curriculum Development and Design: Essential Resources for Educators

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  1. Bibliografía

  2. Bibliografía Básica: Delors, J. et al "The Four Pillars of Education" UNESCO http://www.unesco.org/delors/fourpil.html Drucker, P. "Managing Oneself" Harvard Business Review. 77, 2 (marzo-abril, 1999):65-74 Gardner, H. "A Multiplicity of Intelligences" Scientific American. 9, 4 (Winter, 1998): 18-23 Goleman, D. "What Makes a Leader" Harvard Business Review. 76, 6 (Nov.-Dec., 1998): 93-102

  3. cont… Bibliografía Básica: Hunkins, Francis P. (1980) Curriculum Development: Program Improvement. Charles E. Merrill Publishing Company. London. Pinar W., Reynolds W., Slattery P. y Taubman P. (1995) Understanding Curriculum. Peter Lang Publishing Inc. New York. Santos, Antonio (2000) “Modelo Pedagógico: Guía para el Diseñador del Curso” Centro de Innovación Educativa y Desarrollo del Docente. UDLA-P. Cholula, México

  4. Bibliografía de Consulta (1): Adams, Dennis M. y Hamm, Mary E. (1990) Cooperative learning: critical thinking and collaboration across the curriculum. Springfield, Ill.: Charles C. Thomas. Apple, Michael W. (1990) Ideology and curriculum. 2nd ed. New York: Routledge. Balestri, Diane Pelkus. (1992) Learning to design, designing to learn: using technology to transform the curriculum. Washington ; Philadelphia: Taylor & Francis. Blenkin, Geva M. y Edwards, Gwyn. (1992) Change and the curriculum. London: P. Chapman. Carnine, Douglas. (1992) Higher order thinking: designing curriculum for mainstreamed students. Austin, Tex.: Pro-Ed.

  5. Cont… Bibliografía de Consulta... Díaz Barriga, Angel. (1986) Didáctica y curriculum: convergencias en los programas de estudio. 4 ed. México: Ediciones Nuevomar. Fulwiler, Toby. (1992) Programs that work: models and methods for writing across the curriculum. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook Publishers. Huerta Ibarra, José. (1983) Fines, metas y objetivos. México: Trillas. John y Mackay, Hughie. (1992) Technological literacy and the curriculum. London ; New York: Falmer Press. Kemp, Jerrold E. (1987) Planeamiento didáctico: plan de desarrollo para unidades y cursos. México: Diana.

  6. Cont… Bibliografía de Consulta... Marsh, Colin J. (1992) Key concepts for understanding curriculum. London ; New York: Falmer Press. Posner, George J. (1992) Analyzing the curriculum. New York: McGraw-Hill. Saylor, J. G. y Alexander, W. M (1974) Planning Curriculum for Schools. Holt, Rinehart and Wiston, Inc. New York. USA Short, Kathy Gnagey. y Burke, Carolyn L. (1991) Creating curriculum: teachers and students as a community of learners. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. Walker, Decker F. y Soltis, Jonas F. (1992) Curriculum and aims. 2nd ed. New York: Teachers College Press.

  7. Cont… Bibliografía de Consulta... • White, Mary Alice. (1987) What curriculum for the information age?. Hillsdale, NJ: L. Erlbaum Associates. • Woerner, Janet J. Rivers, Robert H. (1991) The computer in the science curriculum. Watsonville, Calif.: Mitchell McGraw-Hill: New York: McGraw. • Zais, Robert S. (1976) Curriculum: Principles and Foundations. Thomas Y. Crowell Company. New York. USA.

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