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Classification of Significant Water Resources in the Mvoti to Umzimkulu Water Management Area

This presentation provides an overview of the study on water resource classification in the Mvoti to Umzimkulu area. It discusses the objectives, process, and outcomes of the study, including the determination of reserve and water quality objectives. Stakeholder engagement and future steps are also addressed.

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Classification of Significant Water Resources in the Mvoti to Umzimkulu Water Management Area

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  1. CLASSIFICATION OF SIGNIFICANT WATER RESOURCES IN THE MVOTI TO UMZIMKULU WATER MANAGEMENT AREA Presented by: Barbara Weston Scientific Manager Reserve Determination 24 March 2015 PRESENTATION TITLE Presented by: Name Surname Directorate Date Project Steering Committee Meeting 5

  2. PURPOSE OF PRESENTATION • To provide background on the study • To provide feedback on the progress of the study to date • To pinpoint where we are heading towards • BUT BEFORE I DO THAT I WANT US TO

  3. Do we know how we are going to reach our common goal? Why are we here? What are we trying to achieve?

  4. RDM constitution RQO SDC Classification

  5. To ensure protection of water resources: • To maintain good human health & the health of living organisms (plants, animals etc.) existing in the water and riparian vegetation {PROTECT} • For different users of water (domestic, industrial, agricultural , recreation etc.) {conserve, use, control} • For meeting basic human needs (drinking, bathing, cooking etc.) {subsistence use} You can design and create, and build the most wonderful place in the world. But it takes people to make the dream a reality.

  6. Times and conditions change so rapidly that we must keep our aim constantly focused on the future. The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.

  7. Overview of the Mvoti to Umzimkulu Classification Project • 36 months study: July 2012 – June 2015 • Rivers for Africa is the appointed PSP to assist DWS • The outputs of the study: • Determination of the Reserve • Water for human well-being and aquatic ecosystem • Quantifies the quantity & quality of water to achieve a certain ecological state and Basic Human Needs (BHN) requirements • Water resources categorized into management classes • Class I • Class II • Class III • Resource Quality Objectives (RQOs) set • Requirements to satisfy the ecology (biological, chemical, physical attributes) • Requirements to satisfy the needs for different water users • Numerical and/or narrative descriptive statements of conditions which should be met in the receiving water resource

  8. THE WATER RESOURCE CLASS • The Class: • Facilitates the balance between protection and use of the water resources; • is defined by taking into account the social, economic & ecological landscape. • Process requires co-operation & transparency with all stakeholders.


  10. STUDY PROCESS • In accordance with the classification, Reserve and RQOs guidelines 2 1 4 5 3 6 • Division of the Management Units (IUAs & RUs) & describing the Status Quo • Divided catchment into management units (IUAs) based on socio-economic/ • land use characteristics/ • water resources and defined Resource Units (RUs) • Data assessed • Status quo understood • Catchment vision established • Link value and condition of water resources • Assess the contribution of using water resources • Understand the importance and value of water in order to assess the implications and consequences of protecting water resources • Identification and evaluation of scenarios • Scenarios are different options for protection within each catchment • Evaluated against flow, water quality and socio-economics • Determine the minimum level of protection • Ecological requirements of water resources understood and quantified • Determine how much water does the ecology need for the protection of water resources • How much water does the ecology require for different protection levels • Recommended Management classes & RQOs • Setting requirements to satisfy the ecology • Setting requirements which the different users require from water resources Gazetting To gazette Classes, Reserve and RQOs We are here Stakeholder engagement July 2012 to March 2015

  11. Project Outcomes To Date • IUAs delineated • Updated hydrology (present day and future flow requirements) • Present Ecological State (PES) and Recommended Ecological Category (REC) determined • Socio-economic evaluation of the catchments • Decision support system developed • Current and future developments identified (scenarios) and consequences determined in the catchments • Water Resource Classes proposed for Mvoti and Umkhomazi catchments

  12. STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT • Through the Project Steering Committee (PSC) • Multi-discipline members • The role of the PSC • To improve the management process of the project. • To build consensus and reduce the potential for future conflict. • To enable the Department and stakeholders to share knowledge and expertise. • To inform and educate stakeholders about the Department’s function and responsibilities. • Through the Technical Working Group Meetings (TWGs) • Technical sessions on various areas of concern in the project • Obtaining stakeholder input • Through Catchment Management Forums (CMFs)


  14. WHERE TO FROM HERE • Recommending Water Resource Classes for the rest of the catchments • Consolidating water quality concerns from stakeholders in order to set appropriate Resource Quality Objectives (RQOs) • Define Estuary Waste Water Scenarios, determination of consequences • Groundwater, Wetlands, River and Estuary RQOs determination

  15. THANK YOU!! • CONTACT DETAILS: • Director (Water Resource Classification): Ms Shane Naidoo, Tel. 012 336 6707 naidooshane@dwa.gov.za • Scientist production (Water Resource Classification): Ms Mmaphefo Thwala, Tel. 012 336 7976 thwalam@dwa.gov.za • Scientific Manager (Reserve determination) : Ms Barbara Weston, Tel. 012 336 8221 westonb@dwa.gov.za • Reports are available on: http://www.dwa.gov.za/Documents/Policies/WRPP/default.htmORwww.dwa.gov.za/rdm/WRCS/default.aspx

  16. Thank you

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