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Mpix Sensors. 18.05.2011. Matthias Bergholz DESY Zeuthen. 1. 8 Line 1. E. N. S. 1. 12. W. Pixel 32…1. 12. 11. 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. 25. März 2011. Measurements. C/V and I/V bias ring C int , R int I/V and C/V pixel R bias , R PT. 18.05.2011.

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  1. Mpix Sensors 18.05.2011 Matthias Bergholz DESY Zeuthen 1

  2. 8 Line 1 E N S 1 12 W Pixel 32…1 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 25. März 2011

  3. Measurements • C/V and I/V bias ring • Cint, Rint • I/V and C/V pixel • Rbias ,RPT 18.05.2011 Matthias Bergholz DESY Zeuthen 3

  4. Measured sensors -> Sensors had no ceramic support and was send back to CERN (setup up for glued sensors is under construction ) 18.05.2011 4 Matthias Bergholz DESY Zeuthen

  5. Bias Ring I/V 18.05.2011 Matthias Bergholz DESY Zeuthen 5

  6. Depletion Voltagefrom Bias ring C/V 18.05.2011 Matthias Bergholz DESY Zeuthen 6

  7. Cint even numbers = poly silicon odd numbers = punch through regions 1-6 pixel length = 2421mm regions 7-12 pixel length = 1171mm 18.05.2011 Matthias Bergholz DESY Zeuthen 7

  8. RBias for poly silicon 18.05.2011 Matthias Bergholz DESY Zeuthen 8

  9. I/V Pixel 18.05.2011 Matthias Bergholz DESY Zeuthen 9

  10. C/V Pixel 18.05.2011 Matthias Bergholz DESY Zeuthen 10

  11. Rint Rb Rb Rint Guard Ring VDC A H Bias Ring Guard Ring BP DC-PADs Bias Ring A H BP DC-PADs Ib >> Iint A 18.05.2011 Matthias Bergholz DESY Zeuthen 11

  12. Rpunch Robert Eber, KIT =106…109 RPT =2*107 RI Bias ring RU |UDC = 500V| =2*107 RPT U  A BP -> Electrometer and current source is needed 18.05.2011 Matthias Bergholz DESY Zeuthen 12

  13. Open Points • Switching matrix is in preparation • Setup up for glued sensors is planed by an engineer • Alibava read out electronic arrived Zeuthen and first tests were done, now we have to do the final construction (thanks to Karlsruhe & Hamburg for discussions) 18.05.2011 Matthias Bergholz DESY Zeuthen 13

  14. Appendix

  15. Measurement setup -1 Pixel I/V and C/V L Bias Ring Guard Ring A Bias Ring Guard Ring DC-PADs Bias Adapter LCR Meter BP BP H

  16. Measurement setup -2 Rbias and Cint A H Bias Ring LCR Meter Guard Ring L A BP Guard Ring DC-PAD Bias Ring VDC Sample Chuck BP

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