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Interagency Steering Group Meeting Agenda for 13 October 2004

Interagency Steering Group Meeting Agenda for 13 October 2004. Welcome/Introductions Organization Briefings (5-10 minutes/briefing) Interagency Transformation, Education, & After Action Review (ITEA) – Erik Kjonnerod Training Transformation TIM2 – Hank Richmond

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Interagency Steering Group Meeting Agenda for 13 October 2004

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  1. Interagency Steering Group Meeting Agenda for 13 October 2004 • Welcome/Introductions • Organization Briefings (5-10 minutes/briefing) • Interagency Transformation, Education, & After Action Review (ITEA) – Erik Kjonnerod • Training Transformation TIM2 – Hank Richmond • JFCOM Joint Warfighting Center – Frank McCaffrey • Center for Strategic & International Studies (BGN) – Michele Flournoy • State/Humanitarian Information Unit (HIU)– Doug Nash • JFCOM Joint Experimentation – Phil Kearley • Joint Staff, J-7 – Roger Corneretto • Center for Arms Control & Nonproliferation - Beth Degrasse • Alliance for International Conflict Prevention and Resolution (AICPR) – Bill Stuebner

  2. ITEA Organization ITED Leadership Program Executive, GS-15 Erik Kjonnerod Exec & Program Administrator, GS-11 Gloria Paris Alion Liaison Jane Floyd Admin Support GS-7 TBD Alion Assistant TBD IHS Intern TBD FMCS Intern TBD Research & Gaming Division Director, GS-15 Randy Cheek Senior Fellow, (GS-15 equiv.) Sam Gardiner Education Division Director, GS-15 Lee Blank Curriculum Development Coordinator, GS-11 Erin Masly Lessons Learned Coordinator, GS-9 TBD Policy Games Coordinator, GS-9 Kim O’Connor Outreach Program Coordinator, GS-9 KarenHorvath-Wulf JIACG Program Coordinator, USAF O4 Maj Tammi Peacock School/Teaching Coordinator, USA O4 MAJ (P) Lanier Ward

  3. Status of Strategic-Level Program • Curriculum for Strategic-Level Educational Program Complete • Includes 16 topics within 3 modules (environment, players, process) • Detailed lesson plans for each topic cover content, methodology, and supplemental materials • Each educational event can be customized to meet audience requirements and time constraints • Methodology includes lecture, small group discussion, and group activities • Program staff is currently working to identify potential participants for a fall marketing event • Curriculum will be continuously updated to reflect changes in environment and legislation, as well as participant feedback

  4. Status of JIACG Program • US Northern Command • Executed 2 ½ day educational program in March 2004 • US Central Command • Request for FO/GO seminar to educate personnel on the national strategic interagency process and theater strategic collective tasks, exportable interagency course for action officers, and web based individual interagency staff training module • CENTCOM LNO (Col Matt Bogdanos) detailed to ITEA beginning late August (90 days) to assist in program development • US Strategic Command • ITEA staff visited command in July 2004 to determine educational requirements • Program development in progress • Expected delivery date of early 2005

  5. Status of JIACG Program • US European Command • Requested educational program for 20+ JIACG staff • ITEA staff will meet with JIACG staff in early November to determine educational requirements and observe JIACG role in Flexible Leader exercise • Program delivery scheduled for early 2005 • Program may be developed in conjunction with V Corps given their request for education on interagency coordination and process • US Special Operations Command • Have requested educational program • Initial planning meeting in Washington DC, 9-10 November

  6. Other Initiatives • Department of State, Coordinator for Reconstruction and Stabilization • Requested assistance in development of educational program in conjunction with FSI • Training Transformation Interagency, Intergovernmental, and Multinational Mission Essential Tasks (TIM2) Task Force (OSD Training Transformation) • ITEA chairs interagency working group • Alion Liaison (Jane Floyd) assigned to NDU ITEA full time to lead effort • Civil-Military Relations Video Series • “Civil-Military Relations: Working with the Military” DVD in final stages of production, will be available in December timeframe • Byproduct video “ A Discussion on Civil-Military Planning (with Dayton Maxwell and LTC Robert Polk)” will be available late October

  7. Other Initiatives • Planning Decision Support System (PDSS) • Working with JFSC to develop web-based application that allows for the online development of a pol-mil plan (for educational purposes) using templates • Currently undergoing testing, will be available via the ITEA website in Fall 2004 • US-Argentina Interagency Decision-Making Seminar • US-Argentina Bilateral Commission request for political-military simulation to educate mid-level government officials from executive departments (US & Argentina) in the decision-making process • ITEA has formed a US working group for this seminar and will work with Argentine counterparts toward a December 2005 delivery date in Buenos Aires. • Joint Forces Command will support this effort by providing collaborative technologies (InfoWorkSpace) that will allow the American and Argentine working groups to conduct online planning for this event. Back to Agenda

  8. Training Transformation Interagency, Intergovernmental, Multinational Mission Essential Tasks (TIM2) Task ForceBriefing Colonel Pat Kelly Mr. Hank Richmond 703-614-4535 703-575-2817 patrick.kelly@osd.milhrichmond@alionscience.com OUSD-Policy TIM2 Support Team

  9. Why are we here?

  10. Our Intent To better enable broader, more inclusive joint operations with interagency, intergovernmental, and multinational organizations

  11. How do we get there? TIM2 Task Force provides a venue for collaboration among agency and organization planners, operators, and coordinators to collectively…

  12. TIM2 Efforts • Broaden community-wide participation and cooperation • Form Team • Do analysis • Identify intersections • Address gaps and seams

  13. TIM2 Efforts • Determine capabilities • Dissect components (tasks) • Introduce developed TIM2 tasks into the Joint Training System • Develop education and training to prepare individuals and organizations for interagency operations

  14. Joint Forces Command (JFCOM) JFCOM assists in translating TIM2 Task Force products into language for introduc-tion into the Joint Training System. These products are currently referred to as Mission Essential Tasks (METs) but may evolve in the near future into capabilities.

  15. JTS Requirements Plans T2 Joint Training System J J J K N A D T E D C C C SOF Assessment Execution TIM2 Community Interagency Intergovernmental Multinational Interagency SOF Intergovernmental Multinational

  16. Educators and Trainers will determine what and how to train for TIM2 operations using: • Education • Training • Exercises • Experimentation

  17. End State Individuals, organizations, and staffs are educated and trained for broader, more inclusive joint operations with all of the TIM2 community and are prepared to execute capabilities/tasks before required to do so in an actual situation.

  18. Near-Term Way Ahead Oct 15 Email invitations for Planning Conference Oct TBD TIM2 Steering Group Meeting by VTC Nov 3 Integration WG meeting (invited advisors) Nov 17-18 TIM2 Planning Conference at FSI Dec 10 TIM2 Steering Group meeting by VTC Feb TBD TIM2 Task Force Conference Back to Agenda

  19. UNCLASSIFIED United States Joint Forces Command Joint Warfighting Center Interagency Coordination In The JWFC Exercise Program Mr. Frank McCaffery Interagency / Information Operations Program Manager 757 203 7281 (DSN668) frank.mccaffery@jfcom.mil UNCLASSIFIED

  20. WHAT IS INTERAGENCY COORDINATION?“…the coordination that occurs between elements of the Department of Defense and engaged US Government agencies, nongovernmental agencies, private voluntary organizations,and regional and international organizations for the purpose of accomplishing an objective.” Joint Pub 3-08

  21. One Stop Shopping Coherent Joint Operations Joint Training to ... Interagency / Intergovernmental Training Topoff/VS Category 6 Multinational Joint Headquarters Training via Simulation Category 5 Bright Star/CG Live Multinational Multi-Service Training Unified Spirit Category 4 Commander & Staff Joint Training via Simulation Category 3 Internal Look Live Multi-Service Training Category 2 JTFEX/Roving Sands Service, Individual & Unit Training Category 1 NTC/JRTC/Nellis/Fallon Supporting RCC’s Requirements



  24. How we do it….--Analyze Training Objectives and the scenario to develop the appropriate level of interagency participation/replication.--Define relationships and responsibilities, depending on the exercise objectives, for alliance, coalition, multinational, unilateral and Military Assistance for Civilian Authority (MACA) operations.

  25. -Produce appropriate documentation to provide the strategic and operational clarity of mission during the Road to Crisis, to the MSEL process and through the exercise. -Coordinate with Agencies, Departments and Organizations for “real world” participation during exercise execution. Absent that, identify and arrange for subject matter expert role players.

  26. Interagency Strategy and Issues Multinational/ Peace Ops NSPD’s Pol/Mil Environment Consequence Management OOTW ROE/RUF MACA Unity of Effort • FUERTES DEFENSAS • BRIGHT STAR • SHARP FOCUS • UNIFIED ENDEAVOR • FLEXIBLE LEADER • TERMINAL FURY • VIGILENT SHEILD • BLUE ADVANCE • INTERNAL LOOK IA Exercise Participation IA Exercise Team Training Group IA Training Deployable Training Teams

  27. Department of State Department of Justice Department of Transportation Department of Treasury Department of Energy Department of Agriculture Ambassadors (active/retired) Country teams Regional Political organizations Joint Staff Host Governments FEMA OFDA FBI UNHCR OCHA ICRC FEST CMRT OSCE EU UN JDOMS Among others…. Who we do it with…..

  28. Exercise Participation Commander and Staff Training Phase I Academic Training Phase III Exercise Execution Phase II Planning Exercise Deployment Exercise Phase IV Analysis J7 Participation in Execution Impact on Planning Pol-Mil & Strategic Plan Development

  29. Strategic Concepts NSC White Papers Embassy Cables Terms of Reference Transition Documentation Pol Mil Plan Executive Summaries Dart Reports Hast reports ESAT/CSAT/PSAT Reports UNDAC Assessments Demarches UN Resolutions And more What is produced…..

  30. Examples of Interagency Participation Agile Response 04:FEST,CMST, Embassy Athens, JS, Unified Defense 04:HLS, HLD, JDOMS, JS, FEMA, HHS, FBI, Texas EOC Blue Advance 04:DOS(PRM,Desk), OSD SO/LIC, JS, OFDA, HLS Determined Promise 03:HLS, HLD, JDOMS, JS, FEMA, HHS, FBI, Nevada EOC Internal Look 03:DOS(PRM,Desk,IPI), US Mission Geneva, JS, OSD, OTI, OFDA Unified Defense 02:FEMA, FBI, JS, DOMS, HHS, OSD Sharp Eagle 01: CIA, UN OCHA, DOS-PRM, NGOs, DOJ, EUCOM Deputy POLAD, OSCE

  31. Category VI Vision and Challenges(Interagency Process) Define Relationships & Responsibilities: Alliance, Coalition, Multinational, NGO/IO, & MACA Pursue exercise participation Integrate Doctrine with Operational Concepts and Training (DTTP) Synchronize Interagency and RCC JMETL Coordinate Experimentation and Assessment Integrate Planning Synchronize Training Events Back to Agenda

  32. Center for Strategic & International Studies Beyond Goldwater Nichols • Beyond Goldwater Nichols Phase I • Focused on DOD reform, but need for integration of all elements of national power was quickly evident • Recommendations on NSC structure, civilian capacity building, creation of office of Coordinator for Reconstruction & Stabilization, civilian stability ops corps and reserve, interagency training center • Briefed to senior DOD leadership in Spring 2004 • Report can be found at: http://www.bgn-csis.org/

  33. Center for Strategic & International Studies Beyond Goldwater Nichols • Beyond Goldwater Nichols Phase II • Focused on unity of effort in policy implementation (rather than policy development) • Addresses misaligned roles, authorities, & funding • Working group sessions will continue through the fall • Briefing to Administration in early 2005 • Final report will be completed by late winter 2005/ early spring 2006 • Report will contain actionable recommendations for Congress and the Administration on best practices at the strategic level, interagency division of labor, more responsive/deployable civilian capabilities Return to Agenda

  34. Humanitarian Information Unit • Serves as a USG interagency center to identify, collect, analyze, and disseminate unclassified information critical to USG decision-makers and partners in preparation for and response to humanitarian emergencies worldwide • Promotes best practices for humanitarian information management • In support of USG interagency community, all can request assistance • Includes participation of National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, Department of Defense, Department of State, US Agency for International Development

  35. Humanitarian Information Unit • Current Initiatives • Common Operating Picture • Website with ARC GIS mapping tool • Will be able to download maps and other products (unclass) • Will be validated by January 2005 and available for use by interagency community • Requires request for account and password • Partnership with ITEA • GIS mapping in support of gaming/simulation • Help establish common operating picture for decision-makers • Support to AIDS Initiative in Africa Return to Agenda

  36. Joint Forces Command, Joint Experimentation • Develops, explores, tests, and validates 21st-century warfighting concepts. • This continuous process forms the basis of transformation. New ideas are gathered and expanded to describe how future joint operational capabilities will be used. • Concepts may be revolutionary, driving new technology; evolutionary, building upon all newly discovered knowledge; and/or innovative, applying off-the-shelf technologies to the development of future concepts. • Joint warfighting transformational concepts developed here will be integrated into future joint forces training.

  37. Joint Forces Command, Joint Experimentation • Current initiatives • Collaborative network capability • Provide server, software, and tech support • Capabilities includes chat, audio, and share files • Full Spectrum JIACG • Recommendations for DOD • Concept of operations for how JIACGs of future should operate • Look beyond current CT focus to deliberate and crisis planning for wide array of complex contingency operations/complex emergencies • Multinational Interagency Coordination Group • Testing with partner nations through series of multinational experiments • Includes non-governmental and international organizations • Capability Matrix • Online tool that details agency capabilities Return to Agenda

  38. Joint Staff, J7 • More staff capacity • New planning cycle • New planning technique • adaptive planning rather than deliberate planning • Shorter planning time • Adaptive, living plans • Interagency plan (Annex V) will also change • Opportunity to merge actual planning practices with new ideas and doctrine Return to Agenda

  39. Center for Arms Control & Nonproliferation Policy • 2 Legislative Initiatives • Global Peace Operations Initiative (GPOI) • 75,000 new peacekeepers to be trained worldwide • Center of Excellence for Doctrine, Training and Logistics in Vicenza, Italy • Upcoming article to be published by USIP • State/Coordinator for Reconstruction and Stabilization • $1 million for operations, $20 million for conflict response • Center for Stabilization and Reconstruction Studies to be set up at Naval Post Graduate School Return to Agenda

  40. The Alliance for International Conflict Prevention and Resolution • AICPR is a not-for-profit network of private and public organizations dedicated to increasing the effectiveness of the conflict management field and maximizing its impact on international peace building. • Partnered with Social Sciences Department at West Point to create “Winning the Peace” course, which will be tested on senior cadets upcoming year • Course objectives include increasing the awareness of the complex array of actors on all sides of a conflict and understanding the limitations and capabilities of outside actors in a conflict Return to Agenda

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